Chapter 422

In this case, it is definitely not enough to go two ways.

Because there are not enough resources!
Then only resources can be invested in one of the technical routes, and it seems that the Tokamaka device is the most reliable device.

As for the stellarator, it seems to be a bit more difficult for humans to realize.

The nuclear fusion of stars is restricted by gravity, and it is obvious that humans cannot achieve it!
Only magnetic force can be used for restraint.

This is the trouble.

And what is the route that Light Year Technology is going to take now?
Yes, stellarators!

The processing of stellarator is extremely difficult, Lin Chen naturally knows this.

Fortunately, Light Year Technology is now achievable, at least in terms of manufacturing capacity, Light Year Technology will not be much worse.

Moreover, after exchanging the full set of human industrial technology, Lin Chen uploaded all the large set of technical data to Eva's server.

What Eva did was sort out the information and start distributing it to various research institutions of Lightyear Technology.

Many technologies, for various countries and companies, are untold secrets.

No patent application at all.

Lightyear Technology, for example, applies for a lot of patents every year, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of applications. However, most of these patented technologies are design patents, and many basic patents will not be applied for at all, such as material formulas.

In terms of materials, Lightyear Technology sells finished products directly.

Unless you know that other countries or companies are going to come up with similar things, then you will consider applying for a patent or something.

Lightyear Technology will also buy a lot of patented technologies, which is normal.

Even if Lightyear Technology has a huge research team, it is not possible to understand all technologies through research.

Technical cooperation or something is completely unavoidable.

Lin Chen: "Within five years, controllable nuclear fusion will realize power generation!"

In the large-scale use of energy, electric energy has become the largest form of energy.

From electric lights to various household appliances, to factories and transportation, electricity began to replace coal and oil.

Of course, coal and oil have not disappeared as energy sources.

All can generate electricity is not.

Now that Lightyear Technology has given up research on coal and oil power generation, it does not mean that there is no technology.

Light-year-powered steam turbines are the most advanced steam turbines in the world. Many coal power plants and petroleum power plants are now using light-year-powered steam turbines.

The reason is that it is highly efficient!
The power generation capacity is high and the energy consumption is low, which greatly improves the power generation efficiency.

For the enterprise, it is all a benefit.

With the continuous popularization of electric vehicles, social electricity consumption is also constantly improving, which is foreseeable.

"In 50 years, we will start the exploration of outer star systems, and we will launch a spacecraft equipped with controllable nuclear fusion as an energy supply to the nearest star system Proxima Centauri!"

What's there on Proxima Centauri?
No one knows for sure, but exploring Proxima Centauri is the most cost-effective first exploration of an outer galaxy for mankind.

The main thing is, the distance is close enough.

Go too far and the risk becomes unmanageable.

In 50 years, launch a spaceship to Proxima Centauri!
All of you here are senior executives of Light Year Technology and the person in charge of scientific research, but hearing Lin Chen's words at this time, I also felt a little unreal!
Can human technology reach that level?
It seems that it is possible.

However, the premise is that controllable nuclear fusion must be truly researched.

Spaceship manufacturing is not too difficult.

But the difficulty lies in the power of the spacecraft!

For a spaceship, there are solutions for other aspects, but not for power.

Power has become a stumbling block for human civilization to move forward.

If there is no way to break through in terms of power, then everything is in vain.

The corner of Chen Yu's mouth twitched, and the tip of the pen lightly tapped on her notepad. She didn't want to comment on Lin Chen's ambitious plan at all.

Men with great ambitions are always stronger and more fascinating than those without any pursuit.

When did I fall in love with him, maybe it was when Lin Chen showed his ambition.

The meeting was quite long, and the meeting achieved very good results.

The most important point is that it unifies the thinking of Lightyear Technology.

What a team is most afraid of is not encountering difficulties or not being able to find a way to solve them, but the most fearful thing is that the thinking is not unified; that is, what we often say is that the hearts of the people are scattered and the team is difficult to lead.

No matter what you do, it is very important to have a unified mind.

Only in this way can everyone know why and how to do it!
Although this meeting was an internal meeting, after sorting out the minutes of the meeting, some content was actively distributed.

Light Year Technology needs fame!

The reputation of the world's number one high-tech company allows Lightyear Technology to recruit more outstanding scientists to join.

It can also attract other talents to join Lightyear Technology.

This is very important.

No matter what the plan is, someone has to execute it.

This is the title of righteousness, and Light Year Technology must have it.

Of course, many people in China naturally have a lot of opinions on Lightyear Technology's choice of stellarator for controllable nuclear fusion research.

After all, most of the research is now on the Tokamaka device.

This suddenly turned to studying stellarators, and that span is really too big.

Don't say that scientists can cross fields. In fact, most scientists can only conduct research in their main fields. Cross fields are difficult.

This is not what it was decades ago.

Now is the era of technological prosperity, and various technologies are born every day.

In the past, those who graduated from a university were outstanding talents, but now, those who graduated with a doctoral degree are like that.

what is the reason?
It’s because there is so much knowledge that needs to be learned now.

And the learning ability of human beings is there, and the speed of attracting knowledge is just like that, which can only be accumulated through time.

By the time I have enough knowledge, I will be 40 or [-] years old.

Within a few years, the ability to learn new knowledge began to slowly decline.

When he was 70 years old, he began to withdraw from front-line research.

Human lifespan will limit the further development of human science!
Lin Chen has already realized this point!

Even in the system store, I found technologies that can improve human life expectancy.

Human Gene Optimization Technology!
Civilization achievement points 500!

When Lin Chen saw this price, he was completely confused!

This is really too expensive.

can not afford!
What can I do if I can't afford it!

Lin Chen knew that if human beings could do some research or even breakthrough research on this technology, then the price would drop.

What Lin Chen has to do now is very simple, just support research in this area.

As for the final result, it depends on how much the price of technology drops.

(End of this chapter)

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