Chapter 97 Recalling the Past

But with the current relationship between the two, will Zhang Yaqi agree?

The atmosphere became extremely quiet for a while, and Qin Feng didn't speak, waiting for a reply.

Regarding this matter, he did not deliberately set any tricks, and he was completely telling the truth.

Whether Zhang Mengqing can live or not depends on Zhang Yaqi's intentions, and he can't guarantee what the final result will be.

After a while, Zhang's father said in a low voice: "No matter what, call Yaqi back from Wei's house first."

Mother Zhang asked, "What about the wedding?"

Father Zhang said: "It's already come to this kind of thing, what's more important about the wedding, I believe the Wei family will understand."

So Zhang Yaqi was taken back.

Zhang Mengqing didn't look at Zhang Yaqi at all, or in other words, she didn't dare to meet Zhang Yaqi's eyes.

Since Mr. Wei proposed the marriage contract, she knows best how she treats Zhang Yaqi.

Now she has to ask Zhang Yaqi, and it's such a big matter, she really doesn't have the face.

And Qin Feng is also very interesting, in order to keep the conversation from becoming unstoppable, Zhang Yaqi didn't even sit down, so he proposed the idea of ​​private chat.

Zhang Yaqi knew it was Qin Feng, so of course he didn't have any objection, so he took Qin Feng to his room.

Back in this room, Zhang Yaqi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and his originally tense face also relaxed a lot.

At this time, she can finally release her true self.

She stared at Qin Feng, her watery eyes rolled and turned, which made Qin Feng's heart shudder.

Qin Feng took two steps back and said in his original voice: "What are you looking at?"

Zhang Yaqi tilted his head and exclaimed softly: "My God, how did you do it?"

"Are you Kaitou Kidd? Why can't I see any trace?"

Qin Feng touched his face subconsciously, and said with a smile: "If you can see it, can it still be called Yirong?"

Zhang Yaqi nodded, and didn't pursue the matter any further, and asked again: "What are you doing here?"

Her pretty face flushed suddenly: "Is it... for me?"

Qin Feng didn't care about Zhang Yaqi's blushing at all, and said: "Of course the original intention was for you, but now, things are a little difficult."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yaqi asked.

Qin Feng said all the things that should be said to Zhang Yaqi without reservation.

While listening, Zhang Qiya's expression became more serious.

After introducing what happened, Qin Feng continued: "As long as you are willing to spend five years of life, I have absolute confidence to cure your sister."

"But I have to tell you that if you don't save her, your sister will definitely not live for three days. When the funeral starts, I'm afraid your wedding can be postponed for at least half a year."

"Anything can happen in half a year, including the cancellation of the wedding."

"And even if you help your sister, you can't guarantee that your sister won't continue to persecute you."

He stared into Zhang Yaqi's eyes, and said slowly: "So in this situation, how should you choose?"

Qin Feng's voice was not loud, but it shook Zhang Yaqi's heart like beating a drum.

This sudden question cut off her thinking like a blade.

Zhang Yaqi was stunned, his eyes were not so much stiff, but rather lost.

And Qin Feng didn't ask any further, he just said "Think about it yourself", and then left.

The reason why he made the results of the two choices so clear was of course not to make Zhang Yaqi fall into conflict.

However, while saving Zhang Mengqing, he couldn't make Zhang Yaqi give up the chance to save herself.

So what to do, everything depends on Zhang Yaqi himself.

With Qin Feng's departure, the breath in the room suddenly became silent, leaving only the illusory tinnitus.

Zhang Yaqi lowered his head and kept his gaze blank for a long time.

Suddenly, she slowly turned her head and looked at the drawer beside the bed.Then she opened the drawer and took out a brass-colored pocket watch.

Gently open the watch cover, inside is a small photo.

In the photo are two little girls who are almost identical in appearance. Their foreheads are brought together and their smiles are very sweet.

And this is naturally her and Zhang Mengqing.

They each have a pocket watch like this. The old gentleman in the photo studio told them that the pocket watch is a very special thing, and it is also the decoration closest to the heart. As long as their group photo is placed in the pocket watch, their sisterhood will be complete Will be strong for life.

She has always believed in the old man's words, and has always kept the pocket watch properly, so that more than ten years have passed, and the pocket watch is still brand new.

But how could this happen now?

In Zhang Yaqi's eyes, confusion like mist and gauze slowly filled up.

They both used to be really good.

Sleeping together, going to school together, doing everything together, it's as good as one person.

She is a younger sister with a soft personality, and she was very shy when she was a child.Although Zhang Mengqing is not much older than her, she has a much tougher personality, so she has been protected by Zhang Mengqing since she was a child.

The most impressive time was in high school. When school was over, the driver couldn't come to pick them up because of something at home, so they walked home together.

But as they walked, they were stopped by a group of gangsters.

The hooligans were particularly interested in girls like Zhang Yaqi, and threatened to take her out for "play", which scared Zhang Yaqi to tears.

But Zhang Mengqing stood in front of her, arguing with the gangsters, refusing to give in at all, her body was obviously only thin and thin, but it seemed to be a high wall.

The gangsters were irritated by her, Dang even gave up Zhang Yaqi directly, and took Zhang Mengqing into the alley instead.

If it wasn't for Zhang Yaqi calling for help and attracting many kind-hearted people to help, Zhang Mengqing might have encountered the scariest thing for a girl that day.

After being rescued, Zhang Mengqing was almost naked. Zhang Yaqi hugged her neck and cried loudly, but she just stroked Zhang Yaqi's head and asked softly if Zhang Yaqi was injured.

Zhang Yaqi once told Zhang Mengqing that she has no interest in the company and does not want to run the company in the future.And Zhang Mengqing patted her chest and said to her, don't worry, with me, I will definitely make the company more and more powerful!
Later, Zhang Mengqing did the same. She stayed in the company all day just to make the company bigger and stronger.

Thinking about it now, maybe it was because she worked too hard that she fell into a magic barrier and refused to give up any opportunity, including the marriage with Shiyu Media.

(End of this chapter)

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