Husband-in-law of a wealthy family

Chapter 122 Amazing memory!

Chapter 122 Amazing memory!

Yu Chun was surprised again and again, her nerves were almost weakened, and her face was not very bright. She asked, "But how could my old Mo be poisoned?"

Qin Feng shrugged: "Then I have no way of knowing about this kind of private life."

Yu Chun complained to Mo Yun: "I said that the food outside is unhygienic, so I told you to eat less outside. Now it's all right, I'll let it go and make my daughter so haggard."

Mo Yun's mental state has improved a lot, and he is also very puzzled. He has been socializing outside for so many years, and obviously nothing happened, but why he was poisoned this time.

But he didn't care so much, and instead expressed his gratitude to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled, said it was okay, and then looked at Mo Ling in a soft and helpless voice: "Now you always believe me, don't you?"

Mo Ling didn't cry any more, and two lines of tears turned into salt crystals and stuck to her face.She felt a burst of embarrassment, blushed, and her voice was low and inaudible: "I'm sorry..."

Qin Feng naturally wouldn't care about anything with a girl, and then Mo Yun asked Qin Feng: "What's your name? Which hospital's doctor are you?"

Qin Feng couldn't help laughing, knowing that Mo Yun regarded himself as a doctor, and explained: "I'm not a doctor, I'm a newly hired business negotiator, and I'm in charge of the Shuntian Group."

"Besides, you must have heard of my name, and we've met before."

Mo Yun was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't remember the person in front of him, so he asked, "Are you...?"

Mo Ling replied for Qin Feng: "Dad, he is Qin Feng."

"Qin Feng?!" The name really startled Mo Yun.

He had indeed met and chatted with Qin Feng, but time passed and Mo Yun didn't recognize him anymore.

"How could it be you?" Mo Yun asked in surprise.

Mo Ling explained to Mo Yun what happened in Shengtian Group, Mo Yun was so surprised that he couldn't help but glance at Mo Feng.

It was this look that made Mo Feng feel humiliated.He knew that Mo Yun must have thought of what happened eight years ago again.

A wave of anger rushed to his forehead, but he had no choice but to clenched his fists tightly, and the corners of his eyes twitched violently...

After the group chatted for a while, Qin Feng signed the non-disclosure agreement, and immediately began to check the relevant documents.

After about an hour, Qin Feng came out of the room alone.

"I already have all the information." Qin Feng returned the information to Mo Ling.

"Have you mastered it?" Mo Ling held the information, and his eyes burst into unbelievable light.

These materials add up to tens of thousands of words, and most of them are data and graphics. She still can't remember many things clearly. Qin Feng can memorize them in just one hour. Isn't it incredible?

Mo Feng didn't believe it at all, and snorted coldly: "If you want to pretend, you should pretend to be a little bit. If you spend a day memorizing it, I can barely count you as capable."

"It's just an hour's work, who are you fooling, really think we are easy to fool?"

"Your attitude is irresponsible. If you stutter at the meeting and don't know what to ask, it will not only lose your face, but also our company's face!"

Qin Feng said: "It's not easy. If you are not at ease, then you can just ask questions. As long as it is the content in the information, if I can't answer one point, I will lose. What do you think?"

Mo Feng unhappily took out a document at random, flipped another page, and asked, "When our group just started, what was the first pot of gold we made?"

Qin Feng said: "50."

"Last year, what was the gross income of Nash Technology Co., Ltd. under our group?"

"Nash Technology Co., Ltd., established in 2016, had a gross income of 1000 million in the first year, 800 million in the second year, and [-] million last year. However, due to the impact of the market shock this year, it may be less than last year. There's too much growth."

Mo Feng was speechless in secret, he didn't expect that Qin Feng not only answered the question, but also answered the answer in such detail.

But he didn't believe in this evil, and asked Qin Feng more than ten questions in a row, all of which were related to data, and the promised positions were almost all in inconspicuous places, which were easily overlooked.

But Qin Feng answered correctly every time, and he still did it without thinking.

Mo Feng was so surprised by Qin Feng's performance that his lips turned white. When he asked the question later, he couldn't ask anymore.

Qin Feng smiled and asked: "Is there anything else I want to ask?"

Mo Feng snorted coldly, threw the documents on the table casually, and said, "Look at your smug face, what's so great about it, you are a young man, so your memory is not normal?"

"It's not a skill to remember these things, as long as the contract is signed in the end, that's the most important thing."

Qin Feng secretly wanted to laugh.

Is this not a skill?Co-author Mo Feng really thinks that the brains of young people are all hard disks, which can be permanently stored as long as they are input?

If he hadn't used secret methods to assist his memory, he wouldn't be able to remember so many materials.

From Mo Feng, he saw Qiu Shuzhen's smell.

Bitter, mean, downright annoying.

However, Qin Feng didn't argue about such a small issue, he just smiled and said: "Is it okay, then we will have to wait until the end to find out."

"This..." Mo Ling said timidly suddenly, "Have you read my analysis report?"

Her face was slightly red and hot, but looking at Qin Feng's eyes, she was full of anticipation.

Qin Feng knew what she was talking about, and smiled slightly: "I see, you deliberately brought it in for me to see, right?"

"For your age, the analysis was done well, but there were quite a few mistakes."

Mo Ling hurriedly said: "Then you, can you help me change it?"

Qin Feng said generously: "Of course."

So throughout the afternoon, Qin Feng gave Mo Ling business lessons.

And in this process, Qin Feng is also sorting out his thoughts, and gradually regaining his previous feeling.

What made Qin Feng dumbfounded was that in Mo Ling's mouth, he actually became the so-called Teacher Qin...

After dinner, Mo Ling, who had passed the driver's license test, insisted on driving Qin Feng home, but Qin Feng couldn't resist her, so he could only let her go.

Originally, Mo Ling drove the car steadily, but when she was passing a dark section of road with almost no cars and no one, she suddenly stepped on the brakes.

Qin Feng pushed forward fiercely, and he found that Mo Ling was looking ahead in fear, so he also looked forward.

There was a black car parked in front of it. At this moment, the low beams of the car were turned on, and the front of the car was facing them.

(End of this chapter)

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