Chapter 267 Shameless

"no problem!"

Kang Jinlong's voice gradually became heavy, "But what I am most worried about is that I will never see you again in the small restaurant on that street. We are both in Jiangcheng, but we are already people from two worlds."

"Your worry is unnecessary. From now on, with me, you have a credit line of 10 billion. It is undeniable that I am very rich, and I am willing to pay for our friendship. You can take the 10 billion at any time, and you can use it for investment. Come spoil it." Qin Feng said.

"10 million..."

Kang Jinlong said, "When I was sitting at work in Tenda Technology Company, I used to fantasize about becoming a billionaire. I was sitting on a yacht surrounded by beauties in bikinis..."

Kang Jinlong said, "But when I go back to the shared apartment near the company, when I'm alone in the room, my thoughts will be more realistic. I hope I can have a girlfriend. It doesn't need to be too good-looking, but she must be right. I'm good……"

Qin Feng chuckled: "I understand, what you yearn for is this kind of life, find a girlfriend, lie down together at dark, run together at dawn, and then sit in your fast food restaurant and have breakfast."

"Yeah, that's what I thought, but what does it feel like? I've never been in a relationship, and I don't even dare to go to the clubhouse." Kang Jinlong said.

Both Suhang and He Xiaowei could hardly listen anymore, Suhang said: "Qin Feng, it's almost dawn, let Jinlong rest first."

Walk out of the room where Kang Jinlong is.

He Xiaowei went back to the room.

Qin Feng and Suhang went to the master bedroom.

Sister Su took the initiative, like a dancer who heard her favorite dance music, and even shouted at Qin Feng: "Husband, face the blast!"

Today is Sunday, Su Hang doesn't need to go to Su Group, after breakfast, she returns to the villa with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng went to the basement room alone, Suhang thought that Qin Feng was busy making medicine bath packs, but Qin Feng just sat on the sofa, smoking and watching his mobile phone.

The real Xuanmen medicated bath bag naturally comes from the Xuanmen space. The Chinese herbal medicines contained in it are all unavailable in reality, and the efficacy is unimaginable and miraculous.

Hai Furong called, and Qin Feng answered it.

"I dreamed of my husband at night. From the first day I met him until his death, it was a very complete dream, very romantic and scary. Today I am very disappointed and want to die. Can you come home Will you stay with me?"


"Qin Feng, you bastard is too cold, you can't be so cold to Sister Fu Rong just because you are the prince of the Qin family. Different women have different tastes, don't you want to taste the taste of non-mainstream sister Yu?"

"Do not want to."

"Your sister's!"

"Sister Furong, don't scold my sister, Yuanyuan is very fierce, be careful that she beats you up. Actually, I have something to do today, so I don't have time to accompany you for the time being. Be happy yourself. Remember, don't act against Rui Manyi yourself, don't destroy our relationship. plan."

"But when will I be able to participate? I can hardly bear it anymore! Knowing the truth but not being able to make the real culprit pay the price immediately, this feeling is too painful!"

"I sympathize with your feelings, but you really shouldn't be in a hurry. Maybe within three or two days, you will have a chance to participate."

Qin Feng hung up the phone, then got up and left the basement room, and came to the room on the second floor of the villa.

To Qin Feng's surprise, Suhang seemed to be on the phone with Hai Furong. It seemed that after he hung up, Hai Furong called Suhang.

"Hai Furong, how shameless you are, to say so bluntly that you want to sleep with my husband? You have thrown away everyone in the Hai family!"

"A woman like me whose husband died, a legendary widow, wants to sleep with the man she likes, it's not such a shameful thing."

Hai Furong said rhythmically, "If something happens to me and your husband, I'm sleeping with the Crown Prince of the Qin family. Anyone who knows the situation will think that I'm so awesome!"

"Hai Furong, you are so hot. When we played together before, I never noticed you being so flirtatious. You scared me to death. Let me tell you, my husband is amazing..."

Suzhou and Hangzhou are also bad enough, a description, the lonely Hai Furong who has nowhere to rest is stimulated to death.

Then, Hai Furong's voice sounded like singing...

Seeing that Qin Feng's face was a bit cold, Suhang dealt with Hai Furong a few more words, and then hung up the phone.

"Husband, hee hee, I did it on purpose. Hai Furong provoked me, of course I have to fight back! No matter how much Hai Furong wants you, you are my husband, and she will never be my opponent in this matter."

"Qin Feng, what you said is very reasonable. We should go to the Hailang Villa area. I am in a hurry to give Jinlong a medicinal bath."

Qin Feng took Suhang out of the house and drove to his home in Hailang Villa District.

It's lunch time.

Qin Feng didn't care about eating, so he asked Suhang to take He Xiaowei and Hua Xiangrong to the kitchen, while he went to the room where Kang Jinlong was.

Water was put in the wooden barrel bathtub, and a Xuanmen medicinal bath bag was placed. The water temperature was moderate, and the Xuanmen medicinal bath bag was effective. Kang Jinlong felt very comfortable, and such a serious trauma did not hurt at all.

In fact, the medicine that really relieves pain and improves Kang Jinlong's physical function is the Xuanmen Peiyuan Pill that he takes at night.

"Young Master Qin, it's hard for you. Kang Jinlong is just an ordinary person who can't be more ordinary. He doesn't deserve your kindness to him."

"If you think so, then you might as well spit out my Xuanmen Peiyuan Pill."

"I can't do that. That thing is amazing. It melted in my mouth at night and was digested by me." Kang Jinlong smiled awkwardly.

"You can't return the Xuanmen Peiyuan Pill to me, just like I can't change the fact that you are my good friend. You and I are not people who are full of sympathy, but people who have clear love and hatred. In the future They must still be good friends." Qin Feng said.

Kang Jinlong nodded, his eyes filled with tears.

After Kang Jinlong's medicated bath, Qin Feng began to perform Xuanmen massage.

Being served by the prince of the Qin Group like this, Kang Jinlong felt like an emperor.

"This massage technique is so comfortable. If you give a woman a massage, she will probably scream with excitement."

"In order to express your happy mood, you can also scream." Qin Feng laughed.

Kang Jinlong was very quiet, at this moment he wanted to cry even more, and felt that the happiness in his heart was indescribable.

Before Qin Feng performed Taoist massage on Su Hang and Green Snake, the two women had indescribable voices, probably because they were in the massage, and there was nowhere to escape.

More than two o'clock in the afternoon.

A miracle happened, Kang Jinlong was able to walk around in the ground.

The pace is still a bit slow, but the recovery speed is already very scary.

Su Hang and He Xiaowei looked at it with expressions of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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