Chapter 35, Chapter 35

At this time, other ninja villages also received invitations from Konoha for the Chunin Exam.

The Land of Water, the Hidden Mist Village.

"Huh? Konoha actually invited us to take the Chunin Exam? As far as I know, in the previous Chunin Exam, he would only invite allies, right?"

A voice hidden in the darkness spoke in his low voice.

The Ninja of the Water Country below trembled all over.

Hastily replied in a respectful tone. "Yes, Fourth Mizukage-sama! It is indeed Konoha's invitation."

"Then go, otherwise, they thought our ninjas in Wuyin Village couldn't do anything..."

Fourth Mizukage raised his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes. "It's also a good time to go and see what kind of tricks Konoha is playing!"


The country of thunder.

Cloud Hidden Ninja Village.

A strong man with dark skin laughed.His strong body exudes an endless sense of oppression, and every move makes the ninja underneath feel full of pressure.

"Hahaha! Konoha invited us to take the Chunin Exam? That group of cowards actually made such a decision? To be honest, it's really beyond my expectation!"

The ninja below asked tentatively. "Fourth Raikage-sama, shall we go?"

"Why don't you go? That old bastard Sarutobi Hiraku wants to use this Chunin exam to deter us, so that we will no longer be full of hostility and prying eyes on them."

"I'll use this opportunity to tell him about the strength of our Yunyin Ninja Village!"

"Hmph! I want her to see who is intimidating whom!"


country of wind.

Sand Hidden Ninja Village.

"Invitation to the Chunin Exam from Konoha Ninja Village?"

Sidai Kazekage looked at the invitation letter in his hand and fell into thought.

"Konoha probably wants to rely on this Chunin exam to show his strength to deter other ninja villages."

"Although we are Konoha's allies, we should also participate to show our strength, otherwise we may be underestimated."

"Notify Gaara that I'm ready to take the Chunin exam!"

Four generations of Kazekage ordered to his subordinates.

"Yes! Lord Fengying!"

The subordinates took orders to retreat.


Those who finally decided to participate were the Land of Water, the Land of Wind, and the Land of Thunder.

Land of Earth, for some reason, did not come to participate.

In addition, in addition to the five major countries, there are some other small countries.

For example, Grass Ninja Village, Rain Ninja Village, and Sound Ninja Village also came to participate.

For the refusal to participate in the land of the earth.Three generations of Hokage didn't think it had anything to do with it.

It doesn't matter if you come or not, as long as Naruto shines in this Chunin exam.

That is equivalent to telling the world that their new generation of ninjas are extremely talented.

In the future, Konoha will become stronger and stronger.

Even if the Land of Earth doesn't come, they will still receive news.

It can still act as a deterrent.

Therefore, after receiving the reply from the ninja village who came to participate, the third Hokage also immediately ordered Konoha's ninja village to start preparing for this exam.

As for Naruto
Can it be done to deter other villages?

Three generations of old men have already received Kakashi's report, and they have absolute confidence in Naruto.

Isn't it easy for a guy who can kill more than 1 bandits, more than 30 ninjas, and eight jounin in one day to take a Chunin exam?

The ninjas in other villages are probably as weak as ants to Naruto!

And the other side.

Naruto was looking at his system panel excitedly at home at this moment.

After today's hard work and defeating so many bandits, his experience and system points have exploded.

At this moment, his experience points have reached 2 points!
The system points directly reached [-]!
These system points and experience are almost all given by killing the bandits today.

Although most of those bandits are ordinary people.

With one punch, the fist wind can kill one.

But the key is quantity!

Even if an ordinary person is only given a little experience, then 1 ordinary people will have [-] points!

Not to mention that there are more than 30 ninjas among them, and eight of them are jounin!

And after this experience.

Naruto found that killing the enemy will get more points and experience points.

Of course, this is also very normal.

After all, if you didn't beat the other party to death, you can find the other party next time, and keep brushing the other party as if it were an experience book.

But after killing him, the opponent is gone.

You'll just have to find someone else next time.

Therefore, it is understandable that you will gain more experience points by killing than defeating.

Now that I have so many system points, let's draw first!

"System! Start extracting skills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery! Consume [-] system points to obtain the advanced skill Bound of Light!"

"Binding of Light: Send out a beam of energy to bind the opponent in place. Binding time: 3 seconds!"

Looking at this skill, Naruto shook his head.

Bondage has a hairy use.

If I have this time, I'll just punch him and kill him, won't it be enough?

Even if it's for girls, it's useless, it's only three seconds, and I'm not a second boy!
Naruto shook his head.

The system lottery is not always able to get useful skills!

Fortunately, I still have two chances to draw a lottery.

"Continue to extract skills!" Naruto ordered to the system again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully extracting it. Consumes [-] system points. Obtains a rare level skill: Slash through the air!"

"Pierce the sky and draw the sword: send out a semicircular sword energy forward, cutting all enemies within a radius of 5000 meters in front!"

Naruto's eyes lit up when he saw this skill, it's a pretty good skill.

Breaking through the sky and drawing swords is the 70 skill of Juggernaut in Dungeon and Warriors.

It is not only a range attack, but also a magical skill to clear mobs and grab DPS.

Also known as dignified sword cut.

Because as the sword master of the sewer profession, the damage is too low.The only way to increase your sense of existence is to cut through the air and slash the mobs.

Moreover, the most critical point of this skill is that it is very handsome!

There is a feeling that wherever the sword energy goes, everything will be cut in two.

Naruto has already said that it doesn't matter if it hurts or not, being handsome is a matter of life.

If I had this skill earlier, today's bandit suppression work would be completed faster, right?

Just draw a sword at each bandit stronghold!
It is definitely the most suitable skill to clear mobs!
Naruto likes this kind of simple and straightforward attack method.

He doesn't want anything like bondage.

"There are still [-] points. Finally, draw again and see what good things you can get!"

Naruto rubbed his hands nervously.

Then command again: "Start the draw!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery, consuming [-] points, and obtaining a rare level skill: Rampage!"

"Rare-level skill rampage: After turning on rampage, the host's strength increases by 100%, attack power increases by 100%, speed increases by 100%, and intelligence decreases by 50%."

This skill is also good!

Naruto always likes to be reckless.

He doesn't like to do adequate planning with his head, so intelligence doesn't matter much to him when it comes to fighting.

If strength, attack power, and speed are all increased by 100%, it will be very cool.

Now with his full attack, he should be able to beat an elite Jonin to death with one punch.

If it is increased by 100%, wouldn't even a shadow-level powerhouse be unable to withstand my punch?
(End of this chapter)

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