Shenhao God-level sign-in

Chapter 7 It's a big deal

Chapter 7 It's a big deal

Bai Yi looked indifferent, and said softly: "If you don't tell me why, I will send you to accompany me to the spirit tree."

"Don't tell me, your tree is not dead, you just cut off the trunk, and it will grow back in two years." The ghost knows that this is a tree planted in white clothes. No wonder the tree grows so strong. Zhao Fan is chopping I found out before, this tree is good, the wood is dense, and it is definitely worth the money if it is made into strings of beads!

"Oh, that's it, then let's make you into fertilizer." Bai Yi's way of speaking seems to have always been in the same tone, and others will find it funny, but Zhao Fan, who is the person involved, will never feel that Bai Yi's way of speaking Fun.

Zhao Fan felt that the spiritual energy around him began to move, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't move at this moment, as if he was stuck in a quagmire.

"Please give me a drop of blood from the city lord in white, and I will forge a magic weapon for the city lord in white." Zhao Fan's tone of voice is also serious now, he is afraid that if he smiles again, the white clothes will give him a set of phoenix dancing for nine days, he is not a fairy , next to each other, it will be over.

With a flick of the white robe's fingers, a drop of blood flew out and stopped in front of Zhao Fan. Zhao Fan tossed the wooden sword and made a frantic tactic with both hands. When the last pattern penetrated into the wooden sword, the sky darkened, and a ray of lightning struck down and landed on the sword. The wooden sword was filled with thunderous crackling sounds, and then the wooden sword seemed to have life. All of a sudden, he rushed to the side of Bai Yi.

Seeing this, Zhao Fan sighed in his heart: "As expected, it was forged with supernatural powers. It's really extraordinary. After being baptized by the sky thunder, it turned into a lightning strike wooden sword, and the whole body was added with the power of sky thunder. Holding a sword, I can definitely make it impossible for anyone below the golden core to kill me. If I hit it, it will kill me instantly. If I can’t beat myself, I can escape with the sword, but it’s a pity that this kind of spiritual weapon is destined to miss me."

Bai Yi looked at the wooden sword in front of him, and secretly admired it in his heart. It's really unusual. This sword should be connected with his own mind. As long as he moves his mind, the sword will make corresponding movements, as if he Like an arm, it is effortless to control.

"This time, I will spare you from death. If there is a next time, I will kill you without mercy." Bai Yi stretched out his hand to draw the sword, turned and left, leaving only one sentence.

Zhao Fan was sullen in his heart, when did he ever suffer from such a useless attitude? This time, he will be pointed out by others, and he will be the laughing stock of the monks in the world when he gets married in half a month. It's no different.

"Zhao Xuan, give me an idea. I want to leave here. I really can't bear to be here under the fence and watch people's faces." Zhao Fan went back to the house and lay on the bed, complaining to Zhao Xuan in his mind.

Zhao Xuan was also a little unhappy, she liked Zhao Fan, and seeing Zhao Fan being humiliated, she naturally felt a little uncomfortable.

"Why don't you leave secretly, that woman probably won't set up formations around her, and she shouldn't be able to find out if you use the Five Elements Escape to sneak away." Zhao Xuan gave Zhao Fan an idea.

Zhao Fan thought about it, and felt that this method was good: "Okay, I will sneak away tonight, at worst I will go to the Demon Continent."

After Zhao Fan finished speaking, he sat up from the bed, thought for a while, and took out a grenade from the space. There are roughly two types of grenades, one is offensive and the other is defensive. The one Zhao Fan took out is defensive. The name of the grenade is Tiannv Sanhua Invincible Big Pearl. This name was given by people in the military area. How big is this grenade? It’s bigger than a goose egg. It’s covered with [-]mm steel balls. It’s about the size of a large bowl. , the steel ball can be disassembled. After the steel ball is removed, the grenade becomes an offensive grenade. It is called Hunyuan Thunderbolt (these names are the names given by the unscrupulous soldiers in the military area). Zhao Fan ransacked the arsenal at the beginning During that time, he took away a lot of hot weapons, including no less than [-] grenades alone.

