Chapter 64
In the practice field of Star Ninja Village, more than a dozen Star Ninjas of different ages are sitting cross-legged on the ground with their eyes closed, refining Chakra around the stars. Among them are adults, young people, and teenagers.

If you look at it with white eyes or sharing eyes, you can see that the bodies of these star ninjas who are refining chakra with the help of stars are being eroded by the stars little by little.

The star chakra extracted in the past in the body seems calm, but in fact it is very chaotic, but the extreme chakra activation will make these star ninjas be killed by their own chakra.

Most star ninjas can't control the growth of stars very well, and they will fall down in the middle of their practice. Even if they are talented enough to control the growth of stars well, their lifespan will be greatly reduced, and they will run out of fuel in a short time.

"Ah, it's so painful, I'm so painful, the power of the star is too strong, I can't hold it anymore!"

"My body seems to be burning, and I have reached my limit. It seems that this practice will come to an end."

"For the future of the village, it is necessary to carry out star training..."

One after another, Xing Ren fell to the floor during the practice because he could not bear the power of the star, and there were also Xing Ren who supported his body that had reached its limit and continued to practice the star.

Xia Ri, the guard in charge of guarding the star, looked at his companion who fell down halfway and gritted his teeth, with deep worry on his face.

Xia Ri is a once-in-a-century genius in Star Ninja Village, who has practiced Peacock Magic to the extreme at a young age, and is currently the strongest ninja in Star Ninja Village.

Xia Ri, who was standing by the door of the practice field with her husband Yinghuo, couldn't help whispering to her husband: "Although stars can greatly improve our strength, they do too much damage to practitioners' bodies.

Many children died during their practice before they reached adulthood. Children are the future of the village. If this continues, the village may never be strong. "

Yinghuo shook her head at Xia Ri: "Don't say it, Xia Ri, I know you want everyone to stop the cultivation of stars, but neither Xingying nor everyone will agree.

Only a strong force can protect the village. For us, only by relying on the power of the stars can we become stronger quickly, and sacrifice is inevitable. "

Xia Ri whispered: "We can support it, but I don't want our son Subaru to be eroded by the power of the stars."

Although the star in the original book has powerful power, it is not hard in itself. In order to avoid being destroyed in the battle, it is better to get the things first.

At this time, the two Shinji Kamihara, who were wearing gorgeous purple-black robes and black masks with cross marks, had already arrived outside Hoshino's training ground.

Xia Ri and Ying Huo, who were guarding the door and watching the ninjas from the same village practicing star training, suddenly stopped talking, looked at each other, and were about to turn around to deal with it.

"too slow!"

A figure passed between the two of them, aiming directly at the meteor placed on the central altar, and the moment it passed by, it stretched out its arms and sent the two of them flying.

"what's up?"


The sound of impact and talking alarmed all the star ninjas who were practicing star training. When the star ninja who noticed something abnormal stopped the star training and opened his eyes.

Then they found a tall man in a red and black robe and a mask with cross marks on his face, standing in the middle of them, holding the treasure star bestowed on their village by heaven in his right hand, and an open scroll in his left hand.

"Good Chakra, now this thing belongs to me!"

Saying that, Shinji Kanbara pressed the star to the spell of the scroll, and the unfolded scroll shone with white light, and the meteor was stored in the scroll.

A young star ninja boy was stunned by the accident in front of him: "Xing... was the star taken?"

Chi Xing with long lavender hair roared: "Take Xing back quickly. It is a treasure bestowed on Xing Ninja Village by the gods and passed down from generation to generation. It must not be taken away by outsiders."

At the door, Xia Ri and Yinghuo flew out from left and right, and hit the wall heavily. After being hit hard, blood spilled from their mouths, and they stood up resisting the pain in their bodies.

However, they didn't target the mysterious man who attacked them just now and took away the star, but put on a defensive posture, looking at the other masked man standing quietly outside the door like an enemy.

The mysterious masked man standing outside the entrance of the training ground, his gorgeous red and black robes move without wind, slowly swaying with the flow of air.

The whole person feels like a giant pillar of the sky, solid as a rock, despite the wind and waves, but never moves, and the injured Xia Ri and Ying Huo are restrained with only their momentum, so that they dare not move at will.

Shinji Kanbara, who was in the center, scanned the surrounding hoshino-nin with uneven strength, and slowly put away the scroll that stored the meteor.

"Come on, let me experience the so-called peacock magic technique!"

Chi Xing, who shouted to take back the star, retreated to a certain distance and roared angrily.

"Don't look down on people, let's go together and kill him, Peacock Magic Beast!"

Whether it is the young ninja who can only initially use the star chakra, or the upper ninja who can fully use the peacock magic technique, all the surrounding hoshino-nin attack together.

The star ninjas who have practiced star training all form the same set of handprints. Under the boost of star chakra, purple chakra emerges on the body surface.

Some created lavender chakra beasts like Akahoshi, and some only barely stretched out the rope-shaped chakra to Shinji Shinji, trying to tie Shinji Shinji.

When the three chakra beasts charged forward roaringly, Shinji Shinji's right hand, which had been retracted into the long sleeve, was completed, and the melting ninjutsu was released instantly.

"The technique of melting and melting monsters!"

The viscous and highly corrosive acid rose from the bottom of Shinji Kanbara's feet, and then spread out in a wide range.

The strong acid enough to slowly dissolve the skeleton state Susanohu instantly dissolved the three chakra beasts and the rope-shaped chakra released by the star ninjas.


"How could such a thing happen?"

The continuously gushing acid covered a wide area, and it was difficult for Hoshino to dodge in the narrow space, and his body was covered in acid one after another.

The defense formed by the lavender chakra released by Chixing and others was also instantly dissolved by the strong acid.



Amidst the mournful wailing, only a few seconds later, all the star ninjas surrounding Shinji Kanbara died, and their corpses were all disfigured.

"Xia Ri, leave quickly!"

Only Xia Ri and Ying Huo were spared from the Xing Ren in the practice field. They were far away from the center of the field, and rushed out of the door at a critical moment, passing by the mysterious man wearing a mask with purple cross marks on his face.

At this time, the ninjas of Star Ninja Village have more or less reacted. All the Star Ninjas who stayed in the village are rushing towards the practice field, and many of them have already arrived at the outer edge of the crater.

The third generation of Xingying in another house next to him also noticed something strange, and rushed here with his guards.

Let Xia Ri and Yinghuo rush out of the house, and Shinji Shinji's avatar, who has never moved, let the two of them trap him in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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