Konoha: I went from ninja to the strongest ninja!

Chapter 15 Chapter 15, Exam Begins

Chapter 15 Chapter 15, Exam Begins

Three days passed quickly, and finally came the day of the graduation exam.

Obviously, the graduation exam this time is different from the previous ones. At the beginning, the ninja skills are not tested, but actual combat.

There are even a lot of elite ninjas watching.

It can be seen that these elite ninjas are here to select their disciples.

The ninja students are eager to try.

If you can become a disciple of the elite Jonin, your future will definitely be very smooth!
Although it is said which teacher will follow in the end, it is finally assigned by Master Hokage.

But if the elite Jonin asked for it, Hokage-sama would also consider it, right?
If you can really be favored by the elite jonin, it is normal to say a few words in front of Hokage-sama and be asked to become a disciple.

Otherwise, if you are not attracted by the Junin, you can only talk to some Chunin teachers.

I'm afraid it will soon disappear from everyone.

After all, there are more than 12 students in a class, but there are only 12 Xiaoqiang in the entire animation, who can be well known by people.

Who would the other students pay attention to them?
At this time, the students have formed a team and are waiting for the test to start.

There are 36 students in the whole class, divided into 12 groups.

The homeroom teacher, Iruka, started calling his students by their names.

"The first group! Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara! Choji Akimichi!"

Obviously, the bond formed by Zhuludie once again.

They chose to be a group.

After being called by Iruka's name, they rushed to the center of the field and began to attack the Chunin teacher.

Although they were all beaten by Naruto in the class, it didn't prevent them from being excellent students.

Especially with the cooperation of Zhuludie, their strength is very strong.

Soon they got into a fight with the Chunin teacher, and they cooperated with each other very tacitly, and there was even a tendency to faintly suppress that Chunin teacher!
"As expected of Zhuludie! This kind of strength is really amazing. It's just a ninja, and the students in the school have already cooperated so tacitly. In the future, on the battlefield, they will definitely make more progress!"

"Akimichi Choji is so proficient in using the technique of doubling his age at a young age, it's very powerful!"

"You have to be careful with Ino's mind-changing technique at all times. Once you get hit, the battle will be over!"

"The shadow under your feet is also very scary..."

"It's obvious that their tactics have been well thought out. I'm afraid they have prepared a lot in advance!"

The teachers next to him expressed their satisfaction with Zhuludie's cooperation.

Adding up the strength of the three of them, they are almost the same as all the teachers!
This kind of performance has even reached the level of elite ninja.

It's already a great thing for three jinn to beat one zhongnin!
A Chunin teacher said: "The test method temporarily changed by the three generations of Naruto-sama is really useful. I think it should continue to be used."

"That's right, I also think this way we can see the strength of the students more intuitively. It's better than a separate test!"

The ninjas next to him also echoed.

Fighting in a team is much better than testing your ninja skills alone, after all ninjas will eventually go to battle.

No matter how beautiful your ninjutsu is, what use is it without actual combat?

For ninjas, it is the most correct way to make a plan, use each other's characteristics to cooperate, highlight their abilities, and make themselves stronger.

A ninja must not only consider himself, but also his teammates.

Moreover, letting the students form their own teams also tested the students' cognition of themselves and their classmates.

Whether they can find the right teammates is also a test for them.

Unsuitable teammates, if they cooperate with each other, it may be counterproductive.

Only the right teammates can help and grow each other.

So it looks like it's just a battle test, and it's a test.A ninja's interpersonal communication, a ninja's self-awareness.

And Zhuludie's performance made perfect use of this point.

In the middle of the field, that Chunin teacher was even a little caught off guard.

The technique of doubling launched an attack.

Mind-changing technique is at the side, waiting for an opportunity at any time.

Shadow imitation technique, constantly restricting movement on the ground.

That Chunin teacher already felt a little tricky.

In the end, the Chunin teacher revealed a flaw.His feet were bound by shadows.Impossible to move for a moment.

Zhuludie successfully passed the first test!
Although that Chunin teacher could have eliminated the three of them one after another if it was a deathmatch, but in the test, obviously, he couldn't escape the cooperation of Zhuludie with his hands tied.

Obviously, these three people passed the graduation exam and successfully became Genin!
"Not bad! The first group cooperated very well, which made me very optimistic about this class!"

"As expected of Zhuludie, these three people have been trained. They should be able to take over the mantle from their parents soon, right?"

"The students in this batch are really outstanding..."

The Chunin next to him sighed.

"This team is good, I should be able to train them into elite ninjas!" Asma took a puff of cigarette and said to Hong beside her.

"Oh? Do you want to accept them as disciples?" Hong Mei asked with a wink.

Asma nodded.

The ninja next to him heard the conversation between the two, and they all looked at Shikamaru and the others enviously.

To become a disciple of Asma Sarutobi, the future is limitless!

"Yo! Kakashi, Asma next to him, has already started robbing disciples, have you found any good seedlings?" Maitekai asked beside Kakashi.

"It's just started, what's the rush? But you, you already have a disciple, why are you still here? Are you dissatisfied with the current disciple?" Kakashi's tone was flat.

"No way! A few days ago, my little Li was defeated by a student here. I came here to take a look. I heard that Fang Ying's physical skills are also very strong!" Maitekai said casually.
"Didn't that thick-browed disciple say he worked very hard and was also very talented? How could he be defeated?" Kakashi was a little surprised when he heard Kai's words.

"That's right! I can't believe it, so I came here to have a look. Nuo... that guy. Look at him, he's taller than me!" Maitkai said, pointing to Uzumaki Naruto among the students.

He is a head taller than the other students.

And very strong, a person's body.Top the other two.

It's hard not to get noticed.

"That guy..." Kakashi naturally knew Naruto's background.

His body is nine tails!
In this way, it is normal for Xiao Li to be defeated...

(End of this chapter)

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