Chapter 50
Zhao Fan has always felt guilty since he finished beating the head teacher. After all, he is also a teacher, but Zhao Fan will definitely not go if he apologizes, so Zhao Fan decided to help the head teacher take care of this class. , no longer calm.

At noon, all the students were playing with their mobile phones and tablets. Zhao Fan walked to the podium, dang dang dang!He knocked on the table three times, and then said: "Students, please raise your heads. I am standing on the podium to say something. From today onwards, I will be the boss of this class. Don't play with your mobile phone!"

Zhao Fan suddenly yelled so loudly that everyone put their phones away. Zhao Fan's yell was unusual. It was as loud as a bell. Please understand.

Seeing that everyone's reaction was okay, Zhao Fan gently knocked on the table and said: "From now on, I will listen to my arrangements during recess, and you can't sleep in class. You can raise any opinions, but if anyone is obedient, then don't blame me for being rude. "

Then Zhao Fan's deskmate, the class monitor, a cute little girl raised her hand and asked, "Boss, what does it mean to be obedient and obedient?"

The class monitor is called Li Ruoyin, a cute little girl who listens to the teacher very well and gets along well with Zhao Fan. The reason is that Li Ruoyin didn’t bring homework a few days ago (it’s true that she didn’t bring it, it’s not that she didn’t write it), and Zhao Fan put her homework on it. Her name was written on the homework, and she was punished for her, so this little squad leader has always had a good relationship with Zhao Fan.

Zhao Fan smiled and said: "Does any classmate know this? Could you please explain it to our little beauty monitor?"

A boy stood up and said: "Yangfengyingyinvii means to promise in person that you will not do it behind the scenes."

Zhao Fan took the lead in applauding: "Very good, this is what I usually like to read."

There was a squad leader with a good head, and naturally no classmates stood up to oppose Zhao Fan, so Zhao Fan took them out to play a game all afternoon, the lame catch bird, a small game that Zhao Fan played with his classmates when he was a child, at that time Everyone doesn't have a mobile phone, and they all play this kind of small game together. It is good for the body and mind, and it can also enhance the friendship between classmates.

Five minutes before the start of class, Zhao Fan took the students back to the class, told everyone to take out the books and notebooks for the next class, and then told everyone not to sleep.

This afternoon, under the leadership of Zhao Fan, everyone had a fulfilling afternoon. Seeing the happy faces of the students, Zhao Fan was also very happy. Being with the children really made him more childlike. Zhao Fan I feel a lot younger and more cheerful than before.

In this way, Zhao Fan started to play and study with his classmates. After one month, all the teachers praised the students in Class [-], Grade [-] for being good, polite, and serious in class. Zhao Fan would also organize everyone to study during his usual self-study , Let the students in the meeting go to the front to give lectures, and listen to those who can’t, and each student should take turns to go on stage. If they can’t speak, they will be punished. This afternoon, the fourth class is a self-study class. We all studied together yesterday. English, everyone is studying mathematics together today, Zhao Fan just wanted to ask who is its turn to give lectures today, a classmate with glasses said: "We give lectures every day, can we let the boss go up and give lectures today?"

This classmate was the most introverted one in the class before, and he didn't like to talk too much. Zhao Fan took him to enliven the atmosphere when he had nothing to do. After a long time, this introverted classmate also became extroverted.

As soon as Zhao Fan heard it, all right, he went up and explained it himself, and then began to explain all the knowledge the teacher had taught. In the second grade of elementary school, what knowledge points can there be? Zhao Fan listened to enough of what Zhao Fan said.

What Zhao Fan said was incredible, and the students all thought in their hearts, the boss is the boss, and what he said was the same as the teacher

After finishing the last question, the class was about to end. As soon as Zhao Fan sat back in his seat, the teacher came in to leave homework. Zhao Fan wailed, "Teacher, we have all remembered, so you don't need to leave homework."

The teacher smiled and said: "I know it, I don't believe it." The math teacher is a very kind male teacher, he speaks humorously, and has always been a good teacher in the hearts of all the students.

