Husband-in-law of a wealthy family

Chapter 195 Unreasonable

Chapter 195 Unreasonable

"Investigate! I must investigate thoroughly!"

"Stop pretending, now that things have come to an end, what else is there to pretend?" Qin Feng looked at Xu's father again, as if he wanted to see through him:
"Tell me what the truth is like."

"Now that the evidence is conclusive, if you still dare to lie, then you don't want to leave this police station today."

Xu's father's mentality was already on the verge of collapse. Under Qin Feng's gaze, he finally gave in with a mournful face.

"Okay, okay, I say, I say!"

Under Qin Feng's intimidation, Xu's father, whose mentality collapsed, finally confessed the truth.

It turned out that Xu's father knew from the very beginning that the herbal ointment caused Xu Qing's problem, so this morning, he stood guard at the door of the herbal medicine industry and directly blocked Song Dong.

After hearing Xu's father's complaint, instead of feeling flustered, Song Dong proposed an idea to Xu's father.

As long as Xu's father blamed Forest Pharmaceutical, Director Song would not only pay him 100 million, but also give him an additional 30 as a blame fee.

Not only that, all the compensation Xu's father received from Forest Pharmaceutical also belonged to Xu's father.

Xu's father had never seen so much money in his life, and he suddenly became obsessed with money, so he agreed.

He bought that forest ointment on the way back from Herbal Medicine as evidence of Xu Qing's death.

But he didn't expect that it was this ointment that completely exposed their plan.

After Xu's father finished speaking, he collapsed and sat on the ground.The police stared at Song Dong with eagle-like eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Do you have anything else to say?"

At this moment, no matter how old you are, I am afraid that you will not be able to control your emotions.

"Nothing!" He hurriedly yelled, "Comrade policeman, don't listen to his nonsense!"

"I don't know what he's talking about, I don't know him at all!"

The police did not give him a chance to defend himself, and said solemnly: "No matter what your situation is, I will formally inform you now that we have decided to open a case for investigation against you because you are suspected of unfair competition and intentional framing."

"Please contact the company now and do a good job handover."

Song Dong's face turned ashen, and now he knew that he had played off...

On the other hand, because the suspicion was cleared, Qin Feng and others went home safely.

The next day, after Song Dong admitted his crime, the public security issued a special announcement to eliminate the negative impact of the incident on Forest Pharmaceutical.

On the contrary, although after investigation, it was found that the problematic ointment was just an accident, but because of the frame-up, the reputation of the herbal medicine industry was still greatly damaged.The forest ointment took advantage of the momentum and soon swallowed up most of the herbal ointment market.

The future of Forest Pharmaceutical is bright, and even Su Leng said that this is the company she has invested in that has the fastest return on capital.

However, although Qin Feng's assets can be regarded as equal to Su's now, and there is even a slight tendency to surpass him, but at home, he is still just a hard-working son-in-law.

Qin Feng didn't care about it, anyway, he was used to it.As long as Qiu Shuzhen doesn't go too far, he can completely pretend that many things never happened.

At noon that day, the family was having dinner at home, and Su Bingwen spoke his own words with a smile.

He boasted: "You must use force. This kind of thing can't be done without force. If you don't use force, you won't be able to press the heart. If you can't press the heart, it will be a waste of time. It will also waste golden time. So don't be afraid, you must use force to do it." OK."

He was talking about the CPR method he had just learned in the morning, and he was making some gestures while talking.

Qiu Shuzhen got annoyed when she heard that, and complained: "It's okay, I started talking about it when I got home, but I'm still talking about it now, are you annoying?"

Su Bingwen said: "What are you talking about? This is a way to save people. If there is an emergency and you happen to know how to do it again, isn't it the same as saving a life?"

"Go, go, go," Qiu Shuzhen said without the slightest interest, "If you want to save someone, go and save them, don't disturb my meal."

"Impersonal." Su Bingwen muttered and buried himself in his meal.

Originally, it was just a trivial matter, and no one took it to heart, but in the afternoon, Qin Feng received a call from Suhang.

"My dad was taken to the police station, you should come too!"

Qin Feng looked confused, but he still went to the police station.

After understanding, Qin Feng also understood the cause and effect of the matter.

It turned out that when Su Bingwen was walking outside this afternoon, he suddenly encountered an old lady who had a heart attack and fell to the ground.

At that time, no one dared to step forward, but he thought he knew how to perform CPR, so he stepped forward and performed heart compressions for the old lady.

This was a good thing, and the old lady was indeed awakened by him, but after sending the old lady to the hospital, the doctor told him that five of the old lady's ribs were broken because of his excessive force.

After learning about this, the old lady's son, Zhao Wumian, immediately found trouble with Su Bingwen, demanding that Su Bingwen treat and compensate the old lady accordingly.

Su Bingwen felt that he was clearly doing something good, so naturally he refused to agree.So the two quarreled and quarreled, and they went to the police station.

Zhao Wumian has dyed yellow hair, and his appearance is quite ferocious, he looks like a second-rater in society.

He shouted: "I don't care so much, anyway, my mother's ribs were broken by him, so he should compensate my mother!"

Su Bingwen said anxiously: "Why don't you listen to persuasion? I've already told you that I'm here to save your mother!"

Zhao Wumian still didn't admit it: "Save my mother? You fart! Are you saving people? Are you harming people?!"

"Are you a doctor? Why do you touch my mother? My mother is seventy now. Don't you know how fragile the bones are? Why do you use so much strength? Isn't this intentionally hurting her?" people?"

Su Bingwen brought up what he said at the dinner table at noon, and the police also echoed: "Here I have to add, what Mr. Su said is really good. If you don't use force, then heart compressions are useless."

"And if you do heart compressions for the elderly, it will indeed be accompanied by the risk of broken ribs. Compared with this, isn't it more important to save people?"

But Zhao Wumian still maintained his own attitude: "Even so, he shouldn't be the layman to treat it!"

"Maybe there was a doctor on the spot ready to save someone, but he preempted him. Doesn't this mean that my mother missed a good opportunity?"

(End of this chapter)

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