Husband-in-law of a wealthy family

Chapter 133 Something is wrong!

Chapter 133 Something is wrong!

With Qin Feng around, why would he need to go to the hospital? Qin Feng immediately gave Langya a pulse.

But after repeatedly confirming the pulse of Langya, Qin Feng frowned slightly: "No, you don't have a cold, and there is nothing in your body that would cause you to faint."

Langya knew that Qin Feng knew medical skills, so he still trusted his diagnosis result. He hissed lightly, and asked doubtfully, "Then it's strange. Could it be that he didn't have a good rest?"

"But I go to bed at ten o'clock every day and wake up at seven o'clock. I should have enough sleep. How could this be?"

Qin Feng asked: "How long have you had this symptom?"

Langya thought for a while and said, "I remember I came back from my elder brother's funeral last time, do you remember, I asked you to bring my bright pupils for a few days."

Of course Qin Feng remembered that incident, his expression became serious, and he asked: "Does your family members also have the same symptoms?"

"If you ask like that..." Langya thought for a while, and said, "I remember that many relatives have said in the WeChat group that their body is not feeling well, and the symptoms are no different from mine."

She said in horror: "Wait, isn't this an infection? Do you want to send Ming Tong to the hospital for a check?"

Qin Feng's complexion became even worse, but he was not worried about Ming Tong being infected, but thought of another matter.

He already had an answer in his heart, but this answer was not a good thing no matter how it was looked at.

He pondered for a while, then said to Langya: "Is that Bagua mirror at home still there?"

"Yes." Langya was taken aback, "Why are you asking this?"

Qin Feng replied: "There is something to confirm, please go and get it."

Old people like Langya have always believed in Buddhism, so they have a lot of props and Buddhist utensils at home.

Langya brought the gossip mirror over, Qin Feng checked it, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the gossip mirror, he stood up.

"Langya, come out with me." He said.

Langya was a little confused, and said vigilantly: "What do you want to do? Let me tell you, this kind of thing is not just for fun, and it will cause problems if you are not careful."

Qin Feng comforted: "Don't worry, Langya, you know I'm not a fool, I have a sense of propriety in my heart."

"Maybe only by relying on this gossip mirror can we judge what's going on with your body."

Langya was a little dubious, but thinking of Qin Feng's changes these days, he also had an inexplicable trust in him, and after a little hesitation, he followed out.

Although it has entered autumn, the tigers are fierce in autumn, so the temperature is still not low.In the vast blue sky, white clouds are sparse, and the sun is shining brightly. Every ray of light is extraordinarily clear, and no evil spirits can invade it.

"Just stand there, wait a moment." Qin Feng said.

Standing in the sun, Langya looked at Qin Feng suspiciously, not understanding what Qin Feng was going to do.

Qin Feng held the gossip plate in his hands, his eyes were closed tightly, and he was chanting words. Even if he listened carefully, he couldn't tell what he was chanting.

It was annoying and noisy at first, but if you continue to listen, you will find that Qin Feng's voice actually reveals a magnificent and mysterious feeling, which makes you immersed in it, and your thoughts seem to drift to the supreme ethereal realm.

At the end of the reading, Qin Feng's eyes suddenly opened. At this moment, a golden stream of light flashed across his eyes, and bursts of majesty even radiated from them.

Comparing his hand to a sword finger, he pointed at the void of the gossip mirror, and said in a low voice, "Hurry up like a law!"

After finishing the words, he stretched out his hand and placed the gossip mirror under the sunlight.

The movements were swift and capable, and there was a faint sound of breaking through the air.

The light shone on the center of the mirror plate, and the mirror plate immediately emitted a dazzling light, as if a shining flower of light was blooming in the center of the gossip plate.

Langya couldn't stand the light, and subconsciously covered his eyes, Qin Feng suddenly turned the gossip plate to Langya, and suddenly, the light from the mirror plate shone on Langya.

A distorted and strange moan sounded from Langya's body, making one's scalp tingle, and it was worthy of the name.

Qin Feng quickly buckled the gossip mirror, and the light on the mirror plate disappeared immediately.

Qin Feng frowned, sure enough, things were exactly as he expected.

Langya was completely stunned, she asked in a daze, "What's going on?"

Qin Feng sighed softly: "It seems that I have to go back to your hometown with you tomorrow..."

Qin Feng didn't explain his purpose to him, and Langya didn't ask any more questions, and promised to go back to his hometown with Qin Feng the next day.

Qin Feng actually used Taoism. From Langya's words, he suspected that there was something wrong with Brother Langya's funeral, so he used gossip techniques to check it out. It shows that something terrible has happened to Langya.

This is not something to relax your vigilance, if the incident is serious, there may even be a risk of life-threatening, so Qin Feng rushed there the next day in a hurry.

What's even more coincidental is that that night, Langya received a call from home, and the relatives actually let Langya go home, saying that the family suspected that the whole family was ill, and that something unclean might have been caused, so they asked Please master come over and practice exorcising evil spirits.

Since it happened to happen once, so early the next morning, Qin Feng sent Mingtong temporarily, and then drove there with Spike.

Because of some traffic jams on the road, it took the two of them a lot of work to get there.Langya's hometown is a detached house with an open space in front and a vegetable garden in the back. After Langya's parents passed away, Langya's eldest brother has always been guarding the house. The family members come together once a year during the Chinese New Year.

The family members had almost arrived, and they were sitting in the open space basking in the sun. When the car drove into the open space, everyone's eyes immediately gathered.

Langya got out of the car first, and upon seeing this, a man asked in surprise, "Why did you come here in a BMW?"

This man is the son of Brother Langya, named Xie Bin.He recognized this BMW, with a market price of 150 million, Langya could only live on food and clothing, so how could he sit in this kind of car?

Before Langya could speak, Qin Feng got out of the car.But when they saw Qin Feng, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

Among the people present, 80.00% of them knew Qin Feng, because they would go to Langya's house during the Chinese New Year, and Qin Feng stayed at Langya's house in the past two years.

Xie Bin naturally knew him too. He seemed to dislike Qin Feng very much, and even showed a disgusted expression: "Why did you bring this person here?"

(End of this chapter)

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