Shenhao God-level sign-in

Chapter 87 Retreat

Chapter 87 Retreat
Zhao Fan hurriedly said: "Boss, everyone can't all sleep, some of them sleep and some of them stand guard. In this special period, everyone should have a sense of urgency."

The old leader said: "The leader of the Xiaoyue Tribe is an old friend of mine, so don't be so nervous."

Zhao Fan said: "Old leader, it's not that I don't trust your friends, but you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must be cautious, right? Your friends can be trusted, but what about other people? Report our whereabouts, who knows what will happen? Our migration speed must be slow, if others come to attack with light clothes, they must be fast, it is a matter of wealth and life, so we must not be sloppy!"

The old leader nodded, and said to the leader: "Do as Xiaofan said, leave one-third of the people guarding, there must be no mistakes, let the people in the tribe volunteer, and those who are not sleepy will stand guard."

The leader nodded and went out to make arrangements. Zhao Fan didn't care about others. He was also sleepy. Even if he didn't sleep, he couldn't stand guard, so he quickly fell asleep.

In the middle of the sleep, someone woke him up. When Zhao Fan opened his eyes, he saw Niu Dazhuang holding his shoulder. Zhao Fan couldn't help but asked, "Gah?"

"Don't sleep, there is a situation, hurry up!"

After Niu Dazhuang finished speaking, he put Zhao Fan on his shoulders, and Zhao Fan lay on Niu Dazhuang's shoulders obediently without moving. All the clansmen were together, and the old leader said: "Everyone, follow the white wolf."

Zhao Fan saw the old leader and asked, "Old leader, what's going on?"

The old leader sighed and said: "I never expected, Xiaofan, you are right, that old bastard Yuekuang will really betray me, and he has already brought someone over here, so hurry up and retreat."

Inexplicably, a group of people moved again. This time the old leader decided to take everyone to Wanshou Mountain. The west of Wanshou Mountain is a land of no one. The Beast Spirit Tribe can definitely wait to build a home there, although it is a little bit closer to Wanshou Mountain. Dangerous, but a place to go anyway.

A group of people who stopped and stopped along the way finally reached the west of Wanshou Mountain. Zhao Fan was placed on a big rock, guarded by a big white wolf, and the others went to build their homes. They were building houses and fences. Zhao Fanan Lying down with peace of mind, looking at the busy figure below, Zhao Fan felt extremely at ease~
Nothing, just hilarious, Lu Youyou is also busy below, can only hand over a brick to give a water or something, and finally they drove back, Lu Youyou had to go to Zhao Fan, Zhao Fan slept and she Pillow on Zhao Fan's waist, when Zhao Fan wakes up, she chats with Zhao Fan.

It took nearly half a month to build the house. Fortunately, the entire tribe is a spiritual person, much stronger than ordinary people. Otherwise, it may take several months to complete.

Zhao Fan can also move now, all the energy in his body has been absorbed, Zhao Fan has also started to organize everyone to train, Zhao Fan is also ruthless enough, everyone who is idle must train, and everyone does not pay much attention to training stuff, flexibility

All kinds of leg presses, waist presses, and shoulder presses, the leader also followed suit. In Zhao Fan's words, he set an example. Zhao Fan went directly to ask the old leader. Well."

In this way, Zhao Fan's training programs continued, and later he was divided into five groups for training, and the five major clans specially studied the fighting methods suitable for them according to their respective characteristics.

For the Xiong family, Zhao Fan specially taught them a set of fighting styles that combines jujitsu, lock techniques, wrestling, and grappling. The moves are deadly, but the shortcomings are also obvious. It is not easy to train and is very dangerous. There is no way to fight. practice, but the Xiong family is so ruthless, it is not false at all, how to practice how to practice, each and every one of them is covered with injuries every day, but they still enjoy it

For the Tiger family, Zhao Fan improved the Tiger Fist for its strong explosive characteristics, and then added some moves that rely more on physical fitness. When the Tiger family practiced this set of boxing, everyone was amazed. Yes, it's all killer moves!
The Niu surname, Zhao Fan, based on his long-lasting endurance and strong strength, specially combined all kinds of martial arts taking over methods, picking and chopping techniques, and developed a set of kung fu with a strong combination of punches and legs , Zhao Fan watched a big man surnamed Niu kick a tree and broke it, and said in his heart, these big men are so frightfully inhuman!

The Lu surname family, because their legs are more flexible and fast, so Zhao Fan directly sorted out a lot of kicks and taught them, and they also told Zhao Fan with practical actions, what is a genius, you learn too fast up!

For the Ying family, Zhao Fan directly taught them a set of Eagle Claw Kungfu, which is perfect for them. Zhao Fan also told them about acupuncture points. Although many races are different, their joint weaknesses are similar.

In this way, Zhao Fan witnessed with his own eyes what it means to be ruthless. This group of people is desperate for strength. At the beginning, everyone felt that such training was useless. Until they saw the results, this group of people went crazy

This group of people are cultivating madmen!

