Konoha: I went from ninja to the strongest ninja!

Chapter 160 You scared him away on purpose.

Chapter 160 You scared him away on purpose.

Everyone looked over and found that it was Jiraiya, who limped out with the support of a medical ninja. .

His face was pale, bloodless, and his whole body was a little sluggish.

It's not at all as energetic as Mu Yin's appearance.

I'm afraid it's just at this moment.Saved his life, there is no fighting power at all.

Obviously at this moment he has not recovered his body at all.

A ninja next to him was a little confused.Subconsciously asked: "Master Jiraiya...is this?"

"Can't you see it? We're fooling Chiyo!" Jiraiya pouted and said, "If I'm really in such a good state like Shizune's conjured up, do you think we would open the door so stupidly? ?"

That ninja is still a little confused. "Do not open the door. What are you planning to do?"

"Are you stupid? If I can really recover my combat power, I will of course have to find a way to sneak attack. How can I just open the door and let the other party have a chance to escape?" Zilai said angrily.

As a ninja, one-hit kill in the dark is what they have to learn.

In this case, of course, you should secretly find an opportunity to kill the opponent.

Sneak attack is the best way.

Although it is a bit dirty, it is the most effective.

It's a pity that neither Jiraiya nor Tsunade has recovered to their best condition.

After all, Konoha's senior management basically knew that Tsunade had a phobia.

They also heard the fierce fighting outside in the operating room, and knew that the fighting outside must be very fierce, not to mention the blood.

It will definitely make Tsunade unable to show his strength.

As for Jiraiya, he has just stabilized his injury and is barely able to stand up.

If he wanted to recover to the strength to be able to fight, he might have to rest for a long time.

"Tsunade came out early because he was worried that you were going to be unable to hold on." Jilai also sighed, and continued: "So I came out before I fully recovered, but that's okay , because you really can't hold it anymore."

They can also hear the outside voices in the operating room, knowing that the battle outside is very intense.

At the same time, I also know that the Chiyo mother-in-law used poison.

Naruto probably won't last long.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened the door, she found that Grandma Chiyo had used her most powerful Jinsong Shiren.

Fortunately, I came out early, otherwise it would be unimaginable when she called in.

Once the first hand sees blood, it will trigger frenzied blood, and it has no fighting power at all.

Jiraiya has just returned to the current state.Can't fight at all.

If the other party rushed into the operating room, I'm afraid they wouldn't be scared away like they are now.

If it does get to that point.

Even if Tsunade pretends to be awesome, the other party will probably try it out.

Once you try it, you will find that Tsunade has no fighting power at all.

Fortunately, they also dealt with Granny Qianshou before.

I know the character of this old woman.

That's why they decided to make Shizune look like Jiraiya. If Tsunade only stared at the other person's body and didn't look at other places, he could suppress the hemophobia for a while.

Just be able to pack a punch.

With the opponent's cautious character, he will definitely not love to fight.

Sure enough, just as they imagined, Grandma Chiyo retreated directly.

Naruto asked with a strange expression on the side: "Do you mean that you came out on purpose to scare him away?"

He was really confused.

I chased her for a few minutes, and finally she was about to fight to the death with me, so you just came out and scared her away?

"I have to say that you are really pig teammates. I was almost able to beat him to death!"

Naruto couldn't help but complain.

"Forget it! Hurry up and let the medical ninja see your poison! We have already heard people saying that you are poisoned in the medical room! Otherwise, we wouldn't have come out so soon!" Zilai was also angry Speaking of.

Indeed, Sakura and Hinata called poisoning because they were worried about Naruto.

And they were guarding the door of the medical room, yelling at the door, which could indeed be heard clearly inside.

And thinking of Grandma Chiyo, who is a Kage-level powerhouse who has been famous for a long time, they can probably guess Naruto's situation.

I'm afraid he can't stand it.

So it came out early.

"Go, go and see his poisoning situation first! Grandma Chiyo's poison is not so easy to cure. If it really can't be cured, just wait until Tsunade's phobia passes, and then think of a way!" He also instructed the medical ninja next to him.

The medical ninja hurried to Naruto's side, looked left and right, but it seemed that he was not poisoned at all.

Naruto waved his hand: "Don't look, I'm not poisoned at all, what effect can that little poison have on me?"

"Aren't you poisoned?" Zilai also showed some surprise, but then he said: "It doesn't matter if you are not poisoned, anyway, you can't last long, after all, my mother-in-law has already used his 10 people. Obviously he didn't have enough time to watch, and he has decided to fight to the death."

From Jiraiya's point of view, once Chiyo's mother-in-law has used all her strength, even he himself may not be able to win in the peak state.

Not to mention that Naruto is just a teenage brat.

Naruto: I'm waiting for him to fight to the death, okay?
But he didn't have the nerve to accuse Jiraiya and Tsunade.

After all, these two people also cared about themselves, and they came out because they were afraid that they would not be able to withstand it.

It's just a pity that so many enemies were all retreated by them.

That's all experience!

Looking at the direction in which those people left, Naruto was still a little bit reluctant.

There is even an urge to rush up and chase them.

At this time, Tsunade also slowly recovered under Shizune's care. He calmed down his mind, and then said:
"Order all medical ninjas to start treating the wounded immediately!"

It seemed that her blood phobia had recovered a little, and Zirai also breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, not only now, but even when he was treating his own injuries, Tsunade's hemophobia caused a lot of trouble.

She had to wait for the other medical ninjas to clean up the blood before she could begin treatment.

Otherwise, as a top medical ninja, it wouldn't take that long for him to heal himself. .

Grandma Chiyo retreated because of this consideration.

Because he felt that the delay was long enough.

This time is enough time for Tsunade to heal a wounded person!
So intelligence is very important to ninjas.

The false information released by Nara Kamikaze played a role at this moment.

Give Tsunade credit, let the enemy think that Gangshou is very strong, and also conceal her phobia.

This made Grandma Chiyo think that Tsunade was able to heal Jiraiya so quickly and possessed extremely strong combat effectiveness.

That's why she retreated immediately after seeing Tsunade and Jiraiya appearing.

(End of this chapter)

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