Chapter 82
And the Kirigakure ninja, who was blocked by the sand ninja led by the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasa, although once hit the mainland of the Land of Wind, it is difficult to make further progress without taking advantage of the land.

After Ye Cang led some of the sand ninjas back to the defense and joined Luo Sha, the Kirigakure ninjas were forced out of the Land of Wind by the gathered sand ninjas.

Although the two sides have also entered a stalemate stage, in terms of the intensity of the war, it far exceeds the battle between Konoha and Yun Yin.

Ye Cang, who had gained a lot of prestige during the war, even faintly surpassed Luo Sha in terms of prestige.

This change made Shinji Kanbara, who was in constant contact with Hakura and obtained war information from all parties through Konoha, arouse the idea of ​​killing Luo Sha in the chaotic war, so that Hakura could take over as soon as possible.

In fact, Shinji Kanbara had raised this idea before, and had a discussion with Ye Cang through letters at that time.

It was only at that time that Sha Yin was in a precarious situation and needed to fight on two fronts. Ye Cang refused the proposal because he did not want to take over a dilapidated Sha Yin.

Now that Iwagakure has withdrawn from the battlefield, Hakura is in the limelight, and after receiving another summons from Shinji Kanbara, he accepted the proposal.

Although Ye Cang is full of resentment towards Luo Sha who betrayed her, she doesn't have to kill Luo Sha herself, especially now that she has returned to Sha Yin Village and is openly competing with Luo Sha.

Shinji Kamhara, who is located in the shrine maiden's palace in the kingdom of ghosts, dispatched himself to the sea between the kingdom of wind and the kingdom of tea after receiving Hakura's reply.

On the one hand, he ordered the two avatars in the Land of Earth and the Land of Water to actively reach a deal with both Yanyin and Wuyin as members of the ten parties.

Shinji Kanbara is going to assassinate the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, and at the same time, make the name of the people of all ten directions in one fell swoop. As for some adverse effects that may be brought about by doing so, he no longer cares about the rapid expansion of his strength.

Steady development is not enough strength, and we need to accumulate strength. If we have enough strength, we can gain more by taking bigger steps.

In the Land of Earth, the avatar of Shinji Kanbara went straight to Huang Tu, the son of the third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki.

Although the war against Sand Yin has come to an end, at the moment when the situation in the ninja world is changing, Huang Tu, the front-line commander of Yan Yin, still leads some Yan Yin to station at the border of the Land of Earth.

During this war, Shinji Kanbara, who had been in contact with Iwain through underground channels and completed the Iwain war commission, quickly entered the Iwain camp and met Huangtu.

Huang Tu, a strong man wearing a red ninja hat, put down his work and looked at the masked man who entered the tent.

"Mr. Yansu, the entrustment money promised to you should have been delivered to you. I don't know why you came this time?"

Shinji Kanbara cut to the chase: "Come to negotiate a bigger deal with you."

Huang Tu's face showed embarrassment, and his eyes flickered.

"Mr. Yansu, although we cooperated very happily last time, the war belonging to Yanyin is over, and we no longer need to issue a war commission.

But don't worry, if there are similar commissions in the future, we will definitely give priority to your organization. If you are willing to accept other commissions, we still have them here. "

Shinji Kanbara's tone was very firm.

"Your Excellency Huangtu, you will definitely be interested in this transaction. I don't know how much Yan Yin is willing to pay for the head of Sidai Kazekage?"

Hearing that the sale that the masked man said was the loess of the life of the shadow of a village, he was really surprised.

This is a big deal, even though Huangtu firmly believes that there are no traitors in Yanyin who is united as one, after reacting, he quickly pushed back Yanren beside him.

"What? The head of the Fourth Kazekage, Mr. Yansu, is it not a joke?
Hmm... You go out first, keep outside the tent, and don't allow anyone to approach. "


Iwanin in the camp responded and walked straight out of the tent, but the shock in his eyes did not fade away.

"Someone issued a commission to our organization to take down the head of Luo Sha, the fourth generation of Fengying, and the reward was very high, but it was not enough to buy Luo Sha's head.

Even with the bounty offered by Luo Sha on the black market, it is not enough. If Yan Yin is willing to pay some price for the head of the Fourth Kazekage, then we will accept this commission.

The bizarre death of the Fourth Kazekage will naturally lead to further changes in the ninja world. It is not certain whether Sagakure, who has lost Rasa, can stop Kirigard's offensive.

If Yanyin made a surprise attack at this time, he would naturally be able to drive straight in like a broken bamboo, directly smashing into Shayin Village, and gaining huge benefits.

How about your Excellency Huangtu, paying a small price for this benefit should not be a big deal to Yanyin.

And even if Yanyin doesn't plan to send troops, Luo Sha's death is always in Yanyin's current and future interests. "

Shinji Kanbara's eyes under the mask were fixed on Huang Tu, and he spoke seductive words, as if he was looking forward to Huang Tu making a decision that would satisfy him.

As the son of Tuying, as the frontline commander, Huang Tu, who possesses great power, hesitated for a moment, closed and opened his eyes, and made a decision in an instant.

"How sure are you?"

Shinji Kanbara's answer was full of confidence.

"This is a mission to be dispatched collectively. Once we accept the entrustment, our organization will devote all its strength, and our leader and myself will also participate in it, so in my opinion, it is naturally [-]% sure."

Huang Tu waved his strong arms and asked, "The reward will be paid after you get it. There should be no problem with that, but how much do you want?"

"It's three times the reward for Luo Sha that Yan Yin put on the black market, and the reward on the black market is calculated separately, because we will send Luo Sha's body to the underground black market after we succeed.

Of course, if you insist on getting Luo Sha's body, you can pay an extra sum of money.

Considering that this amount of money is not a small sum for Yan Yin, the entrusted reward can also be replaced by ninjutsu or other valuable things.

When the time comes, we will decide whether to accept the items you provide. If you agree, please leave the voucher. "

Although he hesitated for a long time in front of this exorbitant remuneration, Huang Tu finally accepted it, because even though the deal was exorbitant, it was still worthwhile for Yan Yin, especially during the war.

The rock ninja led by Huangtu was repelled by the sand ninja led by Ye Cang on the battlefield, and finally had to withdraw from the battlefield, which made him very angry.

In the country of water, the deal with Kirigakure ended earlier than that with Iwagakure.

Because before Shinji Kanbara found Wuyin Village, the fourth Mizukage Yakura, who was manipulated by Uchiha Obito, found him first.

The two avatars of Shinji Kanbara, who were in a hurry, were blocked by a group of Kirigakure Anbu led by Yakura in a grove near Kirigakure Village, to be precise, in a grove near Kaguya clan.

Goju Yakura, who fell in front of Shinji Shinji's two clones, swung a long stick with a hook in his hand, blocking their way.

(End of this chapter)

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