Husband-in-law of a wealthy family

Chapter 337 I want an attitude

Chapter 337 I want an attitude
Situ Yunlang complained helplessly that Qin Feng would not let Situ Yuanba heal his injuries for the time being, and it seemed that he had no plan to send Situ Yuanba to the hospital.

As for Jiangcheng dandy Hai Dongqing, although the person who was injured was his brother Situ Yuanba, Hai Dongqing admired Qin Feng even more.

"Qin Feng, it would be great if I also had your force value. You have surpassed me in every aspect. No wonder you are Suhang's husband, but I am not. You can sleep with the most beautiful woman in Jiangcheng every day, but sometimes I don't know when to sleep. who."

Hai Dongqing thought so in his heart, and his eyes were erratic, which made Situ Yunlang extremely annoyed.

"Dongqing, what are you thinking?"

"Master, I was thinking, if I am a miracle doctor, I can heal senior brother."

"You're not a genius doctor, but you're a rich man, why don't you pay a billion bet for your brother?" Situ Yunlang said.

"This one……"

Hai Dongqing was very embarrassed, "Master, you are embarrassing me. My small treasury only has 2000 to [-] million, and it looks like it may be spent at any time. I have more energy than I want."

"It seems that you didn't understand. It seems that you are not sincere enough! This trip to Jiangcheng was a failure."

Situ Yunlang kept sighing, making it clear that the Hai family had to pay the money.

Hai Furong understood, but she didn't answer. This is not a small amount. Could it be that the master she worships is so shameless?

It got dark.

Qin Feng really didn't see the shadow of 10 billion.

What he values ​​is not the money, but the attitude of the Situ family.

Qin Feng's own principles do not allow the Situ family to renege on their debts, and the Qin family's majesty will not allow the Situ family to renege on their debts.

On the road near Su's villa, Qin Feng and Suhang strolled leisurely.

"Husband, you frown from time to time with a lovesick look on your face. Which sister do you miss? Sister Green Snake or Sister Xiaowei? It can't be Sister Furong?"

"I miss your sister."

"Husband, your taste is really good! Which sister am I? Cousin Su Yue or cousin Dong Yuqi?"

Qin Feng glanced at Su Hang resentfully, and said nothing.

Suhang sneered, she, who was cold and intelligent, suddenly looked a little silly, and then slipped into Qin Feng's arms like a bird.

Just now, Qin Feng mainly considered the decision of the Situ family and the progress of the situation.

At the same time, he also thought of He Xiaowei.

Maybe this night, Miss Xiaowei is still a DJ at the night show, so many people look at her with greedy eyes and describe her with harsh words.


The classic bar is as lively as ever.

The woman on the DJ stage is none other than He Xiaowei, with tights and long flowing hair, telling everyone that she can be very enchanting without taking it off.

"Damn it, it's up..."

He Xiaowei cheered, her dance steps became more dynamic, she shook her legs, twisted her hips, and played discs with the most skillful posture.

"The pond is full and the rain has stopped. There are loaches everywhere in the thin mud beside the field, waiting for you every day, waiting for you to catch loaches. How about big brother, let's catch loach..."

He Xiaowei doesn't have a big brother, but she has a younger brother named Qin Feng.

He Xiaowei never took her younger brother to catch loaches, but she took her younger brother to see the sea countless times.

He Xiaowei and Qin Feng have been to the seaside. At that time, He Xiaowei said: "Qin Feng, Dad is gone, and my sister will protect you from now on."

Later, He Xiaowei obviously couldn't cover Qin Feng, because she lost a lot of gambling, Qin Feng had to go to the Su family to be his son-in-law.


On the DJ stage, He Xiaowei burst into tears.

The sound of crying spread throughout the bar, and the crowd dancing on the dance floor was momentarily at a loss. They stopped dancing and looked at the DJ booth in unison.

The drinkers in the seats next to them were also taken aback, and all looked at the DJ booth in unison.

What I saw was the DJ waving tears, and what I saw was the most dynamic dance in the world.

"What happened to Xiaowei?"

"Whoever bullied Xiaowei, her brother Qin Feng is not easy to mess with!"

"Why did you burst into tears all of a sudden, what happened to Xiaowei?"

Sister Mei, the owner of the bar, hurriedly brought someone forward to inquire.

"Xiaowei, what's the matter, what happened, tell Sister Mei, whoever bullied you, abolish him!"

"Sister Mei, no one bullied me. It's because I thought of the past and felt sad."

He Xiaowei had no choice but to walk down the DJ booth with Sister Mei, and someone immediately went up to replace He Xiaowei.

General manager's room.

Sister Mei asked a lot, but He Xiaowei hardly gave any answers, she just wiped her tears and smiled in relief.

"Do you want me to call Qin Feng for you?"

"Don't bother him, I'm fine."

This night, He Xiaowei had to leave the classic bar early. Sister Mei said, no money will be deducted, and there will be a bonus for crying so pitifully.

the next day.

It was past 11 in the morning, and Qin Feng still didn't see the shadow of 10 billion.

In Su's CEO's office, Qin Feng's face was cold, and he said angrily: "The Situ family is really not particular, it seems that they really want to renege on their debts."

"What are you going to do?"

"I have to continue to attack them. I will have lunch later, and then my action will start." Qin Feng said.

"Take me."

Su Hang thought to himself, husband, I like it no matter if you play wild on the bed or on the ground.

Suddenly, Qin Feng's cell phone rang, and the caller turned out to be Situ Yunlang.

"Qin Feng, I order you to come to the Hai family villa immediately!"

"Situ Yunlang, what are you? Why do you order me? I understand. Situ Yuanba was seriously injured and couldn't even eat smoothly, so are you in a hurry?"

"Yes, you bastard has caused serious harm to my son. If something happens to him, you, the Qin family, and the Su family will all be in trouble!"

Like an old bastard, Situ Yunlang showed off his Situ family connections to intimidate Qin Feng.

"Situ Yunlang, since you said this as Situ Yuanba's father, I have to tell you something. I won't take the Situ family seriously, and you can't." Qin Feng said.


"If you don't believe me! If you don't give me 10 billion, you don't even think about leaving Jiangcheng! Even if you get on the highway, I will intercept you!" Qin Feng said coldly.

Situ Yunlang was finally shocked, and began to reassess the strength of the Qin family.

Is it destined to lose face in Jiangcheng?This time I really shouldn't have come, even if I did come, I shouldn't be so impulsive.

"Qin Feng, if the Situ family pays 10 billion yuan, can you use Xuanmen medical skills to treat my son Yuanba?"

"May be."

"Well, within an hour, you will definitely receive the money."

Situ Yunlang was really scared, because the genius doctor Ximen Yongchang said that if the treatment is not timely and appropriate, Situ Yuanba will be left with a terrible hidden disease, which will affect his life, and even affect his lifespan.

A few ten minutes later, when Qin Feng and Su Hang were having dinner at Su's restaurant, a certain account of Qin Feng received 10 billion credits.

"Honey, congratulations on earning 10 billion. Although it's just a small amount of money to you, you must be very happy, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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