Hunter in Douluo

Chapter 42 Growth

Chapter 42 Growth
In Shrek Academy, a special scene occurred in an open space.

The three tables and chairs on the open space seem to grow out of the ground, with occasional green leaves on them.

In the middle is a shelf with a fire burning and smoking.

Jason turned the skewers and sprinkled some seasonings from time to time.The sisters and brothers next to me are two leaders.

The tempting fragrance began to slowly float out, making the two of them who were already hungry swallow hard.

"Okay, let's eat first!" Jason put a plate of barbecue for the two of them.

The little girl looked at the barbecue skewered on the plate.

The grilled meat sizzled, and a drop of hot oil slowly slid down the lines of the plump meat, which was fascinating.Sniffing carefully and smelling slowly, the gluttonous insects are quickly aroused.I finally couldn't help it, I didn't care about the heat, and I took a big bite when I bit it.

!The mouth is full of hot boiling, full of happiness, the meat is smelted by charcoal fire, the aroma is overflowing, and because of the color of the salt and pepper sauce, it becomes more flavorful, tender, crispy, fresh and salty, spicy and tumbling in the mouth in an instant Get up and dance, the delicious taste reaches the meaty fragrance on the tip of the tongue coating, once you chew, you forget all the unpleasantness, the second chew, you seem to be floating in the sky, and the third chew, you are like a feather.

Both siblings didn't care about the heat, and stuffed meat skewers into their mouths while panting.

"Slow down, there's more to come!" Jason said while grilling the meat.


Not far away, Tang San and the others who ran around just now felt a little dizzy, and now they could only run with a vague will.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun, who was squinting his eyes, suddenly sniffled, then his eyes widened in an instant, and he sniffed at the air fiercely.

Several other people also felt a scent rushing into their nostrils.

In an instant, the thirsty mouth from running secreted a lot of saliva again.

Everyone drowned their saliva at the same time.

Then they looked at each other at the same time, their faces full of pain.

The more you run, the more tired you become, and the more fragrant the smell of barbecue reaches the tip of your nose.

I wanted to run faster to escape this torture, but I was a little bit reluctant to part with the scent.

Their training has not yet been completed, so they can only resist this temptation with strong willpower.

After running for a while, the scent gradually disappeared, and they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

What a torture!Don't think about it, it must be the meat roasted by Jason.


The two siblings have been immersed in delicious food, while Jason has been grilling meat and vegetables for them non-stop.

After eating for an unknown amount of time, they licked the aftertaste left on the wooden skewer when they felt their stomachs were too full to eat.

"Okay, now that you are full, let's get to know each other!

My name is Jason, you can call me... Nasus! "Jason thought for a while, and used the name of the dog's head.

No one can stop my Q soldiers from developing!
"What's your name?" Jason didn't explain the function of the code name to them.

The siblings looked at each other, and then the little girl whispered, "We don't have names!"

"No..." Jason thought for a while, "Then you can take my surname and call you...Jaylin!" He pointed to the little girl and said.

"Well, thank you big brother!" Jaylin looked very happy after having her name.

Then he pointed at the little boy: "Your name is...Jie Ming!"

After the name was confirmed, Jason continued: "Since you already have a name and you have accepted my power, you should cultivate it as soon as possible.

And the task I give you is to rescue more suffering people, and then you choose whether to give them power. "

"En!" Jie Lin and Jie Ming nodded seriously.

"As for how you choose to cultivate your strength, I don't care too much. It doesn't matter whether you kill people or kill soul beasts. But I still hope that you can maintain the bottom line! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Seriously.

"Then when your number increases, you can recruit members in the name of the sect. The sect believes in Neles, the God of Death!
The doctrine is... life and death, reincarnation is endless, we live, they die! After Jason said in a low voice, he folded his hands together, and the seat and table made of branches just now dissipated into particles. The grass on the ground also withered quickly.

"Life and death, reincarnation is endless, we live, they die..." The two looked at the withered scene around them, and repeated Jason's words seriously.

After they thought about it for a while, Jason changed his subject: "Of course, the above is not very important. The only important thing is......the obscene growth, don't waste it!"

"???" The two of them didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence.

Seeing that they didn't understand even one thing, Jason explained: "It's just not to float around when you have power, but to keep a low profile, don't attract attention, and grow secretly!"

"Yeah!" The two nodded, expressing their understanding.

"Very good, now give me your hands!" Jason knelt down in front of them and stretched out his hands.

The two put their hands in Jason's palm without hesitation.

Squeezing their hands, Jason began to inject soul power into them.

The branches in Jielin and Jieming's bodies quickly and greedily absorbed this pure soul power, and then grew rapidly.

After a while, Jason withdrew his soul power, feeling that the branches in the two had grown a lot.

"Okay, now you guys are trying to guide the power in your body." Jason let go of their hands and said.

Hearing this, the two slowly closed their eyes and began to feel it.


After a while, a small rhizome began to appear on Jaileen's palm, swinging around in the air.

"Well, not bad, take your time!" Jason praised.

After a while, the same thing happened to Jie Ming's palm.

In this way, Jason has been watching them from strange to gradually familiar.

Their relationship with the internal branches is different from that of Jason and Xiaoyao.

The little demon just attached to the surface of Jason's body, like a pair of armor.

And the branches in their individual bodies are directly integrated into their bodies.

By grafting, they are equivalent to the branches.

This can be regarded as a special experimental transformation.

At noon, Jason let them rest for a while, and then had barbecue...

Well, the main reason is that Jason is lazy and doesn't want to cook, and he only knows how to grill.

It is impossible to cook or cook, at most a soup.

On the way, Tang San and Xiaowu ran over for a meal, and when they left, they took a lot of meat skewers.

Tang San and the two returned to the cafeteria, a group of people looked out with their heads stretched out.

The meat skewers on Tang San's plate were already empty before they were placed on the table.

"By the way, Zhu Zhuqing, Jason gave it to you!" Tang San took out a stack of meat skewers from the space and handed it to her.

The people around who were still licking the wooden skewers looked at the big handful of meat skewers, and instantly felt that the meat residue licked off the wooden skewers in their mouths was no longer fragrant.

(End of this chapter)

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