Chapter 60 Shocked!

"I just want to ask you, you have brought all the valuable things in your house, right?"

Qin Feng repeated this sentence again and again.

Xu Lixin looked at Li Huimin flirtatiously, smiled, and said contemptuously:

"Poor ghost, are you scared stupid or what? I'll tell you right now, these things are just the tip of the iceberg! That's all, can you compare?"

Qin Fengyun smiled lightly, and said to Xu Lixin's mother:
"Ma'am, your son said that these are just the tip of the iceberg in your house, right? Well then, please go back home now and bring all the things in your house and put them in front of me!"

Xu Lixin's mother frowned slightly, and turned her head to look at Xu Lixin's father. Xu Lixin's father turned his eyes to look at Qin Feng and said hurriedly:

"Young man, in fact, my family is more than enough than the bottom. Don't listen to my son's nonsense, how can these be the tip of the iceberg? They are already worth nearly 2000 million!"

There was no malice in Xu Lixin's father's words, he just told the truth, and that was the truth.

"Oh, so that's the case, then these are all Mr. Xu's net worth!"

Qin Feng still said with disdain.

Xu Lixin and his mother almost said in unison: "Is it enough to buy you five lives? It's embarrassing to compare, you have eaten the heart of a bear!"

The scene was once embarrassing to the bone, and it seemed that the situation had been settled.Qin Feng sneered and said, "Mr. Xu, please stand here for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, I will bring my belongings."

Li Huimin was startled, belongings?

Where does her brother Xiaofeng have any wealth...

While she was full of doubts, Xu Lixin was furious, and said, "You poor one is going to pay back your belongings, just brag and criticize you!"

Xu Lixin's mother followed closely and said:

"It's ridiculous, a poor boy like you can have a fart's property, even if you have it, you are guaranteed to steal it! It's something of unknown origin!"

Several people present knew that Xu Lixin had followed his mother's good genes, and he was really a 360-degree sarcasm when he spoke.

But it doesn't matter, because Qin Feng doesn't need to take these things seriously.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed a still unfamiliar mobile number. After one ring, the other side answered immediately. The volume of the mobile phone was too low, and others couldn't hear what the person on the other end of the mobile phone said.

I just heard Qin Feng say, with clanging words: "Now I order you to come to my house as soon as possible. You are only allowed to come to my house for 5 minutes. If you don't show up for 5 minutes, you will see that it will be done."

After he finished speaking, the person on the other side of the phone should have said something else, and immediately he hummed and hung up the phone.

5 minutes is extremely short, but it is extremely long for Li Huimin.

She didn't know how Qin Feng should end after 5 minutes, or in other words, he couldn't end at all.

With a flick of a finger, 5 minutes have passed.

Xu Lixin said sourly, "You poor fellow, I'm holding on to the time here! Now 5 minutes are up, where are your... belongings?"

He bit the word "family belongings" very hard, as if he was telling something of great importance.

And his mother also fanned the flames:

"Well, baby, Mom, I really didn't expect such a shameless person in the world. He kept talking about it for 5 minutes, and kept talking about his possessions. What happened? He..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she heard a startled sound from outside the door. Two rows of beauties walked in with high heels. There were five people in a row. At the end of the two rows, a man wearing a suit and leather shoes walked over. man.

Everyone in the room was stunned, especially Xu Lixin, who was dazed when he saw these ten beauties in high-heeled silk stockings standing there.

"Hello, President!"

The ten beauties and the man bowed and said loudly almost at the same time.

The people in the room looked at each other in dismay, no one would have thought that Qin Feng was actually a president.

Immediately, Qin Feng nodded and said: "Well, good, very good. Everyone straighten up and talk."

With Qin Feng's order, everyone raised their heads.

That stern man in a suit and leather shoes is Yao Qicheng, the vice president of Tianlai Entertainment.

When Qin Feng left Teana Entertainment a few days ago, he had earnestly instructed Yao Qicheng to take care of the company's affairs temporarily.

Fortunately, Yao Qicheng, the vice president, is decent. Up to now, he still handles the company's affairs in an orderly manner, which can be said to be very good.

"Huh? President?"

"What what? This poor boy is actually a president?"

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded, and everyone fixed their eyes on Qin Feng's face.

With a calm face, Qin Feng called Yao Qicheng to the front and said:

"Qicheng, I told you just now, you must arrive here in 5 minutes, why are you 2 minutes late? What's going on?"

Yao Qicheng hurriedly explained:

"Report to the president! The company just went to an artist company, and they are all the fresh meat that is going to be popular recently. I really can't get away. But since you have spoken, I will send them away as soon as possible. No, it's still 2 minutes late."

Qin Feng put his hands behind his back and said:

"Well, this reason is fine. Anyway, you are also doing it for the company's affairs. I will not pursue it this time. If you are like this now, take out my business card and send it to the family of three, so that they can open their eyes."

At the end, Qin Feng did not forget to add:
"Advise some frogs at the bottom of the well not to think what's wrong with themselves. Don't say that there are 1000 million to 2000 million. Even if it is [-] million, it is just a drop in the ocean compared to my wealth."

When Xu Lixin's family of three took Qin Feng's president business card from Yao Qicheng, they were so surprised that their eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

"This...isn't it fake?"

Xu Lixin blurted out hurriedly.

I have to say that Xu Lixin was really shocked. Where had he seen such a battle?
"You little bastard, why are you talking to our president!"

Without even thinking about it, Yao Qicheng slapped Xu Lixin hard on the face with his backhand.

After being slapped by Yao Qicheng, Xu Lixin didn't even dare to fart, but just covered his face and looked at Yao Qicheng blankly.

Yao Qicheng had worked in the army for eight years, and before he recovered, he was once a feared tiger in the army.

(End of this chapter)

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