Six months have passed, and basically everyone has mastered everything that should be mastered. Zhao Fan started to refine weapons again. If the five brothers can't, Xiong Dali has imperial weapons, so he gave Hu Dameng, Niu Dazhuang, Lu Da Fei and Ying Dayan made a weapon by themselves.

Xiong Dali's double hammer Zhao Fan gave the name: Barbarian Bear Shaking Ground Hammer. After all, these two hammers are still too heavy to play. Zhao Fan also belongs to the strong one. At least the king-level masters are not as strong as Zhao Fan. It must be able to compare, but Zhao Fan was completely convinced by this Earth-shattering Hammer, and he also convinced Xiong Dali. The strength is too great. If the physical condition can keep up, it must have the strength to head-to-head with a king-level master.

The weapon Zhao Fan refined for Niu Dazhuang was a big fork with three horns. When he got this steel fork, Niu Dazhuang was overjoyed, as happy as a child.

Lu Dafei's weapon, Zhao Fan, made a bor, an antler-supporting tang, as soon as this antler-supporting tang came into Lu Dafei's hands, Lu Dafei got excited, pulling Xiong Dali to fight Xiong Dali for [-] rounds maybe Those who use hammers and those who use boring are destined to have a battle (see Li Yuanba and Yuwen Chengdu for details)
It is said that the battle was dark and dark, and Lu Dafei still lost in the end. He was no match for Xiong Dali in strength, but if Lu Dafei wanted to run, Xiong Dali would not be able to catch up. The situation between the two of them was so embarrassing.

Hu Dameng's weapon is a spear, but it is not a traditional long spear. Hu Dameng's gun is named Wujin Hutou Gun. There is no better way to describe him.

The first four are easy to talk about, but it will be more troublesome when it comes to Ying Dayan. According to Zhao Fan's idea, he is to refine a bow for Ying Dayan, but Ying Dayan is unwilling, and he is unwilling to stand in the dark and shoot a hidden arrow .

Zhao Fan talked about it, and told him how to use this bow, and then this kid went crazy, and he couldn't put it down because of the bow refined by Zhao Fan. Zhao Fan also specially named this bow, named: Eagle Wing Killing God Bow !

After Zhao Fan refined the four weapons, he began to refine weapons in batches. The Xiong family unified the sledgehammer, the Lu family unified the boring, the Tiger family unified the Tiger Head Spear, the Niu family unified the Niujiaocha, and the Eagle family unified the capital. It's a bow.

After all these were done, Zhao Fan started to study the issue of exercises again. He specially studied the five major clans for a long time, and finally found that these five major clans had all five elements!

The bear surname belongs to the earth line, the deer surname belongs to the wood line, the tiger surname belongs to the fire line, the cow surname belongs to the water line, and the eagle lineage belongs to the gold line.

This is easier to handle. Zhao Fan first researched a set of body training exercises, and then studied their own exercises for each ethnic group, and then taught them the Five Elements Formation.

I stayed in the tribe for another half a year, watching the tribe become stronger day by day, and the surroundings became more stable. After a year, everyone stabilized. Zhao Fan also planned to leave. Zhao Fan wanted to go to the human world for a break. I'm here, it's inappropriate not to take a stroll.

When Zhao Fan left, the whole family saw Zhao Fan off. Xiong Dali hugged the wine jar and cried like a child. Everyone was very sad, but Ying Dayan still smiled and said: "Don't be bored, Brother Fan is Go out for a walk, and you will come back when you are tired."

After Zhao Fan left, Ying Dayan also hugged the wine jar in a daze. The six of them almost had a life-threatening friendship. Zhao Fan saved Ying Dayan's life on Wanshou Mountain. In Ying Dayan's eyes, Zhao Fan was his Brothers, but brothers still have to part after all.

Zhao Fan climbed up to Tianzhang Peak overnight, and looked at the place where he had lived for two years on the snowy ridge. He still felt a little bit reluctant, after all, there are not many warm memories.

Zhao Fan rested on the peak for one night. Although it was very cold, Zhao Fan was able to withstand the cold with four or five layers of quilts, not to mention that Zhao Fan also put several fire attribute magic cores in the quilt.
There should not be many people who can be more extravagant than Zhao Fan, and there is no one who uses magic cores to keep warm.

Early the next morning, Zhao Fan got up early and continued to climb the mountain. In the morning, Zhao Fan arrived at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by endless plains, only Tianzhang Peak was behind him. Hei finally saw the city, and Zhao Fan hurried over, only to find that he still needed to pay money to enter the broken city.

In the end, Zhao Fan searched all over his body but couldn't find a single spirit crystal. In the end, Zhao Fan had no choice but to act out the scene in the fairy world, setting up a stall at the gate of the city.
This time Zhao Fan also got smarter, a banner read: "Ellites for spirit crystals!" Zhao Fan was ruthless enough, not only put up the banners, but also put up a sign that read: "Alchemy instead of refining! "

Zhao Fan has been studying alchemy since he had nothing to do in the past year. After a long time, he has achieved some achievements. Zhao Fan knows medical skills, but it is still a bit insufficient for alchemy. Zhao Fan does not know all kinds of techniques. , fully fused the medicinal materials, and then condensed into a elixir

Even so, they are still treated like gods by the people in the beast spirit tribe
You said it was such a coincidence that there was a large family (family) in this city, the patriarch was seriously ill, and the patriarch’s daughter, the eldest lady of the Chu family, went to Jiayun City to seek a doctor. , although it is a family, but now those who have been run over by the Deng family and the Fu family are almost unable to get along. It is normal for the genius doctor not to want to heal the head of the Chu family. I don't want something to happen in a muddle-headed way, right?

