Start brushing attributes from pirates

第8章 3局2胜?不,5局3胜

Chapter 8 Two wins in three games?No, best of five
The entangled Su Qian went about her old business and tossed a coin.

'Eat heads, don't eat tails, one round determines the outcome. '

Picking up a coin scattered on the table, Su Qian lightly tossed it.




'The other side?Hey, one game is not accurate, two wins in three games. '

is spinning again,



'The tails again?How about three wins out of five, forget it, just eat it. '

In fact, Su Qian didn't decide what to do by throwing coins, but to see if she wanted to admit the results.

If you don't want to admit it, it proves that it's not what you want to do, otherwise it's what you want to do.


'I don't know what other fruits taste like, but this fruit not only smells like shit, but also tastes sticky, this TM is shit'

He grabbed a bottle of malt wine next to him and drank it. After drinking one bottle, the stench in his mouth dissipated a lot.

'This is a really bad experience, let me see how the ability is? '

1 minutes passed. . .

'Why can't I feel anything, can't feel anything, is this devil fruit fake? '

'It shouldn't be, by the way, look at what the system displays. '

Bring up the system panel.

Su Qian found that only the upper corner "person" of the cross star on the initial interface was lit up.

Now the corner on the left is also lit up, with two words "ability" written next to it.

'Is this unlocking new mods? '

Su Qian focused on "ability".

A familiar scene appeared, the cross star scattered into spots of light, and the spots of light gathered again to form a new interface.

But this interface is different from the "character" interface.


[Natural Ability: Swamp Fruit]


'Is this absorbed by the system? '

Su Qian focused on the "swamp fruit" again.

[Natural Ability: Swamp Fruit (Equipped)]

'Can free equipment be canceled?Then if I cancel it, can I still swim in the sea?Huh? '

At this moment, a strange feeling interrupted Su Qian's thoughts.

It's like an instinct burned into the body.

Su Qian raised her right arm and activated the fruit ability.

The right arm began to squirm, and slowly turned into a puddle of mud.

"This is really..."

He picked up the dagger in his left hand and stabbed it at his stomach.

The dagger sank deeply into the belly, but not a single drop of blood flowed out, instead it turned into a muddy shape strangely.


Su Qian, who ate the fruit of the natural swamp, is no longer afraid of getting hurt.

So he decided to try out his new abilities with the remaining pirates on board.

After simply getting used to my body, I opened the door of the captain's cabin and came to the deck on the second floor.


The pirate who had never seen Su Qian before reacted immediately, grabbed the weapon in his hand, and looked at Su Qian warily.

The rest of the pirates heard the sound and looked over, and they all spotted Su Qian.

"Didn't you just keep looking for me in the town? No, I'm here."

"Are you that assassin?"

Hearing Su Qian's words, the pirates took a step back subconsciously.

Su Qian killed more than half of them by himself, so they couldn't help but not be afraid.

"Don't be afraid, he's alone. He was sneaking up on him in the town just now. Now that we have a lot of people, don't be afraid of him. He is definitely not our opponent."

Although they don't know the word morale, some people on board understand that this is not the time to be afraid.

In this vast sea, there is no place to escape.

This person wanted to kill them, but if he wanted to live, he had to kill the person in front of him.

"Yes, don't be afraid of him, he is only one person."

"Come on, hack him to death."

Seven or eight pirates swarmed up and surrounded Su Qian. They wanted to kill Su Qian by taking advantage of their numbers.

"Oh, this is really..."

Before the words were finished, Su Qian leaned over and charged at the pirates, eight people were killed in the fall with a knife in his hand.


Su Qian flicked the short knife to wipe off the blood on the knife.

When he added four attribute points to his physique, his physical fitness completely crushed this group of pirates.

In front of him, the opponent was as weak as a four or five-year-old child facing an adult. No matter how many people there were, they were not a threat.

"Why do you think that I am not your opponent? A group of scum like you who only know how to burn, kill and loot will not understand that numbers are meaningless in front of the strong."

After pretending to be a B, Su Qian felt a little refreshed. After all, she worked hard for a year, not just to become stronger.

And now, he really realized how powerful he was compared to ordinary people.

The surrounding pirates also saw this scene.

They can't imagine why this person is so strong, why would he engage in a sneak attack, they just want to escape now, run far away, stay away from this guy.


A bullet from the dark hit Su Qian's lower back.

The pirate who sneaked up behind Su Qian looked at Su Qian who was shot and smiled triumphantly.

No matter how strong it is, it's not that it's afraid of bullets. Although it's aimed at the head, it's fine as long as it hits.

The sneak attacking pirate started to change the bullets.

Although Su Qian was injured, he didn't dare to go up to make up the knife, he planned to make up a few shots from a distance.

Anyway, as long as Su Qian can be killed, it doesn't matter what method is used to kill Su Qian.

But when he changed the bullet and was about to shoot Su Qian again, he found that Su Qian was still standing there, as if he had never been shot.

He looked towards Su Qian's lower back.

But she was horrified to find that Su Qian's back waist was slowly flowing like mud, and then spit out the bullet.

"This is, what kind of monster? He is not afraid of bullets."

Not only him, other pirates also saw this scene.

"Monster, he is a monster, run."

Seeing the pirates fleeing in disorder, Su Qian shook her head, not intending to play with them anymore.

"mud bomb"

Su Qian waved her hand and threw out small mud bombs.

The mud bomb was shaped like a bullet with a pointed bullet, and was shot at the pirates quickly, penetrating their bodies in an instant.

With just one move, there were no more standing pirates on the field.

"This power is comparable to the bullets fired from a pistol. It's really good for cleaning up trash."

Seeing that the impromptu move was so effective in clearing the field, Su Qian felt that this fruit was really not in vain.

[Natural devil fruit increased to 1, level progress 10]

"Huh? Devil fruit will be included in the skill column as a skill? But think about it, 'ability' is actually the 'magic' in the original game, and each type of magic will be classified as a skill."

"And each department of magic in the game contains many spells, such as the lightning of the destruction department, fireball, etc., and the devil fruit of the nature department also contains many fruits, such as the burning fruit, the thunder fruit, and my swamp fruit. "

"Using lightning in the game can increase the skill level of the 'destruction spell', so by using the swamp fruit you can increase the skill level of the 'nature-type devil fruit', so the explanation makes sense."

"I can also increase my skill level by exercising my Devil Fruit ability, and since Devil Fruit can be included in the skill bar, then Domineering should also work, I can try it in the future."

After thinking about it, Su Qian suddenly realized that she had overlooked a very serious problem.

How should he go back?

He doesn't know how to drive a ship, and since all the pirates have been killed, he can't drive such a ship by himself.

He wanted to swim back but didn't know where to go.

"This is really..."

Su Qian looked around helplessly.

"It's a bit difficult."

(End of this chapter)

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