Husband-in-law of a wealthy family

Chapter 275 Gentleman Image

Chapter 275 Gentleman Image
"In short, the reason I came to talk to you is to tell you that I don't have a good impression of Li Qi, and I don't want to agree with you."

"I advise you to re-examine the relationship between you. In addition, I know that you also know in your heart that Wu Bin was introduced to you by your mother and me."

"I can see that he still has a good impression of you. You should talk to him more and cultivate a relationship."

"If things between you two come to pass, it will be of great benefit to our family, understand?"

After speaking, Li Ding left, leaving only Li Wei standing there with a headache.

She thought that finding a fake boyfriend would be able to hide the truth, but now it seems that she is still too naive...

Then several people continued to chat, and the topic did not go to Qin Feng again, as if he was transparent.

But Qin Feng has long been used to being a transparent person, besides, no one cares about him, but he is happy to be at ease.

Chatting and chatting, the time soon came to noon.

"It's time to eat." Huang Lan looked at the time and said, "Have you decided where to eat at noon?"

Li Wei said: "Jiangcheng is so big, are you afraid that you won't be able to find a place to eat? I'll make arrangements now."

"No need," Wu Bin stopped Li Wei, "I already booked the box before coming here."

Hearing this, Huang Lan immediately beamed with a smile: "That's right! This excellent person is thoughtful and forward-looking in everything he does!"

She glanced at Qin Feng, and her tone became strange: "It's not like some people, who obviously should behave, but they are not sensible at all, and they might even plan to ask me to cook for him!"

Qin Feng shrugged secretly, not wanting to care about these things.

A group of people got up and went outside, Huang Lan said to Qin Feng again: "It's getting late, you should go back and have lunch."

Li Wei was stunned: "Mom, what do you mean, don't you take Li Qi over there?"

Huang Lan explained seriously: "This is our family's dinner, it's inappropriate for him to follow, and there are no such rules."

Qin Feng smiled wryly in his heart, cooperating with him as an outsider, but Wu Bin became Huang Lan's family instead.

However, since Huang Lan refused to let him go, Qin Feng was naturally eager, so he hurriedly answered: "It turns out that this is the case, and it makes sense, then you go and eat, I'll go back and forget it."

Huang Lan snorted coldly: "It's quite interesting."

"No!" Just when Qin Feng was about to run away, Li Wei yelled.

Knowing that Qin Feng was going to run away, she stared at Qin Feng and said, "You are my boyfriend, so you have no reason not to go to this meal, right?"

"Don't you mean I'm not a family member in your eyes?"

Qin Feng was embarrassed for a while, although he didn't want to go from the bottom of his heart, but now he is working, and Li Wei is his boss, so he has no choice at all, so he can only change his words: "That's not the case, I also listen Auntie is talking."

"Since you want me to go, then I will go."

Huang Lan was in a good mood at first, but when she saw that Qin Feng had changed his mind when he said it, she immediately became angry and accused: "Hey, I said you young man, why are you so uninitiated?"

"Besides, go as soon as you say, and don't go if you don't, don't you take yourself too seriously?"

Li Wei understood that Huang Lan was trying to squeeze Qin Feng out. As long as Qin Feng left, Huang Lan could better match her and Wu Bin when they were in the box.

It's fine if she has feelings for Wu Bin, but the point is that although Wu Bin looks pretty good on the outside, she doesn't have feelings at all, so there is no need for in-depth communication.

In order to keep Qin Feng, she said angrily to Huang Lan: "I don't care so much, anyway, if Li Qi can't go today, then I won't go!"

"You girl..." Huang Lan was about to reprimand Li Wei.

At this time, Wu Bin smiled and smoothed things over: "Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, family harmony is the most important thing."

"Besides, Li Qi and Li Wei are in a relationship, and I think Li Qi should go, so let's just leave it at that and stop talking about it."

Of course Wu Bin didn't want Qin Feng to follow, but he had to say a few words at this time, after all, no matter what happened, Li Wei would still go.

Seeing what Wu Bin said, Huang Lan swallowed that breath and didn't say anything more.

Afterwards, a group of people went to the box of the hotel.

Just like in the villa, Qin Feng was still placed in the most marginal position, guarded by Li Ding next to him.

The table was full of delicious dishes, and the price of just one wine was as high as [-]. Huang Lan and Li Ding were both knowledgeable people, so they were full of praise for Wu Bin's atmosphere. Looking at it, it was obvious that they had already regarded Wu Bin as a His own son-in-law.

"Wu Bin, if anyone marries you, it is really a blessing she cultivated in her previous life." Huang Lan looked at Wu Bin with a smile, "By the way, let me ask you something, I heard that you don't have a girlfriend yet. Right, then tell me, what requirements do you have for your girlfriend? For example, about appearance, tell your aunt. "

Wu Bin said with a smile: "I can ask for anything. It doesn't matter what I look like. The main thing is that people are kind and filial piety is enough."

Huang Lan gave a thumbs up: "Don't look at the appearance, but only look at the inside. Yes, my aunt appreciates people like you very much."

She unexpectedly smiled deeply: "Then you and my daughter have chatted for a while, what do you think of my daughter?"

"Li Wei?" Wu Bin looked at Li Wei and replied, "I think Li Wei is pretty good. To paraphrase my aunt, if anyone can marry her, it must be a blessing from a previous life."

Huang Lan laughed even more happily: "Well, then I can rest assured, Auntie."

"Actually, I thought you and my daughter were a good match from the very first glance. Since you don't have a girlfriend, I'll be the master today. How about you try to talk to my daughter?"

"Mom!" Li Wei didn't expect Huang Lan to put this matter directly on the bright side, and she was really angry at the moment, not only showed a resentful expression on her face, but also said in a sharp tone, "You It's too much!"

Wu Bin's reaction was quick, and he immediately said in a reasonable manner: "Yes, Auntie, although I am very grateful for your love, but Li Wei already has a boyfriend, and Li Qi himself is here, why don't you say that?" suitable."

But Huang Lan dismissed Qin Feng at all: "What's inappropriate, what kind of boyfriend, have I recognized him?"

"They're just playing and fighting among children. What kind of relationship is it? Maybe they will break up tomorrow."

"Only those who have been recognized can be regarded as true love, other than that can't be counted!"

(End of this chapter)

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