Chapter 244 Recognition
The Huaxia Aerospace Department has now given up on research and development on the rocket, and even sold the research and development team to Light Year Aerospace.

The very important reason why Lightyear Aerospace can do such a thing is that the parent company of Lightyear Aerospace, Lightyear Technology, is its own people.

Now the Huaxia Aerospace Department spends more research and development funds on the space station.

With sufficient funds, the research and development of the Chinese Space Station has accelerated a lot.

"Let's talk about everything after the listing of Light Year Transportation. Now, the situation of Light Year Transportation's shares, do you want to hear it?"

Many of the technologies that Lightyear Transportation masters are quite sensitive, so shareholders should be more cautious in their selection.

Not a single foreign shareholder!
Yes, Light Year Transportation has no foreign shareholders.

Lightyear Technology holds 60.00% of the shares of Lightyear Transportation and is the absolute controlling shareholder; neither Lin Chen nor Chen Yu personally hold shares in Lightyear Transportation.

As for the other shareholders, they are all Huaxia state-owned enterprises.

There is also a very important point, that is, Light Year Transportation is a big spender of money, that is to say, Light Year Transportation is very valuable, but it needs to keep investing money in it every year.

Continuously use the money raised from the stock market to develop itself.

Anyway, it is a model to play with BOE.

Just use the money in the financial market to strengthen yourself.

"No, as long as we still have absolute control, that's fine. As for who the shareholders are, I don't care!"

Even if the background of the shareholders is great, Lin Chen doesn't care.

Light Year Traffic is still under his control.

The main reason for the listing of Lightyear Transportation is that the subsequent research and development will require a large amount of capital investment. If we just rely on Lightyear Technology, it will obviously not work.

Then let the stock market continue to transfuse blood.

Anyway, when China's stock market was established, its fate was already doomed, it was not for the blood transfusion for the development of the enterprise.

Chen Yu smiled, there was a lot of exchange of interests behind this!
Light Year Technology can go so far, to be honest, Chen Yu has done a lot of things behind the scenes.

Fortunately, Lin Chen is not the kind of person who only wants to eat alone. In terms of shares, Lin Chen is also quite generous.

However, it is not so easy to be a shareholder of Lightyear Technology.

After investing real money, they discovered that Light Year Technology is very profitable. However, after Light Year Technology went public, it paid dividends once, and then stopped paying dividends.

However, there are trillions of funds on the books of Light Year Technology, which are placed there.

Isn't it irritating to you that such a large amount of money is just sitting there and not doing anything else?

In fact, Chen Yu is already working hard to spend money.

In terms of fixed assets alone, Lightyear Technology now holds hundreds of billions.

Like the Light Year Cinemas, they all bought real estate.

In addition, Light Year Technology is also investing in some other companies, covering basic necessities, food, housing and transportation.

All of these are placed in light-year investment for unified management.

On October 22, Lightyear Transportation was officially listed on Shenzhen A-shares through backdoor transactions.

The listing of Light Year Transportation instantly caused a shock in the entire Chinese stock market!

When Light Year Technology was listed, Huaxia stock market ushered in a rising period. It was thought that the bull market would come again, but as time went by, Huaxia stock market actually started to go down again after a wave of rise.

Many people are scrutinizing the listing of a giant like Light Year Transportation.

Especially after seeing the companies affiliated with Light Year Transportation, everyone cursed at me!
The real reason is that none of the affiliated companies of Light Year Transportation are easy to deal with, and all of them are big companies.

Every one of them has a market value of over [-] billion.

Hundreds of billions are rarely mentioned, at least starting from 5000 billion.

In other words, the market value of Light Year Transportation is at least three trillion yuan!
Nima, when did it become so easy for the market value of companies on the Huaxia stock market to break through trillions.

In December, the market value of Light Year Traffic stabilized at 6 trillion.

Lightyear Technology and Lightyear Transportation, these two listed companies, can be said to be the strange existence of Huaxia listed companies.

Because there is no Zhuang in these two companies!
Whether the stock price rises or not depends entirely on the company's performance.

If funds want to hype, they have to follow the trend.

Unlike other companies, no matter whether it has performance or not, as long as the funds are large enough, it can be speculated.

However, in Lightyear Technology, a large number of retail investors are concentrated in it.

Compared with other stocks, Lightyear Technology's stocks are definitely much better.

Many investors who seek stability like to buy shares of Light Year Technology.

Because of the listing of Lightyear Transportation, the stock of Lightyear Technology has also risen, and the market value has stabilized at more than [-] trillion.

The days passed peacefully. After Wen Dan finished filming two films, he returned to school again.

Wen Dan is about to start preparing for graduation.

Time flies really fast, and Lin Chen's former roommates are all looking for internship jobs.

Those who are looking for internships are looking for internships, and those who are writing graduation thesis are also starting to prepare to write them.

Lin Chen did not stay in the capital, but returned to Shuchuan!
There is also Chen Yu!
Back to Shuchuan this time, of course, there is business to do, isn't the year coming to an end soon, and then Chen Yu is thinking about what to give to the employees this year.

If you think about it, something like melatonin will definitely not work.

Send a mobile phone?
Everyone has a mobile phone!
Although Lightyear Technology has no requirement to use its own company's mobile phone, most employees choose Xphone when choosing a mobile phone.

The Xphone is the best phone on the market, and that's a fact that everyone admits.

After much deliberation, Chen Yu decided to post directly to the bar!

However, when it comes to buying finished wine for distribution, the price is too high!
A bottle of Moutai costs a few hundred yuan!
Therefore, according to Chen Yu's suggestion, he planned to buy raw wine for blending, filling, packaging, and distribution to the staff.

And where is the largest producing area of ​​Huaxia Baijiu?
In Shuchuan!
The baijiu in Shuchuan can be said to supply the whole of China. No matter what brand of baijiu you drink, most of the original wines of these baijiu are produced in Shuchuan.

Dayi, Yijiang, Luzhou, Mianzhou and other places in Rongcheng are all famous liquor producing areas.

"Guangnian Bank has 10,000+ tons of liquor pledge loans in its hands. This time, it is the largest batch. If it is suitable, we will take it all!"

10,000+ tons of original wine, it is definitely not the pledge of one winery, but the pledge of dozens of wineries.

Regarding the original wine pledge, the bank is not afraid of too much risk.

Even if the wine can't be sold for a long time, that doesn't matter, anyway, the longer the liquor is kept, the better the quality will be.

There will be no quality problems due to a long time.

The main risk is whether the company will have theft or the storage device will be leaked.

Of course, there is no need to worry about these, there will always be a supervision company on site.

(End of this chapter)

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