Chapter 128 Audio
But Ma Gui hit the weakest part of the armor directly, so that he suffered real damage.

His throat was dry for a while, and he wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to refute.

Qin Feng smiled lightly, not wanting to argue with Ma Gui.

After waiting for a while, the door of the conference room opened, and Mr. John came in, followed by Chen Haitao.

Everyone immediately stood up and greeted Mr. John.

Mr. John smiled, pressed his hand and said, "We are all friends, please sit down."

Although Long Guo spoke with a little accent, it was not bad.

Everyone sat down.

Mr. John said: "First of all, I am very grateful to the two companies for participating in our company's bidding. From Mr. Chen's mouth, I know that you are both very good companies. I am very happy to meet you."

"Losing any of your companies is a great loss to us, Felt. But this is a business, and there is nothing I can do about it. Therefore, the companies that were not selected, hope not to be angry and continue to be friends with us .”

Felt took the folder from Chen Haitao's hand: "I have to rush home in the afternoon to attend tomorrow's meeting, so I will announce the result without wasting too much time."

Immediately, the air in the entire conference room seemed to freeze. Ma Gui's side was okay, but Mo's side all raised their hearts to their throats.

Afterwards, Felt paused: "I announce that the company that won this contract is..."

He looked up at Ma Gui, and said loudly, "Shuntian Group!"

The sound echoed in the air, followed by a second of absolute silence.

This second is very long for some people, but very short for others.

"Nice!" An excited voice came from Ma Gui, and all the subordinates behind him were smiling.

On the other hand, the Mo family seemed to be shrouded in shadows. Except for Qin Feng, everyone's faces were extremely sad.

Of course, deep in Mo Feng's eyes, there is still a hint of a triumphant smile.

"This..." Mo Yun's face was pale, but his lips were black and blue, and his eyes were trembling slightly.

Mo Ling cast a hopeful look at Qin Feng. At this time, Qin Feng is the only one she can rely on.

Ma Gui sneered at this side: "What did I say, what are you doing here, isn't this still embarrassing?"

"Now you all have to watch me sign the contract. That's how it feels. I'm afraid it's no different from taking out your heart and frying it in a frying pan?"

Faced with this kind of ridicule, the Mo family couldn't utter a word.

Losing this contract means that the Mo family will face a huge economic crisis.

Mo Yun felt dizzy, and even felt that the sky was about to collapse.

"Trash!" Mo Feng suddenly shouted, "Didn't you keep saying that you have a solution? Now, why don't you even dare to fart?!"

"This contract is lost, I tell you, you must take full responsibility!"

Chen Haitao's voice came faintly: "Mr. Mo, please control your emotions here. The matter is already like this. No matter how angry you are, it is useless."

He glanced at Qin Feng: "Let's take it as a lesson for Mo's parents. It's right to talk about business based on harmony. Don't bring out that kind of garbage person who has no quality in the future."

Ma Gui was very satisfied with Chen Haitao's make-up, with a twitch of pride on his brows, he hurriedly asked Mr. John: "Then Mr. John, can I sign the contract now?"

Mr. John nodded: "Of course, I have signed and sealed the contract, and I will leave it to you. I wish us a happy cooperation."

Chen Haitao sent the contract to Ma Gui.

"Happy cooperation, happy cooperation!" Ma Gui said with a smile, and took over the contract from Chen Haitao.

When the eyes of the two met, they both showed tacit sneers.

Just as Ma Gui took out his pen and was about to sign, suddenly, something knocked out his pen.

At the same time, a slightly lazy voice sounded in the conference room.

"What's the rush, the fun is just about to begin."

The pen fell to the ground, but Ma Gui ignored it.He stared at Qin Feng fiercely, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Qin Feng held a pen in his hand, and the cap of the pen was gone.

Obviously, Qin Feng knocked off his pen with the cap just now.

"What do you mean?" Ma Gui said gloomyly, "Can't afford to lose?"

Mo Feng also scolded: "What are you doing, don't you feel ashamed enough?"

Qin Feng smiled and said: "It's nothing, someone sent me something, I want to let everyone listen to it."

He turned his head away: "Mr. John, can I interrupt for half a minute?"

Mr. John asked, "What are you going to tell me?"

"Just listen to it." After speaking, Qin Feng took out his mobile phone.

Ma Gui was extremely dissatisfied with Qin Feng's interruption, and said angrily, "What tricks do you want to play?"

"Let me tell you, even if you broke the sky today, the result will not be changed!"

Qin Feng continued to laugh: "I'm afraid it's not me who pierced the sky, but you."

Qin Fengchao looked around: "Listen up, everyone."

After speaking, he clicked on a certain audio.

"I told you to stop looking for me, just call me anytime. What are you doing here?"

This is the first sentence.

Hearing his own voice, Chen Haitao was startled for a moment, and then his expression became extremely terrified.

And when he heard the "1 million yuan" in the back, he almost couldn't even stand still.

Then, all the previous conversations between Qin Feng and Chen Haitao were broadcast.

Clearly, not even a trace of noise.

Everyone's expressions changed. Mr. John, who was confused at first, gradually straightened up and frowned.

When Ma Gui heard his own voice, the back of his head felt dizzy, and he didn't understand what was going on at all.

After the audio was broadcast, Qin Feng said to Mr. John: "Mr. John, I believe you heard clearly. I am here now. I want to report Mr. Ma for bribery and Mr. Chen Haitao for accepting bribes."

Mr. John's expression was extremely serious, and every line was tense.He looked at Chen Haitao, and asked in a deep voice, "Haitao, what's going on?"

Chen Haitao had no strength left. If he hadn't grabbed onto Ma Gui's seat, he might have slumped down.

He tremblingly said: "This... I don't know either!"

"Mr. John, please believe me, I have never done such a thing!"

Mr. John's tone became a little more serious: "Haitao, do you treat me like a fool? It's obviously a conversation between you and Mr. Ma. How dare you say that you never did such a thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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