Chapter 179 Fierce!
Qin Feng watched him calmly, and said steadily: "I am Qin Feng."

"Qin Feng?" Hearing this name, Li Yang finally understood.Although he has never seen Qin Feng, he has heard a little about Qin Feng.

At the moment, he also sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

"Who am I? It turned out to be the famous son-in-law who came to visit me. Do you have any advice when you come to me?"

Qin Feng said: "You said something wrong just now, now apologize to my wife immediately."

Shen Jie couldn't help being even more surprised, and forgot the pain on her face for a moment.

This Qin Feng is completely different from what she understands!

When I went to Suhang's house, Qin Feng didn't say a word, just doing housework, she thought that Qin Feng had changed from a glorious young master to a silent and fearful house cook.

But now why not only did he stand up, but also dare to say such a thing?

This guy is so kind?
Hearing this, Li Yang was also surprised, and even removed some of the alcohol.

But soon a mocking and ferocious smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Apologize to your wife? You really have a big tone. Those who don't know think you are the leader of some place!"

"I'm just wondering, it's your wife who wants to meddle in other people's business, what's wrong with me saying something to her? For what she did, it's not bad that I didn't ask her to apologize!"

"Let me tell you, don't gossip in front of me. You are a scum among men, and I can still talk to you now. It's because I have a good temper. You're so fucking good at taking advantage of it!"

"If you really piss me off, do you believe that I beat you three together?"

Li Yang's arrogance became more and more arrogant. I'm afraid no one would have imagined that the person with such words in his mouth would be a teacher.

Qin Feng shook his head and said: "You keep saying that I am a scum among men, but what are you doing?"

"Cheating, domestic violence, sophistry, and not listening to advice, continue to do it, is this something a man should do?"

"Look at what era it is now, the Qing Dynasty is dead."

"Shut up!" Li Yang yelled loudly, "What's wrong with me beating her? Do you think I'm as useless as you? It's fine if I don't dare to beat a woman. I still need to rely on women to survive. It's obvious that I'm a softie trash!"

"Besides, she owes her a beating! Originally, it would have been fine to discuss it with me at the beginning? I have to make a divorce. I really want everyone to know that I have someone outside. You say, this kind of animal behavior, isn't it? The dog owes something to beat?"

He glanced at Shen Jie in disgust, and snorted coldly: "Obviously I am just like this, no matter how hard I am, I can't play any new tricks, and now I have the face to come here to blame others for liking the new and disliking the old, this is simply the logic of robbers .”

"Please use your pig brain to think about it. If you can still attract me like before, will I be willing to go to someone else? In the final analysis, it is nothing more than you have no ability, and you can't blame others. If you tell me about it , do you think it’s my face that’s being lost, no, it’s only your own face that’s going to be lost!”

"When everyone knows that you are a boring woman, I want to see how the neighbors laugh at you!"

"you you!"

These unreasonable words made Shen Jie's chest throb with anger.She took two steps back, tears streaming out uncontrollably.

She would never have thought that the man with whom she had sworn eachother back then would actually say such things to her now.

It turned out that this man had never loved himself before, all he cared about was his body.

So when he didn't feel anything new about him, he "naturally" found someone else.

Suhang grabbed Shen Jie's hand, trying to calm her emotions as much as possible.

At this moment, not to mention that she is Shen Jie's best friend, even a passer-by would feel outraged when he heard this, right?
Suhang stared at Li Yang angrily, her beautiful eyes were burning brightly with anger, and she scolded: "Listen, do you still speak human language?"

"I will not forgive you. As for your domestic violence, tomorrow I will definitely let the police, women's federation and other departments intervene!"

"I want everyone to know how sanctimonious your so-called teacher is!"

On Li Yang's flushed face, his eyes suddenly became fierce: "Are you threatening me? Let me tell you, what Li Yang is most afraid of is threats!"

He picked up an empty wine bottle: "Do you really think I can only beat my wife?"

"Go to hell you!"

After the words fell, Li Yang threw the wine bottle at Suhang.

Before Suhang could react, he was suddenly pulled away.While in a daze, he heard the sound of breaking, and immediately saw the bottle split into five petals on top of Qin Feng's head.

Both Su Hang and Shen Jie were stunned, and the debris fell one after another, but Qin Feng didn't even move.

Su Hang hurried forward to support Qin Feng: "How are you doing?"

Qin Feng smiled at her like a normal person: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Li Yang was surprised for a second, "Your boy is an iron-headed boy, and his head is made of steel?"

Qin Feng looked at him, his smile narrowed, leaving only a deep gloom: "You really wanted to hit my wife just now, didn't you?"

He picked up a bottle of new beer on the table, and then rushed out like a tiger, pushing Li Yang down on the sofa.

All this happened so fast, like lightning, Li Yang didn't even have time to resist.

Looking into Qin Feng's sinister eyes, Li Yang suddenly felt frightened, and sternly shouted: "What are you doing! What are you doing!"

Qin Feng bit off the cap of the beer bottle, his smile was full of wildness.

"Do you like drinking? Come on, drink more, drink more!"

After speaking, he poured all the beer on Li Yang's face.

"Uh, uh!"

The beer hit his face, Li Yang closed his eyes tightly, and made an indistinct sound from his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng smashed the beer on the ground, pulled out Li Yang's hair, and threw him out vigorously.

Both Su Hang and Shen Jie screamed in fright, Li Yang swept away everything on the table, and then hit the wall heavily.

"I don't know what to do."

Qin Feng looked at him coldly, and opened his hand lightly.

A large piece of hair fell slowly from his hand.

"Your husband is so fierce..."

After a while, Shen Jie said in a daze.

Originally, Qin Feng only wanted to take one step at a time, and didn't think about what to do to Li Yang.

But since Li Yang is looking for death like this, then he can't be blamed for not being merciful.

(End of this chapter)

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