Dragon Ball Cardis

Chapter 4 First Entry to Earth

Chapter 4 First Entry to Earth
At this time, Kadiz is already on the spherical spaceship flying to the earth. This spaceship was stolen by Bardock.

There was no monitoring equipment on it, and no navigation goals were set, so Kadish entered the coordinates of the earth he found.

Bardock and Gine didn't pay too much attention, but thought that going to a remote planet in the northern galaxy would just avoid Frieza's eyes and ears, so they didn't stop them, and the spaceship started to take off after instructing Kadish.

On the spaceship, Kadish discovered that it would take eight months to reach the earth, so he began to meditate deeply in the spaceship.

The meditation of Kadiz is not the same as the battle meditation of Kelin and Sun Wuhan in the original book, and it is more inclined to the realization of the realm of Tianjin Fan and Piccolo. During the meditation of Kadiz, there is a faint silver light entering into the body of Kadiz.

Kadiz also didn't know the use and significance of these silver radiances. Although the improvement in combat power was not obvious, Kadsis could feel that the cells of the whole body seemed to be in a warm soaking feeling, as if It is greatly improving its potential ability.

In this way, after eight months of voyage, he finally arrived at the earth. A beeping sound on the spaceship called Kadish out of deep meditation.

When Kadish opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a blue planet. He was floating in the space, emitting a little bit of bright starlight, so beautiful.

Kadiz knows that this is the earth. Although it is no longer a world, seeing the earth still has great feelings for Kadiz.

As the spaceship made a big hole on the ground, Kadish floated from the hole to the ground, and it felt better to walk on land.

After moving my body, I suddenly felt that both punching and moving speed have increased a lot, and I felt a sense of lightness throughout my body. After checking my combat power, it has actually increased to 810 combat power.

"I've been on the spaceship during this period of time, and I haven't exercised at all. How could my combat power increase so much? Is it because of meditation? Although I absorbed silver light during meditation, I didn't feel the improvement of combat power at that time. "

After thinking for a while, Kartis said without thinking clearly.
"Forget it, anyway, this is a good thing, don't think about it so much, find a place to eat a good meal first, I really miss the food of the earth!" After finishing speaking, he flew towards the big city.

The city that Kadiz came to is Xidu, the most famous city on Earth in Dragon Ball, and Bulma and his family live in this city.

After eating, Kadiz came to Bulma's house. After all, he is the richest man, and the house is very easy to find.

This time I came here mainly for some technological needs, and Bulma’s father, Dr. Breaves, is an expert in this field and is also relatively easy to communicate with, so he is the first choice.

After entering, he found a young woman holding a child in the yard, and Kadish thought, "It seems that this is Bulma's mother and Bulma."

Because it is still early before the plot, Bulma has just been born, and is only a little over one year old, and there are still more than ten years before the plot begins.

Bulma's mother asked gently when she saw Kadish come in
"Little brother, what's the matter?" After all, Cardis was only three years old at this time, and his height of less than one meter was really a little brother.

"Auntie, I'm here to see Dr. Breaves!"

At this time, Kadish thought, I am Wukong's elder brother, and Wukong and Bulma are of the same generation. If I call Bulma's mother my sister, this generation will be messed up, so I can only be called auntie.

Not long after that, Dr. Breaves came out. At this time, Breaves was still very young, and he could still see that he was a handsome guy when he was young. It seems that the genes of the Bulma family are very strong, Kadis thought.

"Hello, Dr. Breaves, I have some machinery and equipment here that you will definitely be interested in!"

As he said that, Kartis took out the combat detector and introduced the function of this thing to Dr. Breaves.

Dr. Breaves was shocked. He is already a top scientist on earth. He didn't expect that there are still people who can make this kind of machine. I really want to get acquainted.

"Little brother, these machines are incredible. May I ask which doctor made them! Can you introduce them?"

"Doctor, I'm actually not from this planet. These are some technologies in the universe. If the doctor needs it, I can lend it to the doctor for research, but I hope you can help me remove the monitoring equipment inside."

Previously, when Kadish checked his combat power, he used the combat power detector on the spaceship, and he didn't dare to use the portable detector at all.

After all, I don't know how to dismantle the monitoring equipment. This time I just let Dr. Breaves study it. In return, I can let Dr. Breaves study the relevant technical data.

At the same time, Dr. Breaves was also asked to make a Dragon Ball radar. Of course, the samples of Dragon Ball were found directly in Bulma's warehouse.

After staying at Bulma's house for a few days, the Dragon Ball radar and combat detectors were all adjusted soon. Kadish simply drove the spaceship over for Dr. Breeves to study, and installed the gravity chamber by the way.

And I took the Dragon Ball Radar to prepare for the trip to find the Dragon Ball.

(End of this chapter)

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