Chapter 2 2, come here

The practice field in the back mountain of Konoha.

Students who passed this personal intrusion test got together.Everyone had a smug look on their faces.

"Hahaha! An intrusion test, how can it be difficult for me to beat me? Such a test is simply giving me points for Inuzuka teeth!"

Inuzuka Ya's expression was very smug, obviously very satisfied with his performance in cooperating with Akamaru just now.

"Hehe..." Sasuke who was next to him sneered when he heard Iba's words.

"What are you laughing at? Sasuke, although your usual grades are indeed very good, but this time I am sure to surpass you in the test!" Inuzuka tooth is impatient, when he heard Sasuke laughed, he pointed at him unhappily and said .

Sasuke's face was cold: "It's just an ordinary test, isn't it easy to pass? What is there to be proud of?"

"The next graduation exam is nothing to us. Those who fail to pass the graduation exam are rubbish!"

"The only thing we can really pay attention to is the battlefield, and the only life-and-death contest with the enemy!"

As soon as the words came out.

The few female students present were suddenly full of little stars.

Sakura: "Wow! As expected of Sasuke-kun! He is so handsome!"

Ino: "When we were still having headaches trying to pass the test, Sasuke-kun was already thinking about fighting on the battlefield in the future! It's amazing! Is this the difference between a genius and an ordinary student?"

Inuzuka's face was aggrieved: "Damn it, let him pretend again!"

He was about to refute Sasuke again.



There was a sudden loud bang from the fortifications behind them.

It was as if the whole earth trembled.

All the students looked back.

"God, what's going on?"

"Why is there such a big commotion in that place?"

"What happened inside?"

When everyone straightened their necks and looked over there, they found a strong young man walking from that direction swaggeringly.

Although this guy was their classmate, he was [-] to [-] centimeters taller than them at the time, and he stood out from the crowd.

And the gate of the fortification over there seemed to be kicked away by this guy.

" also passed the test?" Hinata asked softly with a blushing face.

"Hahaha! Of course, is there any suspense? I sneaked in perfectly, and got the information without any accident!" Naruto showed a hearty smile.

Just like at the beginning, Naruto walked into the fortification with carelessness.He was discovered by the guarding teacher inside. Seeing his foolish appearance, the teacher inside couldn't help jumping out and scolding him.

Then, without any accident, they were all knocked down by him with one punch.

In this way, it perfectly "lurked" to the place where the intelligence was hidden.

And the teacher who guards the information is their homeroom teacher, Iruka.

It's a little more troublesome to deal with here.

Because Iruka knows Naruto better.

As soon as Iruka saw Naruto approaching carelessly, he didn't scold Naruto, but reacted immediately, and rushed directly to the information, trying to destroy that information.

Attempts to let Naruto capture it failed at the cost of destroying the information.

It is precisely because of Iruka's behavior that Naruto's final capture made a lot of noise
However, he still completed the task perfectly.

As for Iruka, he was even worse.

But, who made him want to destroy the intelligence and fail the test?
"Quick! Send these teachers out!"

"Let the medical ninja come over quickly!"

"Who did it? The shot is so heavy?"

"Quick! Go! This place is going to collapse!"


Many staff were scurrying about the author's rescue work at the fortifications, and they were still cursing.

When Hinata and other students saw this scene, everyone was speechless.

Then they looked at Naruto with strange expressions in their eyes.

They have been classmates for several years, and everyone knows Naruto's character very well.

Originally, Naruto was just a crane tail, the slowest in learning everything, and usually only mischievous in the village.He was looked down upon by all his classmates and bullied by other children in the village.

But I don't know why, two years ago, he stopped messing around, his personality started to become weird, and his body began to grow rapidly. In just two years, he grew fifty centimeters taller!
And the body is too strong, the whole body is full of muscles!
At the same time, the children in the village did not dare to bully him anymore, because any child who bullied him would be beaten to the knees and called daddy.

"Hidden mission? As long as you kill all the people who see me, doesn't it mean that no one sees me?"

"Negotiation? It's not necessary, is it? Beat up all those who have objections until they dare not object, isn't it enough?"

"Rescue the hostages? Why do you want to save the hostages? Just kill all the hostage-takers. Wouldn't the hostages be safe?"


These strange remarks all came from Naruto's mouth.

and so……

It is estimated that this time the latent mission, he also came here directly, right?
Facing everyone's strange eyes, Naruto didn't care, he stretched directly.

"For this latent mission, I tried my best and exhausted a lot of energy. I'm a little hungry." He looked at Hinata, "Hinata-chan, do you have lunch today?"

Hinata blushed, then stretched out that small white hand, reached into her chest, took out a bento, held it in both hands and handed it to Naruto: "Yes... yes... Naruto Jun, please use it slowly!"

Naruto nodded in satisfaction, and ate the bento directly.

It has been two years since he traveled here.

He is familiar with the plot, of course he can't feel at ease eating instant noodles every day.

And practicing boxing every day consumes a lot of energy, okay?

So I told Hinata to let her bring an extra bento every day.

A lady like Hinata who was born in such a noble family as Hinata.The daily pocket money is much higher than his monthly living expenses, so bringing an extra bento every day is of course nothing.

And what does it matter if you ask your future wife to bring you lunch?
Hinata is also happy to bring bento to Naruto.

Seeing Naruto eating bento in front of her, she always felt happy.

Naruto was gobbling it up in front of everyone, and at the same time scolded Sandai Hokage in his heart.

The three-generation old man in Dog Day only gives me 1000 taels a month for living expenses, which is not enough to eat!

He also acts like a kind old man from time to time, which makes people sneer!

Soon Naruto finished eating the bento, and at the same time returned the bento box to Hinata, who blushed and stuffed the box into her chest again.

Afterwards, Naruto looked at his attribute panel after eating and drinking.

"Host: Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Currently possessed skills: Subduing others! Current level: 2!"

"The power to subdue others: let your fist be equipped with fist energy, so that your next two punches will have the power to destroy the world. Reminder: When facing female enemies, the damage will increase by 200%!"

"Skill experience: 2960/3000! (Cannot be upgraded!)"

"System points: 9560 points!"

His system is very simple, it is a lottery system.

After reaching [-] system points, you can draw a prize once.

In his first lottery draw, he got the skill of the most famous player in LOL - the power to bend others!
After using this skill, his next two punches can increase the damage.

And when facing female enemies, there are special bonuses.

After all, there is a saying that goes well, a woman with a big wrist makes a woman cry.

As a male boxing hero known as a strong man, he is indeed very good at beating women.

Therefore, his skills will have special damage to female enemies.

It is precisely because of the blessing of this skill that he was able to knock out a Chunin teacher with one punch.

Just passed the test and defeated the four Chunin teachers.

But only four punches were used in total.

The experience points obtained are too little, and it is still not enough to upgrade.

There is only [-] experience points left to upgrade Qu Ren Zhi Wei to level three.

So if you want to upgrade, you must continue to fight with others.

Naruto raised his head and glanced at his classmates.

Sensing Naruto's gaze, all the students froze in place for an instant, as if even the air froze.

Naruto's gaze, after scanning around, finally locked on Sasuke Uchiha.

"You, Uchiha Sasuke, come here..."

As soon as this word comes out.

All the male students breathed a sigh of relief.

The stiff air also began to regain some vitality.

However, Sasuke's expression was frozen on his face, and he was shocked:
"Naruto, what do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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