Chapter 344 Unqualified
"Hehe, Qin Muyuan's elder brother is really not a thing!"

Xiao Yun was even more lost.

Although broken in love, she still has a lace mentality.

No matter how handsome and talented Qin Feng is, she doesn't have any feelings for Qin Feng, but she has a lot of feelings for the graceful Su Hang.

"Xiao Yun, since your partner is married to a man, you should also be a normal woman. You don't need to marry, but you should learn to accept men." Suhang said.

"Then I accept your husband, okay?"

"If my husband is interested in you, then it's fine, if he's not interested in you, then it's not."

"Suhang, it turns out that you are not a thing, you all go away, let me drink bitter coffee alone and cry."

"You can put sugar or cream in your coffee and you don't have to cry. Oh man, let's go."

Suhang and Qin Feng walked out together.

Xiao Yun was the only one left in the private room, she seemed to feel the four walls squeezed, and the space was getting smaller and smaller, suffocating her.

Slowly drinking coffee, Xiao Yun's pain has nowhere to rest.

The car drives in the dark.

Su Hang smiled suddenly: "Husband, you should get rid of Xiao Yun, so that she likes men."

"A good thing of this nature cannot be done casually. In my heart, Xiao Yun's parents are friends of the Qin family, Xiao Yun is the spokesperson of the Su Group, and Xiao Yun and I are actually not very close." Qin Feng said .

"But Xiao Yun used to miss me, and I was worried that she would pester me again. If this happened, how would you treat Xiao Yun?" Su Hang said with a worried expression.

"If Xiao Yun goes to pester you again, there is only one solution, hand Xiao Yun over to Sister Qing Snake." Qin Feng said.

"Ha ha……"

Su Hang smiled happily, "How could I have forgotten about the Green Snake in the Haikuotian Guild Hall, she is an expert in repairing people, if Xiao Yun falls into the hands of the Green Snake, it must be very miserable, maybe it's normal if she doesn't know her orientation."

The next morning.

Jiangcheng Langyu Beach.

People from the Situ family and the Hai family have arrived ahead of schedule, and the person representing the Situ family in the battle today is Situ Yunlang.

After Situ Yuanba used the trauma medicine, the scars on his face were still a little obvious. Looking at the sea not far away, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Qin Feng, today will be an important turning point in your life. You will fully understand that returning to the Qin family is not luck for you, but a disaster! If your plane is not high enough, you will not know Green Snake, nor will you There will be no more bad luck."

"Brother, Qin Feng hasn't come yet, who are you talking to?" Hai Dongqing was very upset, but he couldn't speak too harshly.

"I'm talking to you all, don't you understand the context?"

Situ Yuanba pushed Hai Dongqing back, and said coldly, "Don't be distracted. If the Situ family is defeated, your Hai family will be bullied by the green snake even more! I don't know that your siblings will be abused by the green snake. What a dog!"

These words immediately resonated with Hai Furong, and the image of the green snake abusing her appeared in Hai Furong's mind, and she cried, but the green snake didn't know how to be soft.

However, Hai Furong still doesn't want Qin Feng to be seriously injured, because she likes him.

Her heart was so contradictory that Hai Furong didn't even have the courage to watch the battle. She wanted to escape from herself, but she didn't have a suitable excuse.

And this moment.

The person who should come seems to have come.

Several cars drove over, and when the doors opened, many people got out.

Qin Feng, Su Hang, He Xiaowei, Green Snake came, and Suzaku and other bodyguards also came.

Waves and rain on the beach.

The number of the two sides is equal, and they all put on a lineup with a strong aura.

Situ Yuanba said contemptuously: "Qin Feng, I thought you were very brave, but I didn't expect you to be a cowardly person. My father challenged you, but you actually brought so many people here, wanting to fight?"

"Master Situ, if your IQ is a little more normal, you will find that there are actually quite a few of you. If you think that everyone else can leave, then all of you and those around me can leave. Lang Yu It's enough to leave only me and your father on the beach." Qin Feng said.

Situ Yuanba snorted coldly in shame and indignation, and said nothing.

Wu Qingmu despised Situ Yuanba in his heart, even if he wanted to hate Qin Feng, he should find a clever reason, lifted a rock, but almost smashed himself into a cripple, why bother?

"Qin Feng, since you're here, it's time for us to make a move. You have to remember that the bet is 30 billion." Situ Yunlang said.

"That's right, the bet is 30 billion, and you can start anytime."

Qin Feng is fearless.

Qin Feng confronts Situ Yunlang.

The people watching the battle were divided into two camps, standing on both sides.Green Snake and Suzaku were always watching the movements of Hai Furong and Situ Yuanba.

Situ Yunlang mobilized the power of his martial arts, and his whole aura changed. Before he could make a move, there was already a whistling wind blowing around him.

Qin Feng stood there very relaxed, his eyes were even a little dazed, it didn't look like a big war was coming.

If you don't know him enough, no one will believe that Qin Feng will be Situ Yunlang's opponent, and he probably won't be able to last for three seconds.

Situ Yunlang rushed forward, his fists and legs were fierce and powerful, and he made a hundred moves in a short time.

Qin Feng used Xuanmen martial arts to fight against Situ Yunlang, seemingly carelessly, but he did not lose the wind in the slightest.

Situ Yunlang wanted to hit Qin Feng hard, but after 3 minutes, Qin Feng was unscathed, but Situ Yunlang's left arm and right leg were injured.

Just now Situ Yuanba had been shouting all the time, but at this moment, he had calmed down, clearly feeling that his father's beating was not easy.

Situ Yunlang struck again with a heavy punch, Qin Feng dodged the moment, and hit Situ Yunlang's chin with an uppercut.

Situ Yunlang screamed in pain and fell on the beach, Situ Yuanba screamed, Hai Furong and Hai Dongqing screamed.

Su Hang, Qing Snake and others all laughed, it turned out that Situ Yunlang was nothing more than that.

Just as Situ Yunlang stood up, Qin Feng kicked him hard on the side of his heart, and he screamed again and flew out.

"Qin Feng, you are too beast!" Situ Yuanba cursed angrily.

"You are the fucking beast, what did my brother Qin Feng do wrong?" He Xiaowei spoke.

"Who are you? I don't know you, you are not qualified to talk to me!" Situ Yuan roared angrily.

"I'm Qin Feng's sister He Xiaowei."

"So you are that shameless dancer?"

After Situ Yunlang's defeat, Situ Yuanba almost became frantic.

He Xiaowei burst into tears.

Qin Feng looked back and saw the tears in He Xiaowei's eyes, so he ordered: "Green Snake, Suzaku, beat Situ Yuanba to death!"


Green Snake and Suzaku rushed towards Situ Yuanba.

Situ Yuanba dodged the green snake's leg sweep, but he couldn't dodge Suzaku's heavy punch. After being punched, he flew backwards screaming.

(End of this chapter)

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