Zhao Fan knew the power of this grenade, even if he was wearing the Yanlong armor (primary level), he would be blown to [-]. This time he took this out to vent his anger. Many of the ammunition he came out of were just now. Developed weapons, this grenade is one of them, but it was discontinued later. The reason is very normal. On the other hand, it is very sandy. It is still too big to throw away.
Zhao Fan once also wondered who designed this game, it's so f*cking
Zhao Fan pulled out the ring on the grenade with a groan, and then stretched out his hand to point. The grenade turned into Zhao Fan's appearance, turned into a human figure and stood on the ground.

What Zhao Fan used was to transform the supernatural power. With just one finger, he could change the object into the shape he wanted. After making the grenade look like himself, the grenade would not explode temporarily because of the supernatural power, but once the supernatural power was released, the grenade would It will explode instantly.

Zhao Fan looked at himself in front of him, and he was not very satisfied, because he looked like a fool, unable to smile and expressionless, Zhao Fan thought about it, let him lie on the bed, covered the quilt, Zhao Fan himself Sit in a chair and wait for the night to come.

Waiting always makes people anxious. Zhao Fan didn't want to wait after waiting for half an hour.Alas~ It's a pity, I can't get out

Zhao Fan took out a nectarine from the space and gnawed it slowly. At this moment, he could only wait.

In the afternoon, it was going to be dark, Zhao Fan felt something was wrong, why didn't anyone come to ask him to eat?I am so hungry that my chest is sticking to my back. I have eaten sharks every day for the past two days and it has made Zhao Fan sick. To be honest, it is not delicious, but the group of sword cultivators are so delicious. It is not easy for me. If I have a chance to eat, I must eat more, but what happens if they don't come to ask me to eat?
Zhao Fan opened the door directly and went out to find Bai Yi. After searching for a long time, he saw Bai Yi in Bai Yi's small garden, writing there. Zhao Fan walked over habitually, looked at Bai Yi's writing, Zhao Fan looked at it for a while, Looking at Bai Yi's appearance, he should be practicing calligraphy. I have to say that Bai Yi's handwriting is really ugly and he can't use a brush. Although Zhao Fan doesn't know calligraphy with a hard pen, he has practiced brush calligraphy. After seeing it in the end, he really can't stand it. up.

Leaning down, he took hold of the hand holding the pen in white clothes from behind and said: "Look, this zigzag should be neatly dotted, the horizontal fold should be natural, use light force when starting the pen, and come out naturally, the hand should be steady, the pressing First of all, you must hide the front, walk slowly and steadily, and then turn the pen holder and throw it out at the end, see if you see it, let’s go forward.”

Bai Yi did not sense that Zhao Fan was coming, her fighting consciousness was not strong, and she didn't know how to be vigilant at all times. She was startled when Zhao Fan reached out to circle her, and then Zhao Fan opened his mouth. She actually listened to Zhao Fan and followed Zhao Fan. Fan moved the pen in his hand, and by the time he realized it, he had finished writing.

Bai Yi released his aura, and with a bang, Zhao Fan was thrown into the air, and immediately vomited three liters of blood (exaggeration). He coughed a few times while clutching his chest, and Bai Yi snorted coldly, "Get lost!"

A cold light flashed in Zhao Fan's eyes. He is not strong enough. If he had the strength, he would have kicked the white clothes three meters away.

Clutching his chest and leaving slowly, Zhao Fan's heart was full of murderous intent, how could I bear to treat me like this?
Zhao Fan returned to the guest room, lying on the ground, not daring to breathe hard, and sat up enduring the pain, using his supernatural powers to heal the wound, which lasted two hours.

After Zhao Fan left, Bai Yi looked at the words on the paper, sat down and wrote it according to what Zhao Fan said. This time, although it was not particularly good-looking, it had already made obvious progress, and a smile flashed in Bai Yi's eyes. , keep bowing your head and practicing calligraphy
After Zhao Fan healed, although he wasn't completely healed, it didn't affect him anymore. Looking at his "self" on the bed, Zhao Fan smiled, and walked away directly. He chose a random direction and started running wildly. Without taking a break.

At the same time, Li Hongyi was sitting in his room, thinking about Zhao Fan who was blown away by him today, and also thinking in his heart whether he had made a serious move. After thinking about it, he took the Tianxiang Qinpi Pill and went to give it to Zhao Fan. Send it, Zhao Fan had just made a magic weapon for himself, and taught himself to write, but he directly injured him, no wonder.

This way, things will get bigger
(End of this chapter)

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