Chapter 57

Outside the dense forest, the dark clouds almost fell to the ground, the sky and the earth were pitch black, and heavy rain poured down like pouring down.

When the lightning pierced the sky, the huge old trees in the dense forest swayed their branches wildly in the strong wind, as if they were about to turn into demons.

Kadish was lying in a tree hole, looking at the rain curtain through the gap in the dense forest. When the lightning flashed across the sky and the earth, the expression on his face became more and more resolute in the flickering light and dark.

He has been hiding here for the third day, and there are streams of light in the sky above his head from time to time. He even heard two more demon generals coming from the passing demons, and the situation is getting more and more critical.

During these three days, he has been dormant quietly, trying to communicate with the divine power in the demon world, he is slowly changing, gradually mastering the subtleties of Shendongquan.

In the dark rain, there was an abnormal sound, and several tall figures were like mountain ghosts, cold and penetrating.

These are a few demons with dog heads. Their bodies are similar to those of humans. They all have two-meter-long bodies, disheveled hair, and fingernails that are one to twenty centimeters long.

Their eyes were green, and they were especially scary in the dark world and in the rain, and they all exuded a terrifying aura.

"Look carefully, I don't believe that kid disappeared suddenly, search all the nearby areas!" A tall figure in armor and cape said, it was the magic general Eric.

Since the other two demons came, he asked the strongest Barry to guard the east, and he and Bran led several demon dogs to search north and south.As for the west being the hinterland of the demon world, he had already asked the neighboring demon generals to guard the border.

Several dog demons were stout and covered with black animal fur. They walked like a mountain ghost, smelling the atmosphere here from time to time.

The dog demons have rich experience in finding people, and they scattered in this area and began to search. Soon, one of the dog demons walked around and looked for the dense forest where Kadis was.

The dog demon looked for the smell and traces as if he had found something, and followed the traces to the tree where Kadiz was, but it seemed that the heavy rain blocked the smell of Kadiz, giving the dog demon a little Not sure.

I saw a dog's face protruding in along the tree hole, its face was covered with animal fur, and its green eyes scanned the tree hole.

Kadiz became violent, grabbed his dog's neck with both hands to prevent him from roaring, and then dragged him into a tree hole.

The dog demon's vitality was also extremely tenacious, and his body had been struggling violently. Kadis's arms suddenly snapped and twisted his neck, and the dog's face covered with animal fur turned behind him.

After one night, Kadish was able to initially mobilize his divine power, and he was barely able to use the Divine Movement Fist.

He began to optimize Shendongquan. Shendongquan was very rough when it was first started, and there were many mysterious mysteries that even the creator, Kadis, could not figure out the principles. Shendongquan has further comprehension.

On the demon side, Eric found that a dog demon was missing last night, which made him very angry, and he was sure that the human hadn't left and was still in this area.

Eric joined Demon General Bran, and the two demon generals surrounded the area last night with a large number of dog demons and demon city lords, and then carried out a carpet search, and soon narrowed down to the dense forest of Kadis .

"Haha! I finally found it. Let me see where you are running away!" Following the report of the dog demon tribe, Eric burst out laughing, and then sent a qigong wave towards the dense forest.

"Boom!" The entire dense forest burned into a sea of ​​flames.And a figure jumped out before being attacked, it was Kadis.

Kadis sighed, if he was given another day, the power of Shendongquan would definitely increase greatly.

But now he was found in advance by the demons, and they surrounded him, but it was not his character to sit and wait for death. Even if there was a problem with the operation of divine power, he had to defeat these demons first.


A brilliant silver light rose, and an astonishing aura erupted centered on Kadiz.

The black clouds that had always existed in the sky were blown away, and the strong air pressure spread to the surroundings, and those city lord level demons and dog demons were instantly blown into the distance.Then I saw Kadsis standing there surrounded by silver-white electric light.

Kadiz immediately used the Divine Movement Fist. With his current state, he can't last long, so he can only fight quickly.

Eric looked at Kadis and frowned. This guy seemed to have become stronger again. How long has passed? It seems that the sooner he can be eradicated, the better, but before he could make a move, he saw that Kadis had disappeared in place. up.

"Be careful!" Bran Demon General shouted at him not far away.Eric reacted instantly and looked behind him.

Cardis rushed behind Eric in an instant, and his combat power had increased to 130 million, surpassing Eric's 112 million combat power.

Cardis clenched his fists with both hands, and an overweight punch hit Eric on the cheek.

"call out!"

Eric flew to the land of the Demon Realm at a speed faster than cannonballs, and then Kadis fired three golden energy bombs in Eric's direction.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A mushroom cloud exploded at the place where Eric fell, and the strong wind pressure made the cheeks of the demons ache.

Cardis didn't stop at all, and rushed directly to Demon General Bran. The combat power of Demon General Bran was only 105 million. After taking a few punches from Cardis, he floated in the air and was unable to move.

"Turtle! Pie! Qi! Attack! Wave!"

A thick blue qigong wave condensed from Kadish's hands, and hit Demon General Bran in an instant, and a beam of light flew to the hinterland of Demon World with Demon General Bran.

I don't know which city it is, and from which direction a bright and dazzling light comes from.

Seeing that the two major demon generals were killed instantly, all the demons fled in all directions with a huff.

Kadiz didn't catch up, because with the end of the use of Shendongquan, Kadiz felt pain all over his body.

The current Shendongquan has many shortcomings, especially it is still barely used in the demon world, so it caused a double burden on him physically and mentally.

Immediately after eating a fairy bean, Kadish flew towards the east. He wanted to find a place to recover his divine power before more masters appeared in the demon race, and then use the magic fist to defeat the demon generals guarding there.

In the hinterland of the Demon Realm, in a giant city containing tens of millions of demons, several demons in battle armor were discussing matters, but at this time a guard of the demons came to report.

"I would like to report to all the masters, the news just came that General Erik of Emmo Province and General Bran of Bumo Province were killed in battle in Emmo Province, and it is said that the person who killed them was a human being!"

One of them, wearing a battle armor and having two huge horns, stood up and said:
"It's too deceiving. Before my Demon Realm attacked the Human Realm, a human came to the Demon Realm to kill our demon generals. Let my Demon Commander Ogg lead an army to capture that human being and dedicate it to the King of the Demon Realm!"

(End of this chapter)

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