Chapter 56 Fight!

It turned out that when he was in Suhang's manager's office just now, he made fun of Suhang repeatedly, and in the end, Suhang simply didn't know what to do.

In desperation, she chased Qin Feng in the office, and smashed Qin Feng with her high heels tightly in her hand.

If you left me, wouldn't those people named Su in your family want to eat you alive?

You think that people in your family would like you to be the general manager. If I hadn't protected you, you would have ceased to exist. What a fool.

Qin Feng teased and said:
"Look at what you said, even if you fire me, don't I have to visit your house often? Your father appreciates me so much."

At this moment, the sky was not only gloomy, but even began to rain like thin needles.

Qin Feng was walking alone in the rain. When he walked into a small road, a black shadow suddenly jumped down from a high place. The black shadow suddenly turned around and blocked in front of him.

Qin Feng was anxious to go home as soon as possible, and didn't want to pay attention to this person.

So, Qin Feng walked to the left, and this person blocked him on the left.

Qin Feng turned to the right, and this person blocked him again.

Qin Feng stopped in his tracks, looked intently at this person's face, and found that this person's face was covered by a piece of black gauze, so he couldn't see this person's face at all.

Qin Feng frowned suddenly, and asked loudly: "Who are you? What does this mean?"

As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, the man's fist hit him violently, and at the same time he responded: "Hehe, who am I? I'm the one who came to kill you!"

After the person finished speaking, the pair of fists as heavy as a thousand catties had already hit Qin Feng.

In fact, Qin Feng didn't take this heavy punch seriously at all, but when this heavy punch hit him, he realized that he had met a master this time!
In the past, not to mention that there were few people who could get close to Qin Feng's body, even if there were, that person's power was almost invisible.

Because when Qin Feng was abroad, his muscles and bones have already surpassed that of ordinary people. It can even be said that Qin Feng is simply a god when fighting against opponents.

For a long time, always.

However, at this moment, he couldn't believe his eyes that the person standing in front of him would have such super strength.

When this punch hit him, it seemed that even the internal organs in his body trembled violently.

Qin Feng's body was shaken, and he almost fell to the ground.

He hadn't slowed down the tremendous power that this punch brought to him, and then kicked him with a flying kick.

There was only a muffled "bang", and Qin Feng slammed into the wall beside him.

Qin Feng first received a fatal blow unexpectedly, and then before he even came to his senses clearly, another flying kick came towards him.

This punch and kick inevitably dealt a fatal blow to Qin Feng in the shortest possible time, and what's more, he was completely caught off guard.

After he was kicked to the side of the wall, he saw that his whole body was about to fall down at this person's feet.

Fortunately, Qin Feng has a lot of experience in battle. He used the strength of his waist to complete a very difficult "dragon wagging tail" in an instant while his body was in the process of tilting.

As a result, his body did not fall to the ground, but he felt certain and stabilized in his original position.

I have to say, this is really amazing.

But even if it's amazing, so what?
As the saying goes, Hu Luo Ping Yang is bullied by dogs, although Qin Feng does not have any decisive defeat at the moment, and it is very obvious that the other party is by no means an idle person.

But at this moment, Qin Feng's embarrassment is obvious. The man grabbed Qin Feng's right shoulder viciously, and said coldly:

"Your skills are indeed very good. It seems that the person who hired me is quite knowledgeable. Today, I believe that sending you to Xitian is not an insult to you."

While the man was speaking, his fists were clenched very tightly, and with a sudden force, he attacked Qin Feng's heart.

Seeing this, Qin Feng was dumbfounded. The way of this punch was so similar to the punch he used today when he was teaching his wisdom!

The only difference is that when Qin Feng hit Gao Jian, he was worried that the punch would destroy Gao Jian's life.

So he suddenly shifted the punch that was supposed to hit the heart to Takami's chest.

And this punch is all about strength and yang, and the user often needs to use all his strength to punch this punch with power.

However, when Qin Feng hit Gao Jian's punch, Qin Feng deliberately restrained his strength a lot.

At this moment, the punch that this man slammed was extremely powerful, and even the wind of the fist stabbed Qin Feng's face with pain.

Let's see how fast this punch is, it is like a bolt of lightning that is about to reach Qin Feng's heart in less than a second.

Qin Feng stepped on the wall beside him with both feet, and for a while, the whole person walked on the wall like a nebula, and his steps were extremely fast.

It was so dizzying for that person to stand there!
"Boy! I guess you have some real skills. I want to take a closer look now, whether your fist is hard enough, or my fist is fast enough!"

Qin Feng said to the man calmly while walking quickly on the wall.

He obviously walked so fast with both feet, but he was still full of confidence, and he didn't mess up his breathing even after expending such a lot of effort.

The man froze on the spot!

"How do you know my boxing technique?"

The man felt very surprised for a moment, because this way of boxing has been lost for decades, and few people in this land can recognize it.

Moreover, Qin Feng's walking is exactly the famous boxing method. It is said that this footwork is the gatekeeper's stunt other than the "Tai Chi" of the Wudang school.

When he made a surprise attack just now, this person already knew that Qin Feng was no ordinary person, but how could he have imagined that Qin Feng had such power!

In the long life of this person, he was fortunate enough to have seen this famous boxing technique.

Most of the users are not just for fame and fame. Compared with Qin Feng's lightness kungfu, which can be called a supernatural kung fu, it is not even a star.

At the same time, this person was also infinitely amazed, how could Qin Feng's boxing be so powerful.

The few users who were fortunate enough to meet before, compared with him, they can be said to be insignificant.

Just as he was looking at Qin Feng who was crazily wandering on the wall with a face full of shock, he was too dazzled to see Qin Feng's figure clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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