Then something even more coincidental happened. The eldest lady of the Chu family just came back, she turned her head and saw Zhao Fan’s banner. Come here, Zhao Fan is clearly in the show now, with a shy smile on his face like a groveling peddler, he walked up to the curtain of the carriage, saluted first, and then said: "I don't know why you called the villain over?"

The eldest lady of the Chu family asked, "You are the one who said you could make alchemy on the spot?"

Zhao Fan nodded: "That's right, it's the little one."

"Can you refine Baijie Pill?"

Zhao Fan shook his head when he heard this: "I can't practice it, I don't have the ability."

The eldest lady of the Chu family sighed: "Oh, forget it, you can go back."

Zhao Fan saluted again and said, "Miss, someone in the family is sick? The villain is not talented, but he is also a medical craftsman. If you don't mind, the villain can help you take a look."

The eldest lady of the Chu family was silent for a while and then said: "Then you should follow the carriage."

Zhao Fan let out a cry, and hurriedly followed the carriage honestly, curious in his heart, this carriage looked unusual, presumably it was a lady from a rich family, why didn't there even have a guard around him?
Although Zhao Fan was curious, he still didn't ask. He followed the carriage to the Chu Mansion. After the Miss Chu family got off the car, Zhao Fan saw that this Miss Chu family was very handsome. Of course, Zhao Fan had no other ideas. Over the years, Zhao Fan has seen many beautiful women, and he still has some immunity.

Following the young miss of the Chu family into the Chu family's courtyard, a beautiful woman walked over quickly and said, "Sister, has the divine doctor been invited?"

The eldest lady shook her head, and then said: "The genius doctor was not invited, but I met this gentleman on the way, who is also a doctor."

The second lady bowed to Zhao Fan and asked, "I don't know how to address you sir?"

Zhao Fan returned a salute and said, "I'm not talented, Chu Suiliang, I've met the two young ladies."

The second lady didn't think anything, but the eldest lady was a little puzzled, Zhao Fan didn't have such a temperament in front of the city gate, why did he feel like a different person when he entered the gate?
Second Miss smiled at the moment and said: "Sir, we are in the same family."

"That's really a small honor."

The eldest lady was also a little anxious at this time, and said: "Please follow me to treat my father, sir."

Zhao Fan nodded and said, "Miss, please lead the way."

The eldest lady led Zhao Fan to a room, opened the door and said, "My father is here, and he hasn't come out since he became seriously ill. I suspect that my father was poisoned by the frightening bird to cause this."

Hearing what the eldest lady said, Zhao Fan felt a little puzzled in his heart. What is the situation? Logically speaking, he wouldn't be able to hide himself tightly and even seal up the windows.

"Hey, I'm going! It's so dark!" Zhao Fan couldn't help but exclaimed as soon as he entered the room.

The eldest lady was stunned and asked: "Yin Qi? What Yin Qi?"

Zhao Fan pulled out a Yin-burning Talisman from his bosom, and as soon as the Yin-burning Talisman was taken out, a raging flame burned instantly, Zhao Fan held the paper with his fingers, and said: "See, this is a Yin-burning Talisman, as long as you touch it When the yin qi reaches the surrounding yin qi, it will quickly gather the surrounding yin qi, and then burn."

The eldest lady pointed to Zhao Fan's hand and asked cautiously, "Don't you feel it's hot?"

Zhao Fan: ""

Zhao Fan only now realizes that this girl has a strange brain circuit, how stable I am now pretending to be this wave, you actually care about whether it is hot or not?

Zhao Fan threw the burning Yin-burning Talisman on the ground with his backhand, then waved his hand and said, "It's not hot, I'll treat your father's illness first."

Zhao Fan walked up to the bed, and at first glance, he knew that it was unusual, his face was dark and gloomy, and when he got closer, he hurried to the head of the Chu family, and the air-conditioning was emitting from the inside out.

If in the previous life Zhao Fan really didn’t understand why, but in this life, when Zhao Fan was a child, Master Xuanji specially told Zhao Fan about this matter. The yang energy in Chang's body is almost exhausted, and it is estimated that it will be over in a short time.

Zhao Fan sighed and said, "Miss, your father is not sick."

The eldest lady obviously didn't believe what Zhao Fan said, and said, "Since the husband can't be cured, please ask him to go back."

Zhao Fan was taken aback, and asked, "When did I say I can't cure it?"

"Can you cure it?"

"Of course, but your father is really not sick, he is entangled in something."

The eldest lady was also a little curious when she heard this, so she asked, "What is it that got you entangled?"

(End of this chapter)

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