Konoha: I went from ninja to the strongest ninja!

Chapter 147 Leadership Worth Following.

Chapter 147 Leadership Worth Following.

Naruto completed the missions one by one.

These actions of his even started to cause vibrations in the stronghold.

Because the ninjas in this distance soon discovered a problem.

Why are there fewer and fewer combat missions recently?
After all, as ninjas, their most important task is to fight, and their most important skill is also to fight.

There are relatively few other tasks, such as latent tasks, stealing intelligence, and the like.

but now.

Their combat missions have become less and less.This makes them ninjas start

It's done.

Everyone started to have nothing to do, and even started to feel a little uncomfortable with this kind of life. They couldn't just hang out in the stronghold every day, right?

Naruto doesn't care what the people in the stronghold think.

He even felt that his speed was a bit too slow, so he divided his team into several parts, and asked some of them to search for information, and some to find the enemy's location, and then waited to kill the enemy himself.

In this way, when he is fighting the first wave of enemies, his subordinates have already discovered the second wave, and after finishing the first wave, he can directly fight the second wave of enemies and wait for the second wave to quickly fight. When it was over, a third wave was discovered, so that all the time could be used.

After all, time is like water in a sponge, there will always be squeezes.

The speed at which he completes the task has been improved once again.

His subordinates, after seeing this situation, immediately began to feel a little confused.

We are obviously Mr. Tsunade, but why are we playing with the ones sent to assist Mr. Celebrity in the battle?We have become intelligence officers, just collecting intelligence and spotting the enemy?

Just following along like this, so many tasks can be completed, and each of these subordinates has contributed a lot.

Immediately, they all felt a little sorry.

As long as you find the enemy, you can go back to Bi Naruto, you don't need to do it yourself, and then you can get the credit.

It's as if Naruto has become a thug.

Sometimes they also feel that this is a bit too soy sauce, and even thought about taking the initiative.

But every time Naruto would stop him.

"Don't move! Those enemies are mine, let me come."

"It's too hard to fight the enemy, how can I bear to see you in danger?"

"Leave it all to me. I can kill them all by myself. This is the fastest and least expensive way, because I won't be injured, and it won't consume medical resources!"

"It's enough for you to rest well. It's hard enough just to find the enemy. How can you let you fight the enemy?"

As he said, he was carrying the attacks of several enemies, so he should rush over first, and kill the enemies who fought with the Konoha ninja first.

It seems to be afraid that it will be too late, and the enemy will be killed if you are not careful.

Naruto is really afraid that they will be beaten to death first, isn't this head-grabbing?

The credit you get for killing the enemy is the same as the credit you get for killing soy sauce, and you won't have extra experience.

Why are you robbing me?
All these heads should be handed over to me.

If there are so many enemies that you can't finish them all, then I don't mind if you fight a few, but now it's hard to find a few enemies, they are all very precious.

If you kill one, you will lose one.

Definitely can't let you do it.

Naruto's performance moved his subordinates very much.Some even started to cry.

"Being a Chunin for so long, this is the first time I have met such a good leader!"

"Master Naruto is really considerate enough. He was afraid that we would be in danger, so he only let us look for the enemy, and never let us make a move."

"Yeah, how can there be a leader who is so considerate of his subordinates? Each of us is a ninja, and we are actually ready to sacrifice. But what Naruto-sama said, we still feel very caring! "

"Isn't it? It is said that when the third Hokage was alive, Naruto-sama was his favorite. As expected, the celebrity has inherited the will of fire from the third Hokage. He is also a very kind and considerate person!"

Hinata next to him immediately showed a proud expression when he heard these embarrassing words.Speaking of:
"Isn't that right, Naruto-kun is such a gentle person! When we were still ninja, Naruto-kun always just let us watch and would not let us do anything when we were performing tasks. There is no one like us Naruto Just like you, you know the will of fire! Such a considerate ninja is the only one.”

The people next to him listened to Hinata's words and nodded repeatedly.

It turns out that Naruto-sama has been like this since he was a child?
When I was ninja, I thought about my teammates like this.

It's really touching!
"Master Naruto! We are willing to support you forever!"

"Yes, as long as you don't dislike it, we are willing to follow you all the time!"

"Long live Naruto-sama!"

Among this group of subordinates, Naruto's performance won him the respect of all his subordinates.

After all, there are not many leaders who are so considerate of their subordinates.

The ninja world has always been brutal, especially on the battlefield.

No one will take special care of you just because your strength is low.

Those with low strength will be eliminated. This is the law in ninjas.

But Naruto-kun is different from other ninjas.

For those of us who are weaker, they are always so considerate, and they will not look down on them, and even assign us some easy tasks, let us do our best to provide some help.

And the credit is still calculated according to the credit of the battle.

During this period of time, they have completed so many tasks, but they have earned a considerable amount of income. These credits can even give them a lot of capital when they are promoted to Jonin in the future.

These subordinates are of course very happy.


You guys are too good at making up your mind, right?I'm just afraid that you will steal my head.

After all, I can gain experience by killing enemies, but you can't.

It seems that they misunderstood that I was caring for them...

After all, ninjas are seen by many people, even in their own hearts, as mere tools.

Since it is a tool, it will never care whether it is worn out.

Even the sacrifice of ninja fighting is taken for granted.

Just like Shimura Danzo!Its root organization is the cruelest.

Sometimes even in order to adapt to the strength of the enemy, the life of the ninja will be used as a touchstone for testing.

Absolutely don't care about sacrifices.

There are really too few ninjas who care so much about Naruto and value his subordinates so much. How could it be that they are not worth following?
(End of this chapter)

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