Konoha: I went from ninja to the strongest ninja!

Chapter 156 I'm going down in person

Chapter 156 I'm going down in person

on the ground.

Grandma Chiyo was full of anger:

"What's going on? Why haven't those who went down broke through to the operating room after so long? So many people went there, and Jiraiya was also seriously injured. He didn't have any resistance. With Tsunade alone, how could he protect the operating room? Got Zilai?"

"Are these guys all idiots!"

There are hundreds of ninjas from the Kingdom of the Wind who jumped off these three passages!

Even two elite jnin jumped down.

Even after so long, there is no good news.

Originally, a medical ninja would treat injuries much faster than ordinary doctors, not to mention that Tsunade is the most powerful medical ninja in the ninja world.If this delay continues, he will be cured!
Mother-in-law Chiyo is dealing with Konoha's 7 jounin by herself, and three of them are elite jounin. It can be said that all the high-end combat power here is basically held back by herself.

The rest are little loro.

How can those people who went down still be stuck?
"What the hell are you dawdling about?!" Grandma Chiyo roared angrily, getting a little impatient.

"Report Chiyo-sama! We have discovered the location of Konoha's underground stronghold operating room, but there is a very powerful ninja guarding the door of the operating room! We have lost dozens of ninjas, and we still can't break through!"

A ninja reported helplessly.

They have also been working hard for a long time.

And dozens of teammates died.

But there is still no way to break through, which is also impossible.

These three passages have been controlled by their ninjas from the Kingdom of the Wind at this moment.

But even if he jumped from three passages at the same time, he still couldn't break through the last line of defense at the door.

The one guarding the door is not a ninja, but a monster!

If it is in an open area outside, maybe they can think of a way, such as using the tiger to leave the mountain or using some ninjutsu to trap the other party.

But the underground space is really too narrow, and it goes straight.

There's no place to hide, and no place to pull some intrigue.

In the underground space, even elite ninjas are no match for a punch from the opponent.

what can they doThey are also desperate!All they can do is hope that the other party will be exhausted.

But now, it was obvious that the other party was not tired enough.

The elite Jōnin gritted his teeth and said:

"Master Chiyo! Please give us a little more time, give us a little more time, we will definitely be able to rush in!"

Although the opponent is indeed very strong, he seems to be just an inexperienced Lengtouqing.

During the battle, it seems that each group is very powerful, and they don't even think about preserving their physical strength.

With this extremely intense fighting style, it is easy to exhaust your physical strength.

He didn't believe that the other party wouldn't be tired!
After the opponent's physical strength is exhausted, it's time for them to attack in groups!
Now that the opponent has killed nearly a hundred people, how many more can he kill?
As long as the opponent is tired of killing, they have a chance to win!
However, Grandma Qiandai shook her head coldly: "Okay, it's better to rely on you bastards than to go by myself. You are here to guard me and go down by myself!"

Mother-in-law Chiyo couldn't bear it anymore. At this moment, they used the information gap to launch a sneak attack.

All it takes is a quick fix.

Too much time has passed now.

It does not meet the original intention of this surprise attack.

And if this delay continues, even if Tsunade cannot completely heal Nature, he can stabilize his injury first, hand it over to other people for treatment, and free up his hands to participate in the battle.

Now they can't break through, once they have freed their hands to participate in the battle, wouldn't it be even more detrimental to the Kingdom of Wind?

"Next, I will go down in person, and I will hand over these people above to you. They have been fighting with me for so long, and their physical strength has been consumed a lot. If you can't even look down on these people, then you should punish them on the spot!"

Grandma Chiyo said coldly.

At this moment, the Konoha ninjas on the ground have consumed a lot of physical strength, as well as the traps they prepared.

The strength is not as good as it was at the beginning.

Moreover, Grandma Chiyo's own strength has not yet been fully demonstrated, and he has always reserved his own unique skills to deal with Tsunade.

Now is the time to put it to use!
In an instant, the puppets floating around Grandma Chiyo, like kites with broken strings, lost control and fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, 10 new puppets appeared beside him.

At this time, the ten new golems have different shapes, but each one gives people a feeling of fear and power.

This is……

Everyone's eyes widened!
This is the legendary white secret skill, Jinsong ten people!

Afterwards, these ten terrifying puppets jumped into one of the passages directly protecting Grandma Chiyo.

Nara Kamikaze was taken aback for a moment, then rushed over and shouted, "Don't even think about leaving!"

The Konoha ninjas next to him also began to attack this side with all their strength.

However, he was stopped by a ninja from the Kingdom of Wind: "Your enemy is us,
Don't even try to chase Chiyo-sama! "

Seeing his attack with all his strength being blocked by the opponent, Nara Kamikaze had no choice but to shake his head helplessly.

After a hard fight on their side, their physical strength was almost exhausted.

Originally, 7 people besieged Chiyo's mother-in-law, but only 4 survived at this moment.

And there are more or less wounds on the body, which is not half of the usual peak.

"It seems that we have no way to stop it. I hope that Naruto guy can last a little longer, and Tsunade-sama can speed up."


At this moment, in the underground space.

Naruto was raising his fist, punching the enemy punch by punch.

However, he found that there seemed to be fewer and fewer enemies. He looked up at the passage and found that there were fewer and fewer enemies jumping down from the passage.

And an old woman is being escorted by 10 puppets to the underground space.

This person is Grandma Chiyo!
When she saw the underground space where the blood was flowing like a river, she was taken aback for a moment: "What happened underground? Is it this kid who killed so many of our companions?"

Then, she set her sights on Naruto.

"You're the one who killed them? Looks like a teenage brat!"

After hearing these words, the surrounding ninjas of the Wind Country lowered their heads in shame.

Indeed, hundreds of them ninjas were killed by a kid.

Speaking of this, it will be impossible to mess around in the ninja world in the future!

"That's... Chiyo? The most powerful puppeteer in the legend!" Seeing Grandma Chiyo appear, Sakura's eyes widened.

"It is said that she can destroy a country by herself!" Hinata next to her also showed some fear.

(End of this chapter)

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