Chapter 302 Title
Lin Chen had never thought about doing anything with the so-called electronic currency. There was no need!

Lightyear Technology's supercomputing research and development laboratory is located in the suburbs of the capital, and the security department of Lightyear Technology sees this place as deadly!

Every year, the funds allocated by Light Year Technology to the security department are in the billions!

Even in Africa and other war-torn areas, there are active members of the Light Year Technology Security Department.

In terms of resource requirements, Lightyear Technology is quite large.

The demand for some rare metals seems particularly large.

For example, the construction of the Tiangong will require a lot of rare metals.

Jiantiangong is not made of ordinary steel, but all alloys, and rare metals are added to these alloys.

Even some core parts are all processed from those rare metals.

It is more expensive than gold!
"Academician Feng, hello, hello!"

Feng Xiaoping, academician of Tiandao Academy!
The Tiandao Academy will also select academicians, and after the academicians of the Tiandao Academy are elected, there is a very important point, that is, each academician has one billion yuan to use scientific research funds at any time.

This one billion scientific research funds can be invested in any research.

Therefore, being an academician of Daoist Academy is a matter of great interest to many people.

One is that the selection of academicians of Tiandao Academy can be carried out every year!

The academician meeting is held every year, which is the highest academic and management institution of Tiandaoyuan!

"Hi Dong Chen, hello, long time no see!"

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a while, Academician Feng, let me introduce you, this is Chen Yu, the CEO of Light Year Technology!"

Feng Xiaoping smiled and said: "I know, Mr. Chen, hello!"

Chen Yu: "Hello, Academician Feng!"

Feng Xiaoping has a good personality. Among the academicians of Tiandaoyuan, there are quite a few academicians with straightforward personalities, but he was still elected because Tiandaoyuan doesn't look at interpersonal relationships at all, but directly looks at research results.

If you have results, then you are a cow!
Unlike some other academies of science, if you want to be elected, you have to look at relationships or something.

Because it only depends on ability, many of the academicians in Tiandaoyuan are very young, and the youngest one is only 30 years old!

30 years old!

This age is really scary enough.

Along the way, from time to time, you can see security personnel standing, and everyone is fully armed. Of course, the security personnel are divided into levels. Some of the security personnel's weapons are batons, and some security personnel are armed with firearms!
No one can guarantee that the enemy will be angered because the technology is too advanced.

"This is the prototype of Tianji!"

It's not that Chen Yu has never seen a supercomputer, but there are not many prototypes of the supercomputer, and there are exposed lines everywhere, which looks a bit messy!

Speaking of chaos, it must be a bit too much, it can only be said to be orderly in chaos!
Quite a few researchers in slim white coats were busy, obviously doing final checks.

Standing at the glass window, Lin Chen looked at everything in front of him, feeling a little excited, not because he was excited that the calculation speed of the supercomputer would break the historical record, but because he wanted to get rewards from the system.

What will virtual reality technology look like?
Lin Chen was really curious about this.

Of course, even if you get the technology and want to realize the real application, it is not a simple matter.

The technology provided by the system is achievable according to human technology reserves.

But this requires a process. For example, there are some special materials that humans may not have discovered yet, and they need to re-invest funds for research.

Although these material systems also give a complete manufacturing process.

However, with the emergence of a new material, there are too many things that can be done behind it.

What are the properties of such materials and what aspects can they be applied to? These are all worthy of research.

The current material and technology reserves of Light Year Technology are no worse than those of foreign countries, and there is still a huge gap!

With the support of the system, these are not difficult.

After completing the last inspection, the test officially started.

One billion billion, two billion billion, 20 billion, 21 billion, 22, 23, 24, until it survived at 25 billion.

Lin Chen smiled all over his face. He naturally knew exactly what the success of supercomputing research with such computing power meant.

There are too many uses of supercomputers in scientific research, civilian and military.

In the past two years, Huaxia's scientific research has made such great progress, and the large-scale use of supercomputers has played a considerable role.

"Yeah, it worked!"



Lin Chen applauded lightly, and congratulated Feng Xiaoping: "Academician Feng is lucky!"

Feng Xiaoping couldn't hide his excitement: "This is what I should do!"

After countless days and nights of struggle, today is finally a success!
For Feng Xiaoping, at this moment, all the past efforts are worth it!
Chen Yu looked at this group of excited researchers with a smile on her face. She didn't need to worry about their rewards. Light Year Technology had already formed a perfect reward rule.

As long as there are results, it will definitely be rewarded.

Every year, Lightyear Technology spends more than [-] billion on bonuses, and this does not include staff salaries!
The income of scientific research personnel is composed of three parts, salary, bonus and share!

As for which aspect occupies the bulk, it depends on the specific project team.

The more difficult the research project, the heavier the bonus will be!

For projects like supercomputing, there really won’t be much money in the share. To a certain extent, supercomputing doesn’t make much money.

Therefore, the bonus for the supercomputing project team is particularly high!

It is quite normal for each person to directly receive a million bonus.

As for whether giving such high bonuses to scientific researchers will make them lose motivation for research, there is no need to worry about this.

After there is no burden of money, it is easier to produce research results.

Because interest has become the most important.

Lin Chen doesn't want his researchers to treat scientific research as a simple job, that's really meaningless.

Scientific research needs a flash of inspiration from researchers!
There is no way to make people shine with simple work, only step by step.

When Lin Chen heard the system's notification that the task was completed, he didn't have much expression on his face. This has become a very common skill for Lin Chen.

Three days later, a celebration dinner was held at Yunshang Hotel in Beijing.

The people who came to the dinner were basically the insiders of Light Year Technology, as well as the leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

When I heard that the floating-point calculation of Lightyear Technology's supercomputer exceeded 27 billion billion times, the entire Ministry of Science and Technology couldn't sit still.

In fact, the whole world was reporting the news.

As for the stock price of Light Year Technology, it also rose in response, directly breaking through the [-] trillion mark. Although there are still fluctuations, it is no longer difficult to stabilize above [-] trillion.

Moreover, the stock of Light Year Technology is not easy to buy now!
Especially for retail investors, the stock price of Light Year Technology is too high now, and retail investors basically don't buy much, mainly because many retail investors don't have enough money.

(End of this chapter)

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