Chapter 287 Youth together

As for another lady, she is a 28-year-old beauty named Lu Li.

Graduated from Fudan University in Shencheng with a postgraduate degree in economics, and has been in Light Year Bank for two years.

"Xiaoying, come and eat!"

Liu Ying looked at the snacks Lu Li handed over, did not refuse, picked up a piece and ate it.

Lu Li likes snacks very much. When getting in the car, Liu Ying saw that Lu Li had a bag!

They have everything from cookies to spicy sticks!
However, what makes people wonder is why Lu Li's figure is still so good!

"Sister Li, how long will it take for our inspection this time?"

"It won't take long to check, but it will take a long time to rush!"

From Rongcheng to Yuzhou!
The traffic situation in the southwest is just like that now. It is true that traffic restricts economic development.

I didn’t go directly to Yuzhou. The nearest expressway from Rongcheng to Yuzhou has not been built yet, so I took the old Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, and I happened to stop in Yangcheng City, because there are two companies in Yangcheng City Gotta go see it.

If a company wants to make a loan, they have to conduct an evaluation to see how the company is doing.

And I also invited people from the supervisory company to go and look at it together. This is basically the final process. After the completion, the funds will be officially distributed to this enterprise.

Hao Jianzhong sat in the co-pilot's seat. He was getting old, so let the young people do the driving work!
"Lu Li, when is the appointment at Nancang?"

Lu Li: "10:30!"

Among the regulatory companies that cooperate with domestic pledge supervision, Southern Storage is the financial storage company that cooperates with Guangnian Bank the most.

In addition, there are Huachu, Sinotrans and other enterprises!
Plus, of course, some local warehousing companies.

Hao Jianzhong: "It's still early!"

After finishing speaking, Hao Jianzhong glanced at Liu Ying and Joey. Before coming, Zhang Cong specially told them to take good care of these two young ladies!

At the same time, you have to teach them more.

Hao Jianzhong saw that day that these two people came with Lin Chen, who was the big boss of Lightyear Bank.

Liu Ying felt that Hao Jianzhong was looking at her, so she smiled at him, and continued to look down at the phone.

This is the class letter group. After the freshman year, most of the students in the class went out to find an internship job. There are really a small number of people in the class who only play during the summer vacation.

Even if someone is going to have fun during the summer vacation, but seeing that everyone in the class has found an internship during the summer vacation, they are too embarrassed to play.

Such is the vibe!
When everyone else is working hard, people who don't want to work hard will subconsciously keep up.

No one wants to be left behind, especially for them, the proud of heaven, this is even more unacceptable.

Joey stretched out his head and glanced at Liu Ying's mobile phone screen: "Is your class now out for internships?"

The two didn't feel any strangeness because they hadn't seen each other for a long time, even if there was, it was completely eliminated in the past few days.

"Well, as far as I know now, they have basically come out to find a job internship!"

For students of Huaqing University, even freshmen, it is very easy to find an internship outside.

Has anyone squatted at home, this should be!

However, it is impossible for Liu Ying to say who it is, and to pursue it. To put it bluntly, what does this have to do with her.

As we were talking, the car was getting off the highway.

Yangcheng is known as the Western Car City in Shuchuan!

Nanma Automobile is located here. It is a company specializing in the production of low-speed trucks. It still has a considerable market share in Sichuan and its surrounding areas.

Of course, Liu Ying and the others did not come to Yangcheng this time to go to Nanma Automobile, but to a welded pipe factory!

This welded pipe factory was founded in the 90s, that is, in [-], the era when a large number of enterprises were surging.

In China, if you pay attention to the establishment time of enterprises, you will find that a large number of enterprises were established in the same year and have grown stronger.

It's called a business boom!

Yuanyang Welded Pipe was established in that turbulent era, and it has gone through more than ten years of ups and downs.

When we came to Yuanyang Welded Pipe Factory, we found that the factory covers a large area. It can be seen that it is a very powerful factory in the local area.

When Liu Ying and the others arrived, the people from Nancang Company had also arrived.

After a while of greetings, everyone started to go to work. First of all, it was time to go to see the goods. As for the inventory of goods, it didn't need to be done by the bank, but the business of Nancang.

Lu Li softly introduced the situation to Liu Ying and Joey: "This Yuanyang Welded Pipe has been established for a long time, and its credit in the bank is extremely good. It has never been violated. As a company, Quite rare!"

For Guangnian Bank, credit is definitely a very important consideration in order to obtain a loan!

Once there is a credit stain, Lightyear Bank will increase the review level when reviewing the company's loans.

Lightyear Technology has a specialized company that collects credit from individuals and businesses, and evaluates the credit of individuals and businesses based on a special algorithm. If the score is low, there will naturally be no way to obtain any loan from Lightyear Bank. .

In fact, Lightyear Bank's credit evaluation of some state-owned enterprises is relatively low. Even if you are a state-owned enterprise, Lightyear Bank will not provide loans.

And this credit evaluation system is also used as a reference by more and more banks.

This system is also vigorously promoted in the society, such as some public departments, such as the judiciary!
For those who do not obey the justice, this system will enter it, and then directly reduce their credit rating.

Liu Ying listened to everyone's conversation from the side. She had heard many such commercial conversations around Lin Chen, but she found that it was different from Lin Chen's.

The reason for the higher level?
She was thinking silently in her heart, but Liu Ying didn't show any expression on her face.

At noon, the people from Yuanyang Pipe Welding treated us to a meal together in a rather unique local restaurant.

The restaurant can't be considered high-end, but the conditions are good, especially the taste of the dishes is very good.

If a dozen people eat it, it will cost a few hundred dollars!

"Our visit this time is basically just a formality. All the necessary procedures have been completed. After the supervision company settled in, we got the goods warehouse receipt from the supervision company, and we can lend money!"

When the supervision company's cargo warehouse receipt is sent to the bank, the company can get the loan quickly. For example, from Lightyear Bank, it can be obtained in three days.

No more than a week at the latest!

Liu Ying listened silently. She was very grateful to Lu Li for telling her in such detail!

When it comes to bringing newcomers, some people don’t know what they think in their hearts. They just want to give the newcomers a little bit of power. Is this necessary?
Maybe the previous person had done this when they took him, and then he felt that he was unbalanced if he didn't give it to the new person.

In the afternoon, Liu Ying and the others went to another company. This company is also a mortgage loan, and the supervision company is also Nancang!
(End of this chapter)

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