Zhao Fan hurriedly said: "Teacher, if you don't believe me, if you write a few questions on the blackboard and pick a few students to write them, you will definitely be able to do it. If we write all the questions correctly, then there will be no homework left, okay?"

The math teacher looked at the expectant eyes of the students, nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, but if you make a mistake, you still have to keep homework."

Then the teacher wrote a few questions on the blackboard, asked a few students to write them, and they were all correct. The math teacher looked at them and said, "Okay, I really didn't fail you in the exam, so I won't leave homework today." , the teacher sees that everyone is very motivated. In this way, I will write a few questions on the blackboard in the last 5 minutes of class, and select a few people from everyone to take the test. If they are all correct, then no homework will be left that day. Don’t blame the teacher if you don’t write correctly.”

Amidst the cheers of the students, the math teacher left. The homeroom teacher was the Chinese teacher, the one who was beaten by Zhao Fan. There was very little homework left, so basically there was no need to worry. Complete tasks during class.

As the bell rang for the end of class, Zhao Fan packed up his things without taking his schoolbag, and threw it directly on the desk. Then he packed lightly, and walked home with bouncing. Halfway there, he suddenly saw a billiard hall. My hands are itchy, I haven’t played this game for many years, I took out 50 yuan from the space and put it in my pocket, walked slowly into the billiard hall, chose a table at random, went to the bar and threw 50 yuan on the table, then said : "Please give me a chair, I'm struggling with the table."

Everyone in the billiards hall was attracted by Zhao Fan, watching Zhao Fan's proficient yardage, and then he made a strong drive, and missed a goal

It took half an hour to play table tennis. Zhao Fan's arms were sore. The tall man at the next table couldn't stand it anymore. He taught Zhao Fan how to play. Zhao Fan gradually made some progress. He looked up and looked at the time. It was eight o'clock. Zhao Fan hurriedly said goodbye to the big man, went to the bar to settle the bill, and paid the big man's table fee by the way, and then hurried home. Although he was not afraid of being scolded by his mother, Zhao Fan still had to go to class tomorrow. , so Zhao Fan usually goes to bed earlier. It’s also because Zhao Fan is so addicted today that he insists on playing two shots.
Zhao Fan was driving all the way, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Someone was fighting in front of him. Zhao Fan thought it was an ordinary fight, but found that the two were fighting silently and vigorously. One was wearing a martial arts suit and a mask, and the other was fighting. Wearing a leather jacket, she was a woman. Zhao Fan carefully watched the fight between the two. The man in the practice uniform should be a member of the Golden Eagle Sect. He should be practicing Golden Swordsman. His moves were fierce and all of them were killing moves. The woman should be Yin Yang The people of the school use the orthodox kung fu of the Yin-Yang school, which looks like Tai Chi and looks like a full arm, stretching naturally.

The two of them looked like they were on the seventh or eighth floor of the outer sect. Although they were nothing in the eyes of cultivators, they were definitely masters in the eyes of ordinary people. They are all called the Outer Sect, and there is no upper limit for the Outer Sect. On the tenth floor of the Outer Sect, one can formally step into the ranks of cultivators through martial arts.

Zhao Fan's current strength in the outer sect is only at the sixth level, which is definitely very high at this age, but this is also the result of Zhao Fan's continuous hard work. When Zhao Fan sees two people fighting, he doesn't bother him, and quietly hides On the side, the woman obviously couldn't beat the opponent, and the opponent's attack was very fierce, and he didn't let her at all. Seeing that the woman was about to die in the opponent's hands, Zhao Fan, as a disciple of the Chonghe sect, naturally couldn't just watch the death of the Yin-Yang sect and not save him. The two factions have always been friends, after all, they come from the same line.

Zhao Fan took out a gun from the space, pressed the silencer, and fired a shot at the ground in front of the man in black. Zhao Fan didn't know what kind of gun it was, anyway, it was quite powerful, and Zhao Fan's shoulder shook. The raw pain, the child's body, can't help tossing like this.

Zhao Fan didn't know, what he was holding was a sniper rifle. Zhao Fan couldn't tell what kind of gun it was after removing the scope. The ninth floor can block bullets with a stick, and the tenth floor can't hurt the opponent at all.

(End of this chapter)

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