Chapter 54 Follow
All investment institutions know that Apple will release a new product next month, and it will also be a mobile phone. However, now it has been preempted by a company from China, and they are doing well. This is undoubtedly a huge disadvantage. event.

Maybe Lin Chen was aware of the news from the other side of the Pacific Ocean, maybe he wasn't.

As for how Apple will respond, this is not what Lin Chen wants to focus on.

Being yourself is the most important thing.

The Xphone R1 is a big seller in China. On the first day of its launch, it sold 100 million units directly. All the directly-operated stores in the top ten cities were sold out, and all the [-] authorized stores called to ask for replenishment.

Crazy, yes, all crazy!

On the first day, Light Year Technology sold 30 billion!

If it is because the goods are not enough, it may be possible to sell more.

Replenishment, now only replenishment.

Chen Yu is very busy now, so he hastened to contact Foxconn to start up all the production lines, directly increasing the production capacity to 20 units per day. As for whether to continue to increase, it depends on the next sales situation.

The launch of the Xphone R1 can be said to have swept the entire Chinese mobile phone market. Other mobile phone brands can't sell at all now. Even if the price is reduced, no one is willing to buy it now.

Really, XphoneR1 is really too good.

Playing games, surfing the Internet, watching movies, novels, and listening to songs can all be done.

With the high-pixel camera configured, the photos taken look no worse than professional cameras.

Looking at the numbers on the account that kept rolling up, Chen Yu felt painful and happy at the same time.

She finally understands now why high-tech is making money.

Why, the top richest people in the world are all engaged in high technology.

This money is really too fast!

I remember that in the next few years, Apple's cash alone will cost hundreds of billions of dollars!
Apple, which has been around for thousands of years, actually paid out dividends, which shocked the whole world.

At this moment, Chen Yu felt that in the past three years, he had racked his brains to make money, and it was all for what, it was completely messing around.

Because in the past three years, Chen Yu also made billions.

But looking at it now, three years is less than three days of light-year technology.

This kind of feeling, don't mention how funny it is.

When he has money, what is the first thing Lin Chen does?
buy land!

Yes, that is to buy land!
"Buy land to build a research and development center, are you sure?"

Lin Chen nodded affirmatively: "Naturally!"

Putting the money on the account is not what Lin Chen wants to do. After leaving enough money, the remaining money will be spent. This is what Lin Chen does.

For example, if there is 100 million, Lin Chen will keep 90 as an emergency fund, and the remaining [-] will be used for investment, real estate or something.

Now Light Year Technology's daily revenue is quite a lot.

Future revenue will definitely be even more.

The overseas version of Xphone has also been completed, and now Foxconn has adjusted the production line for trial production, and it will be listed overseas soon.

As for the price, it is naturally much higher than domestic ones.

In addition to tariffs, Lightyear Technology is still quite profitable, and the profits are definitely higher than those in China.

It is not too difficult to make more than one billion profits every day.

Moreover, now that Lightyear Technology, as a high-tech company, has support policies, there are many such policies that Lightyear Technology should have.

For example, three years of tax exemption!
Chen Yu stared at Lin Chen seriously, she should have thought of it a long time ago.

It's just that Lin Chen also supports Lin Chen's plan to buy land and build a research and development center.

As for high-tech companies, they must pay attention to R&D investment, and even, no matter how important they are, it is not too much.

The most fearful thing is that it claims to be a technology company, but its research and development investment is extremely stingy.

Don't touch such a company, because this kind of company may go bankrupt one day.

"In addition to building R&D centers in Beijing, we also need to build R&D centers in Shencheng, Jiangcheng, Rongcheng, Yangcheng, and Pengcheng. We will build these first, and then other cities can continue if necessary. establish."

Many people are powerful!
This is the rule that Lin Chen has always believed in!

After all, the power of a genius is limited, but what about a genius plus a large group of elites?
Or in other words, a hundred geniuses together!

Lin Chen, who has a system, now has a very strong talent collection habit!

What kind of power will be produced by gathering the best talents together, this is what Lin Chen is looking forward to.

Chen Yu opened his mouth, the cake is a bit too big!
"Do you want to build the headquarters building?"

"Oh, you almost forgot if you didn't mention it. The headquarters building must be repaired. Tell me, should the headquarters building and the R&D center be put together or separated!"

Without waiting for Chen Yu to speak, Lin Chen frowned and said, "It's better to put it together, close to each other, and you can know everything! By the way, the house price will definitely become more and more expensive in the future, and we have to consider the employees' concerns." housing issue!"

It is definitely not possible to distribute the house, but Lin Chen thinks it is okay to distribute the house owned by the company to the employees for free.

Moreover, if the company can provide accommodation, it is also a good thing for the employees. What can make the employees feel at ease is whether they are working in the company or not.

"Let's build the capital first. If we start building at the same time, the financial pressure on us will be greater!"

Lin Chen nodded to express his approval. The construction of a research and development center is not a trivial construction, it is meaningless.

To build, that is the best of the whole.

First of all, the land area must be large, not to mention hundreds of acres, which is unrealistic, but it must be tens of acres.

Just dozens of acres of land would cost a lot of money.

It is not realistic to build the R&D center in the deep mountains and old forests.

Now even the country's research institutions are moving to the city.

"What's going on with the listing?"

Chen Yu: "I have already selected a shell company, and I have already started contact with the other party. It should be possible to win!"

"Well, although we need shell resources, we don't accept blackmail from the other party!"

Lin Chen doesn't really want to go public now, because he knows that the current Light Year Technology will be even stronger in the future.

But thinking of the listing rewards given by the system, Lin Chen felt that it was better to go public earlier and get the rewards earlier.

Smiling lightly, Chen Yu said, "Naturally, the other party wants to make an early move. We can lower the price!"

The current stock market situation in China is not very good.

On the surface, China's current economy is developing well, but in fact, the development of some enterprises has begun to become difficult.It's just that there was some foundation in the past, and it could still be persistence.

"By the way, do you have time tonight?"

Lin Chen looked at Chen Yu suspiciously, do you have time?

There should be some!

In terms of time, Lin Chen has always had a lot!
It's just that Chen Yu asked like this, do you want to date?
(End of this chapter)

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