Chapter 233 University
In order to build this road, it will naturally cost a lot.

This road, extending past, is Tiandao University, and the area connected to Chaowen Avenue must also become the most important area in Le County.

However, the land on both sides of this avenue has now been taken by Shunfa Real Estate.

I found a hotel with a nice environment. It has two floors, and the area is quite large. I was willing to spend money on the decoration, and it looks quite grand.

I asked for a large box on the second floor, with a table for more than a dozen people, so there was no problem at all.

This time, the vice-principal, dean, and grade director of Wendao Middle School all came together.

"Lin Chen, come and sit here!"

Guo Yingneng invited Lin Chen and Chen Yu to sit on the table. Not everyone can do the table. It takes the most important people to be able to sit!

Lin Chen naturally knew the rules on the table. When he was a child, he was specially taught at home.

Some basic rules still need to be known, otherwise, it is easy to be thought that there is no tutor!
To be honest, many young people nowadays may feel that they are the biggest in the world, so they behave very rude outside.

Other people's perception of you will not only think that you are rude, but will also extend to whether your parents are not good, and they don't even teach these basic things?
Therefore, when a person is outside, he not only represents himself, but also represents the whole family behind you.

"Teacher Guo, you are the elder, come and sit down!"

Guo Yingneng is Lin Chen's junior high school head teacher. Lin Chen has always felt that it is a kind of luck in his life to meet a teacher like Guo Yingneng in his life.

Guo Yingneng is not without flaws. For example, he likes to play tricks, drink a little wine, and speaks straightforwardly. He is not used to some things, but he has always been sincere when dealing with students.

Chen Yu persuaded with a smile: "Teacher Guo, you sit down, we are juniors, if you don't sit down, how can we be more polite!"

Lin Chen and Chen Yu gave face like this, what else could Guo Yingneng say, just grinning!
In this life, Guo Yingneng's happiest thing is to teach a student like Lin Chen.

When he graduated from a technical secondary school and taught for more than 20 years, Guo Yingneng himself could not remember how many schools he had taught.

In the past, it was said that there were three thousand disciples of Confucius, and that was amazing!
However, the current teachers, as long as they have been teaching for a long time, the number of students they have taught is only three thousand.

Not to mention that he did his best for every student, but Guo Yingneng asked himself that he had fulfilled his responsibility as a teacher.

The dishes will be served soon, and someone will naturally do the pouring of the wine.

The wine glass is the kind of small cup that can be drunk in one sip. Lin Chen looked at the full glass and didn't say anything.

"Today is a rare gathering for everyone. Thank you for your hard work in the school in the past year. I would like to offer you a toast!"

After the cup was drained, Lin Chen said: "Everyone can drink as you like, and don't try to persuade you to drink. My drinking capacity is only the amount of this cup. If you want to drink with me later, then I can only replace wine with tea!"

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled. She didn't drink wine!

No matter where she goes, she doesn't drink!
At this position, no one in the world can force her to drink anymore.

Not even the boss of China will!

"Today, Chen Yu and I went around the school for a while. Although it's just a quick ride, I still think it's good!"

Lin Chen walked down in a circle, feeling that the spirit of the students is good, which is very important.

If it's lifeless, it means there's something really wrong with the school's education.

Guo Yingneng said with a smile: "In terms of education, those present here are not self-proclaiming, they are all old teachers. In this regard, they are really not bad!"

As a private school, Wendao Middle School must have its own characteristics in teaching in order to attract students; it must have excellent teachers.

Compared with public schools, the income of private school teachers is even higher, and it is normal for several times.

Now career establishment is not so important to people.

Many excellent teachers also teach in private schools.

Of course, teaching in a private school is actually much more stressful than teaching in a public school.

"I completely agree with this point. I am not worried about teaching at all. In fact, I am more worried about the mental state of the students. Nowadays, there are basically only one child in the family. What is the student doing at home?" This situation, to be honest, we can all guess."

"In terms of psychological counseling for students, the school must do a good job, regardless of how much they will achieve in the future, at least, they must not become a person who is harmful to society!"

Very realistic question!

The higher the level of education, the more serious the harm to society.

"Director Lin, I see that some foreign schools have set up a dedicated psychiatrist, can our school do the same!"

Lin Chen: "That's okay, Teacher Guo, please pay more attention to this matter!"

"Okay, here's one!"

"One is probably not enough, maybe two. I remember that the school has a school hospital. Is there a doctor in place?"

Guo Yingneng said: "I think it would be a waste to recruit a doctor alone, so we will cooperate with the county hospital to arrange for a doctor to come. Now the county hospital sends doctors here in rotation!"

In normal times, I heard that there is something going on in middle school!
When students are playing sports, they bump into or fall, and they just need simple treatment.

And some colds and stuff.

Maybe at night, some students suddenly fell ill!
Generally speaking, doctors from the county hospital are on duty at Wendao Middle School, which can basically be said to be on vacation.

I heard that the middle school hospital is a clinic, and the daily medicines must be fully prepared.

At the same time, it is sufficient for office equipment.

As far as computers are concerned, they are all Lightyear Technology computers. Needless to say, there are no configurations. They can play all the games on the market today.

Moreover, the Internet speed is also very fast.

The entire Wendao Middle School has a large expenditure every year on Internet fees.

"It's fine like this, as long as there is a doctor around, after all, the school doctor doesn't need to be very capable!"

Guo Yingneng said with a smile: "Our school doctors who come on shifts are all front-line doctors in the county hospital!"

"Well, that's the best! If you have any other problems, just tell me. If I can solve them, I'll solve them together!"

Some things are difficult for them to solve, but for Lin Chen, it may be a matter of one sentence!
They all looked at each other and shook their heads; I heard that the internal relationship of Middle School is relatively simple, and the school, the relationship is relatively simple.

School is a workplace, but it is not a workplace. It is completely different from the workplace we usually come into contact with.

At least, when it comes to intrigues, schools are much less involved.

Everything is based on grades!

(End of this chapter)

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