Chapter 328 Lost
"Yeah, Xiao Yun contributed a lot to such a hot scene just after the market opened," Qin Feng said.

"Xiao Yun confiscated the endorsement fee, and now I'm caught in the whirlpool of public opinion. I feel a little guilty, how about you?"

"I'm not very guilty."

Qin Feng was talking when his cell phone rang.

Suhang thought that the caller was Xiao Yun, but when Qin Feng took out his mobile phone, he saw that the caller ID was Hai Furong.

"Sister Furong, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm very depressed. I fell and injured myself in the office. My legs hurt and my abdomen hurts. I suspect that I have broken a bone, and I may have internal bleeding."

"It's so serious, did you jump off the building?"

"Qin Feng, you fucking bastard, your wife just jumped off the building, I just fell down, come and see me!"

"Don't go!"

"Okay, if you don't come, I guarantee that there will be a safety accident in the Jinxiu Garden community as soon as the construction starts!"

Hai Furong's method of intimidation is too terrifying.

The Jinxiu Garden community has opened, and construction will start in half a month. Before the freezing, the project must be fully advanced.

Nothing can happen at the beginning, Qin Feng said after pondering: "Okay, I'll go and see you."

Qin Feng drove the Maybach, first sent Suhang to the headquarters of Su Group, and then came to Haifan Construction Group.

In the CEO's office, Qin Feng saw Hai Furong in shorts and shorts, and said with a smile, "It's the beginning of September, and the weather is a bit cold. Why are you still dressed in midsummer, and you can't tell the season?"

"I can't tell the seasons, or even men and women, it's such a pain for a single mother like me."

Hai Furong had a sad face, "Su's real estate is in full swing, but I stumbled in my office. The difference in luck is too great. What's going on?"

"I don't know."

Qin Feng sat down, lit a cigarette, and began to think about how to deal with Hai Furong who was a little crazy.

Hai Furong sat down, wearing long legs in shorts, deliberately touching Qin Feng.

Qin Feng glanced at it, and what he saw was snow-white and delicate skin, slender and graceful curves.

The non-mainstream Yujie tastes delicious, but Qin Feng is still relatively calm.

"Didn't you have a fracture? Didn't you bleed internally? But why didn't I see any signs of injury? The fall was obviously not hard enough."

"Actually, I was injured, only because I am a master of martial arts, so there is no external injury, only internal injury."

Hai Furong said so, her body kept leaning, and finally leaned on Qin Feng's shoulder, with a happy smile on her lips.

"Your martial arts are really weird, even somersaults are worse than ordinary people. Tell me, what is your intention to trick me here?"

"My attempt has been realized, but I'm a little tired, and I want to rest on your shoulder for a while."

Hai Furong said, "Don't worry, I borrowed Su Hang's husband's shoulder, and I will pay it back."

Qin Feng dodged, then stood up and walked a few steps away.

Hai Furong's face turned cold, she got up and rushed over, and threw herself into Qin Feng's arms, with a cold light in her deep eyes, and her voice was even a bit vicious: "Let me ask you, does the Su Group still want to build a building?"

Qin Feng experienced the explosive curves, his breathing seemed a little uneven, and his eyes were a little more anxious.

"Give me a massage, and then have dinner with me, and then you can go home to find your wife, or go to Qin's villa to find your parents and sister."

Hai Furong casually mentioned a few people, but He Xiaowei was not mentioned among them.

Qin Feng thought, is it possible that Miss Xiaowei is not my relative in your heart?

"How are you talking with He Xiaowei recently?"

"No chat."

"Oh, didn't you become friends at that meeting? You said it yourself, and you admire her very much."

"At the time, I thought that your sister Xiaowei and I could become good friends. After chatting a few times, I found out that the difference in realm is too great. It is impossible for me to be friends with a woman like her."


Qin Feng was really upset, and pushed Hai Furong away from his arms.


Hai Furong suddenly took a few steps back, and fell to the ground on her back, "Damn, what are you doing so excited? I just said a few words from my heart. I lied to you that I fell, but now I really fell. It hurts me to death. Help me up!"

"Get up by yourself!" Qin Feng said coldly.


Hai Furong got up by herself, facing the enraged young master of the Qin family, Hai Furong was even a little timid.

Qin Feng sat down, a little downcast.

Hai Furong stood in front of him, not intending to show her beauty, but her fragrance was there.

"Qin Feng, you are so kind to He Xiaowei. You want her to have more friends. I understand you very well, but you also need to understand me. He Xiaowei and I have different past experiences, and the current situation is also different. She dances in the nightclub Yes, and I am the president of Haifan Construction Group, how do you want me to play with her?"

"Okay, Sister Furong, I understand you. I blame my sister Xiaowei for not being good. I don't blame you."

Qin Feng's face was full of bitterness, and his heart was full of pain.

He really wanted to change He Xiaowei's status quo, but unfortunately, He Xiaowei didn't accept it.

"Qin Feng, please, don't be angry, give me a massage. From now on, I will be a stylish woman in front of you."

"I'm in a bad mood today, I don't want to give you a massage, so I'm leaving first."

Qin Feng left.

When Hai Furong came out, the elevator was already landing.

Hai Furong hurriedly took another elevator downstairs, but Qin Feng's car had already left.

"I'm sorry, Qin Feng, Sister Furong has affected your mood, but I really can't be friends with He Xiaowei."

Hai Furong thought so, tears welled up in her deep eyes, she turned and walked back.

Driving on the road, Qin Feng seemed to have lost his way.

"No matter who I am, He Xiaowei is my relative. Others can look down on Miss Xiaowei, but I can't alienate her."

Qin Feng called He Xiaowei.

He Xiaowei was lying on the sofa in the old house in Xiangyang District, looking at her mobile phone. She had already ordered takeaway for dinner.

Seeing that it was Qin Feng who was calling, He Xiaowei's heart beat a little faster. She was not wearing underwear, so it was easy to receive Qin Feng's call.

"Qin Feng, what's the matter with you?"

"I haven't eaten with you for a few days. I plan to go home and try your handicrafts. I'll be there later."

"I just ordered takeaway, it's only enough for one person, don't come."

"I'll be there in a while."

Qin Feng is here.

The takeaway He Xiaowei ordered was on the coffee table, rice with fish-flavored shredded pork and a bottle of Coke.

"What are you looking at? The [-] Lafite you gave me has long since run out. Now I drink Coke and instant coffee."

"There are a lot of good wine and tea. Later, you will go with me to Qin's villa to get them?"

"Don't go."

He Xiaowei gave Qin Feng a cold look, and went to the kitchen to cook.

Qin Feng sat down. He had lived in this simple and dilapidated small house for many years, no matter when he came, he would never feel strange.

The smell of vegetables came from the kitchen. Miss Xiaowei was cooking for him, and finally a smile appeared on the corner of Qin Feng's mouth.

Shredded pork with green peppers, shredded potatoes with vinegar, and seaweed and egg drop soup were brought to the coffee table, as was the rice cooker for steaming rice.

(End of this chapter)

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