Dragon Ball Cardis

Chapter 100 The power of time and space

Chapter 100 The power of time and space
Both of them were fighting with all their might, but it was Dares, who had a higher combat effectiveness, who was the first to fail.

"How do you get stronger and stronger?"

Dales, who was out of breath, looked at Kadiz who was getting stronger and stronger and asked in puzzlement.

At this time, Kadiz was also a little tired, but he was much better than Dales, and as he fought against the strong, he felt that his strength was getting stronger and stronger, and he could control the Super Saiyan Also more and more proficient.

"A real Super Saiyan needs to constantly surpass himself, instead of relying on external things for a long time. From this point of view, you have already lost!"

Cardis breathed a sigh of relief, clenched his fists on his waist, and let out a low growl.


The golden arrogance on his body rose slightly again, and a more powerful force erupted than before, and the dazzling golden light gradually overwhelmed the black arrogance.

Looking at himself, who has reached 3 million combat power, and Dares, who has been reduced to 5750 million combat power, Kadish smiled confidently.

"Dales, you may rest in peace!"

An inconceivable golden light erupted from Kadiz's body, instantly dispelling the darkness of the entire sky.

A golden streamer flashed across the sky, and the two engaged in a fierce melee battle again, but this time it was Dares who was tortured unilaterally.

Under a series of blows, Dales was damaged in many places, suffered a major blow, and barely flew into the air. He was going to the crown of the spiritual tree, and he had to rely on the power of the fruit of the spiritual tree to make a comeback again.

But a devastating shock wave rushed from behind him with a dazzling golden light, directly blasting him towards the Spirit Tree.

Amidst the rumbling muffled sound, the ground also shook violently.

The branches of the spiritual tree that had already covered half of the earth suddenly turned into golden spots of light.

These light spots are like white snow, permeating the entire planet.

The true face of the light spot is the energy of the planet absorbed by the spirit tree!
When the vitality of these planets drilled into the earth, the already withered land, like being moistened by rain, regained its vitality, and everything on the entire earth regained its vitality again.

At the same time that Dales was eliminated, a trace of space-time power gathered towards Kadiz in the dark.

"This is the power of the rules of time and space?"

Kadish watched the power of time enter his body and felt it carefully. At this time, he felt that there seemed to be something more in his mind. After a closer look, it turned out to be some methods of using the power of time.

"At present, I have initially mastered the power of the three rules of creation, miracles, and time!"

The power of different rules flashed in Kadiz's hands, feeling their differences.

It is said that reaching a seventh-level god needs to fully control at least one kind of rule power. For example, the God of Destruction has mastered the power of destruction, and the Kaiwang God has mastered the power of creation. This is a necessary condition for becoming a seventh-level god.

And Kadish has already begun to dabble in the power of the three rules in the realm of the fifth-level god. As long as he fully masters one of the rules, he will have the same realm as the God of Destruction and the King of the World.

As for the higher-level eighth-level gods, Kadish will not consider them for the time being. The eighth-level gods need to fully grasp the power of more than four rules, and they can use them at will like angels. For the current Kadish, it is still very far away. .

At this time, Monkey King Piccolo and others flew to Kadish and asked suspiciously after eating the fairy beans.

"Excuse me?"

"To put it simply, my origin is your elder brother in another world!" Kadish turned his head and said to them, looking at Monkey King a few more times indiscriminately.

"Wukong's big brother? Isn't it Raditz?" Kelin next to him said in surprise, and the others were also full of puzzled expressions.

Afterwards, Kartis briefly explained the difference between the two worlds, and they slowly recalled from the surprise.

After that, Cardis guided Sun Wukong in the 17th time and space, and taught him how to transform into a Super Saiyan.

Not long after, Kadiz returned to the No. 1 main world again.

Ever since he gained a lot of money in the space-time mission, he couldn't wait to open the time-space scroll again, and looked it up carefully, but his brows were deeply frowned.

Put aside those ultra-abnormal scrolls first, and choose a few of the simplest ones based on your current strength.

"Huh? This mission is interesting!" Kadish opened one of the scrolls and looked at it seriously.

This time and space scroll introduces that in time and space No. 48, a certain time and space traveler opened the gate of the demon world, causing a large number of demons to wreak havoc in the world.

The requirement of the task is to eliminate the time traveler and close the gate of the Demon Realm.

"Although I don't know the specific strength of the time traveler, since he still needs to rely on the power of the demons, he must not be strong."

Kartis pondered for a moment. The space-time scroll only introduced events that distorted history, and there was no standard for the enemy's strength, so he had to judge by himself.

"I'll choose this one! Punish the demons, what a positive cause!" Kadish said with determination as he thought of various scenes of being chased and killed by the demons in his childhood.

Dimension 48, Earth.

At this time, the earth is full of gunpowder smoke, and the sky is full of flames. Groups of scary-looking demons fly past. People are crying helplessly, but the demons will not have any mercy for them.

As soon as Kadish came out, he saw several demons fighting fiercely near him, and immediately rescued several humans.

Dimension 48 is currently in the timeline where Monkey King returned from Planet Adrat after defeating Frieza on Planet Namek.

Because there is no future Trunks in this world, Monkey King arrived on Earth ahead of schedule by teleportation.

After a devastating battle, Sun Wukong eliminated the mechanical Frieza and Frieza's father, King Kurd.

Just when the Z fighters thought that the crisis was over, demons flew over from somewhere on the earth. Due to the large number, Sun Wukong and others could only block a few stronger demon leaders.

Cardis felt the fighting spirit of Sun Wukong and others, and realized that they were too far away, so he directly launched teleportation.

As soon as he appeared on the battlefield, he hit him with a fist. Kadis clenched his fist and turned his head to look. It turned out to be Yamcha. He was fighting a demon at this time, and he inadvertently hit Kadis who had just appeared .

"Wukong? No, you're not Wukong!"

Yamcha was startled when he found that there was suddenly a person beside him. He thought it was Wukong, but after a closer look, he was a little taller than Wukong, his hairstyle was more erect, and his face was only [-]% similar. He is so handsome.

Just when Yamucha was in a daze, the demon was not polite, and he punched Yamucha in the stomach, and the painful Yamucha hugged his stomach and inhaled.

Seeing this, Kartis didn't blame Yamcha for hitting him, and directly punched the demon in the abdomen.

The demon spit a mouthful of blood on Yamcha's face, and fell down holding his belly in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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