Chapter 419 Fu Li Is Being a Director
It has been unable to produce results, so who can bear it.

Because of the lack of optimism, the stock price of Lightyear Technology, which was originally rising, has actually fallen!
You know, the Huaxia stock market is now in a big bull market.

And because the stock price of Light Year Technology fell, China's market also fell along with it.

This is interesting!

The market value of Light Year Technology is in the China stock market, which is an absolute large-cap stock, and it is also a weather vane for the stock market.

The stock price of Lightyear Technology has always given people the feeling that it is rising steadily. Even if it falls, it will rise back soon.

That is to say, the more fierce the decline of Light Year Technology, the more people will buy the bottom.

Naturally, Lin Chen also knew that the stock price of Light Year Technology was abnormal and fell continuously. Although the fall was not too fierce, the market value of hundreds of billions of dollars evaporated.

From this point of view, the situation seems to be quite serious.


Lin Chen picked up Gu Xin who was playing in the yard. The little guy is now more and more used to life in the countryside.Although most of the land in the team is now occupied, each family still has a lot of private land.

These lands are usually used to focus on vegetables or something.

The enthusiasm of the Chinese people for farming is really too enthusiastic. Even if there is no land to plant, they have to get a small pot on the balcony to plant something.

"Is it fun?"

I bought building blocks at home, but the little one likes to play with mud!
Yes, it’s just playing in the mud and pinching the villain!
How the villain looks when pinched is really impossible to say, in the eyes of adults, it is not ugly at all!But in the eyes of Gu Xin and Lin Ziran, the villain they made is very beautiful.

In addition to making little people, they also made little houses out of clay!

Well, these are the times Lin Chen did when he was a child.

Even when Lin Chen was young, he put the things he kneaded into the fire to burn!

I didn't understand it at the beginning, and most of them failed.

Then I discovered that the soil that dries naturally in the shade is not easily broken when fired. After that, it basically dries naturally in the shade.

Lin Chen also dug a hole for the fired things and buried them.

I thought that when it was dug out decades later, it would be an antique.

Well, Lin Chen really has a lot of ideas.

"Well, it's fun!"

Putting Gu Xin down, Lin Chen scratched his head a little, these two little guys are covered in dirt, this is going to be talked about again.

Lin Xiaomei is now working in the logistics department of Tiandao University, and has not arranged any important things, and Lin Xiaomei can't do technical work.

Lin Xiaomei didn't even sit in the office, and was directly in charge of specific things.

When it comes to doing things, Lin Xiaomei doesn't fear anyone.

Sitting aside and watching Gu Xin and Lin Ziran play, Lin Chen didn't think about anything and just watched them squeeze the mud quietly.

"Hey, playing with mud again, look at how dirty it is!"

Li Qiuyun came back and saw the two little guys sitting on the ground playing with mud, and said with some distress; it's a pity about the clothes.

The clothes the two little guys are wearing don't cost tens of dollars each. They are all well-known children's clothing, and the price is very expensive!
"Grandma, hug!"

Li Qiuyun said angrily: "I don't want to hug you, look at you, little mud monkey!"

With that said, Li Qiuyun took the two children to wash their hands, and changed the clothes for the two children.

"You said you, let you look at the two children, you just look at it like this!" Li Qiuyun was talking about Lin Chen. Lin Chen had been at home all this time, and she was not used to it.

I don't go there either, and I don't know why I'm squatting at home.

Lin Chen: "I also played when I was a child, and I didn't hear what you said!"

Li Qiuyun said angrily: "You can compare with them!"

This seems to be a bit shocking!

Also, there is a considerable difference in the way boys and girls are raised.

Shaking his head, Lin Chen didn't want to talk.

Seeing the two little guys who had turned into little princesses sitting there eating snacks, Lin Chen couldn't help but said: "Mom, you don't give them snacks, don't make them fat!"

By December, Lin Chen began to convene a large number of scientists for meetings to discuss controllable nuclear fusion research!
This is a secret meeting. Of course, no matter how secret it is, there are some rumors in the outside world. The content of the meeting is kept secret, but there is no need to keep this matter secret.Moreover, with so many scientists gathered in Rongcheng, it was impossible to hide the matter.

Since it is impossible to hide it, then anyone who is hiding it should be exposed openly.

Lin Chen proposed the controllable nuclear fusion design plan directly. This was the plan Lin Chen proposed from the system data, and it was also the correct plan.

Of course, the plan proposed by Lin Chen is only a very elementary version, that is, the kind that can barely achieve controllable nuclear fusion.

Just like the steam engine, the steam engine appeared before Watt improved it, and it has been applied in many industries.

It was only after Watt improved the steam engine that the steam engine was popularized on a large scale.

Lin Chen also wanted to be in place at once, but his strength did not allow it.

You don't have any experience, but you want to start a complete research, and the research is too difficult.

It’s like asking current African countries to research spacecraft. Is this realistic?
Without any foundation, it is simply impossible to realize.

Practice first, lay the foundation!

This is Lin Chen's purpose.

Even if it is a preliminary version of a controllable nuclear fusion device, it does not mean that it is feasible to create it immediately.

There are too many problems that need to be solved.

The first point is that the engineering and materials involved need to be studied.

For the controllable nuclear fusion project, the scale of the entire research project team is getting bigger and bigger, and then the country is also involved.

The number of scientists directly involved exceeds 10.

As for the scientists who are indirectly involved, there are even more.

This project was not placed in Rongcheng, but in Jiangcheng.

As for the reasons for doing so, one is that Jiangcheng has a good industrial foundation, and another very important point is that Jiangcheng is not near the earthquake zone.

This is very important.

Everyone in the island country has to learn a lesson from the nuclear power plant leak caused by the earthquake.

As a kind of geographical activity, earthquake has caused considerable impact on human production and life.

Even though the seismic resistance levels of various buildings are constantly improving, many problems will still arise when an earthquake strikes.

It is obviously impossible for such a large project to be managed manually. The artificial intelligence Eva has officially appeared in front of people!
And the official appearance of artificial intelligence Eva also surprised people!

Is the artificial intelligence technology of Lightyear Technology already so powerful?

In the past, Eva was mainly responsible for scientific research assistance, and ordinary people basically had no access to Eva.

But this time, Lightyear Technology directly allows people with Lianxin's credit points to reach more than [-] to directly talk to Eva.

In this way, people really got to know Eva.

This is real artificial intelligence!
(End of this chapter)

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