Chapter 406 Advantages
However, now I tell you that someone has already made it, and they are all commercially available.

How does this not make people feel panic.

On the next day, many of the stock prices of a series of companies related to 5G experienced considerable declines.

Even the decline is still expanding!

Confidence is a very important support in the financial market. Once the market confidence is lost, it is no joke that it will cause a stampede.

The only support now is cooperation.

If Light Year Technology wants to enter the market of other countries, it must sell some benefits.

This is common throughout the world.

The stock price of Light Year Technology skyrocketed on the second day, directly reaching the daily limit, and the order was as high as one million lots!
With such a large cover sheet placed there, one can imagine how yearning people are for the stock of Light Year Technology.

The rise in the stock price of Light Year Technology also drove the rise of the entire Chinese stock market.

People are still not sure whether the bull market is coming, but China's stock market has performed really well in the past two years!

Compared with the previous life, the Huaxia stock market in this life got out of underestimation early, and then slowly climbed upwards.

Lin Chen doesn't pay much attention to the stock market, but not paying attention doesn't mean he can't see the information of the stock market.

Although the 5G commercial trial will be carried out in Chengdu, it is estimated that it will take next year for the official opening.

It has become a small consensus to open before the Spring Festival!

Lin Chen didn't stay long in Rongcheng, but went to Haidao Province!

As a major tourism province, there is an endless stream of people who come to Haidao Province to spend the winter every winter.Of course, there is another reason why Haidao Province has attracted attention in recent years, and that is that Tiangong has always been launched here.

The launch missions of Huaxia heavy rockets are also carried out in the island province.

This time, Lin Chen came to Haidao Province to witness something.

A new module of Tiangong will be launched and docked with Tiangong.

This kind of docking has been carried out several times, and there is no longer any difficulty in terms of technology.

"After this launch, the mission is accomplished!"

Thinking that the task was about to be completed, Lin Chen was still a little excited.

Controlled nuclear fusion!

As long as they have this technology, then human beings are really like lightning.

There is really no way to say, whether it is economy or technology, it will usher in explosive growth.

"What are you thinking!"

Lin Chen suddenly came back to his senses: "I didn't think about anything!"

"Hehe, let's not talk about it, let me tell you, now that the Tiangong has been built, we have to pay close attention to negotiations with other countries! After the Tiangong is built, everything will be fine, and there are too many things behind. Funds need to be invested!"

After the construction of the Tiangong, the follow-up experiments and so on, it really needs too much.

Experiments are the most costly thing.

Especially this kind of space experiment, compared with the ground, the cost of money is much more, and it makes people feel distressed.

It is already a consensus in China to find someone to share the expenses.

However, this matter has not been very smooth.

The truth is, in this world, there are many countries with space ambitions, but these countries are not very suitable to join the space program led by China.

The relationship between countries is quite complicated!

Hearing this, Lin Chen said helplessly to Chen Yu: "Shouldn't this matter be yours?"

Chen Yu also came to the island today!

In addition to working on the island, there is also a point of vacation!

The current weather in Beijing is not so friendly. The air quality in Beijing is continuously declining, which makes people feel annoyed.

Normally, Chen Yu didn't want to stay in the capital anymore.

Air purifiers in Beijing are selling very well now.

With a sneer, Chen Yu said, "What is mine? I don't have time to ask about this matter now. You'd better ask about this matter yourself. There are many things that you can't decide to pay attention to. You have to make a decision!"

What is the greatest role of leadership?
Not to do specific things, but to make a decision!

This matter involves too much exchange of interests, and no one dares to make a direct decision now. As a result, the progress will naturally slow down.

Lin Chen: "This matter is not easy!"

"Hmph, you know it's not easy, so let me go!"

Lin Chen praised: "Isn't that you are amazing!"

How strong Chen Yu's ability is, the outside world may really not understand, only those who have really been in contact with Chen Yu will understand.

How can someone who can manage Light Year Technology in an orderly manner have poor ability.

Today is a very important moment. When Lin Chen and Chen Yu were talking, the leader also came!

The construction of the Tiangong is a matter that the center is very concerned about. At this important moment today, it is normal for the leader to bring the high-ranking officials of the center to the scene.

"Good leadership!"

"Lin Chen, Chen Yu, you two young people are very good!"

Lin Chen and Chen Yu looked at each other and then smiled, Lin Chen said: "Thank you for the compliment from the leader, we still have a lot to learn and work hard!"

The leader looked at the GN-31 rocket towering over the skyline through the screen. This is the most advanced active rocket in China and even the world.

The most advanced rocket in human history is not GN-31, but the Saturn of Eagle Sauce!

It's just that there is no way for Eagle Sauce to make Saturn now.

the reason is simple?
The original manufacturers of those parts of the Saturn no longer know where to go.

If you want to restart production, it is better to say that it is re-developed.

However, it seems that in terms of research ability, Ying Jiang's scientific research ability has actually regressed a lot.

I don’t know what exactly is going on. In terms of scientific research capabilities, Yingjiang has indeed regressed.

One very important reason is that research funding has become scarce.

For example, in the field of aerospace, the budget is not being cut!
When doing things, there is one point that must be paid attention to. Even if you lag behind, you must have your own development rhythm.

Otherwise, it is easy to be biased.

Off course, that is the scariest thing!

Once the route deviates, it will be very difficult to correct it again.

If you don't have some ability, then you can't correct it, and you end up running along the deviated route all the way, and you don't know where you are going.

Just like Europe right now!

Many countries in Europe have problems in their development. To be honest, the causes have long been buried.

For the sake of votes in the hands of voters, politicians are constantly promising various policies, and all of these policies are slow poisons.

"Every time I see it, I will be shocked!"

(End of this chapter)

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