Chapter 228

As long as Lin Chen is involved in the field, he must do his best.

For example, Wendao Middle School, which has only been in school for one year, has now become a must-see unit for superior leaders to come to Le County for inspections.

Wendao Middle School is very different from other schools in terms of education, that is, it emphasizes all-round development.

Of course, the students of Wendao Middle School don't play very well every day, there is no such thing.

Like other students, I get up early in the morning, then do physical exercise, have breakfast, go to class, and at ten o'clock in the evening, I go to the dormitory and sleep.

Playing, how could it be playing!
Parents paid such high tuition fees, but they didn't let their children play in school.

Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is a characteristic of Wendao Middle School.

"The land area of ​​Tiandao University will be extremely large. I hope that the county can do a good job in land acquisition and relocation!"

Land acquisition and demolition and resettlement are the most difficult to a certain extent!
Of course, as far as Le County is concerned, farmers are also willing to actively cooperate.

Farming does not make money!

It is even possible to lose money!

Seeds are expensive now, and fertilizers are also expensive. The time spent farming at home is earned by working outside.

There are no young people in the countryside anymore!
It's full of old people tending the land in the countryside.

In the past few years, when the old people were unable to work, the abandonment of large areas of land became a very common phenomenon.

"Don't worry, Director Lin, we will definitely handle the land acquisition and demolition!"

The urban development of Le County will naturally involve land acquisition and demolition.

Over the years, there has never been a case of forced demolition.

As long as the resettlement work is done well, everyone is willing to cooperate.

Like now, Le County's demolition and resettlement policy is to give a family several sets of resettlement houses in the city, and tens of thousands of dollars.

"My preliminary plan now is to build the school in this location, and I will build several reservoirs and ponds in the school!"

There are many reservoirs in Le County, all of which were water conservancy facilities built in the 70s and [-]s.

Until now, these water conservancy facilities are also important guarantees for rural production.

In the school, all the hills will not be flattened like the construction of the county town.

The geology here in Le County is relatively stable, and there are basically no geological disasters.

I have never seen landslides, mudslides or the like.

Floods do exist, and because of the dense vegetation, they are not too noticeable.

"For now, let's first acquire the land, how to build the school, first talk with the design company and then talk about it!"

How the school is laid out, this is not busy!

After the design is completed, the construction will start immediately. By next year, Lin Chen hopes to be able to start the first batch of enrollment.

Lin Chen really wasn't worried about not having enough time.

As long as there are no funding problems, China will be very fast in project construction.

In the process of many projects, the reason why it takes a long time is very simple, that is, there is a problem with funds.

Once there is a problem with funds, it can only be a shutdown.

Then after the funds are in place, work will be restarted.

In this way, the construction period is directly extended.

Especially for real estate companies, Huaxia's housing prices have been rising all the time. If they are completed a few months later, the housing prices will be even more expensive.

The design of the school is not carried out by any designated design institute, but invites well-known architectural design institutes at home and abroad to bid.

The design of Tiandao University has become a project that all architectural design companies around the world want to strive for.

Not only because of financial interests, but also fame!
Lightyear Science and Technology announced the design requirements of the school on the Internet. The first is that the terrain should not be changed much. The second is that the greenery is relatively large. The third is that there must be pavilions and waterside pavilions in the school. Fourth, the design must be There are elements of Chinese style, the fifth is to express the sense of technology, the sixth...

The requirements are quite a few to list!

The overall requirement is to look good and be comfortable!
In terms of the school's land area, Le County is quite generous. It directly approved [-] acres of land, and said that if it is not enough, it can be added at any time!
However, after seeing the location, Lin Chen said it was enough.

With such a large area, it is really not an easy task to complete the construction in a short time.

In this piece of land, roads have already been built around, and all of them are high-standard roads, and one road connects the exits of two expressways.

In terms of transportation, it is naturally quite convenient.

Next to the school, there is a new passenger station under construction. Because of the construction of the university, the area of ​​the new passenger station must not be enough. Thirty thousand students, what a passenger flow!

It has become a consensus that the passenger terminal must be expanded.

Fortunately, the land beside the passenger station has not been used for other purposes, and it can be expanded directly.

However, expansion means greater investment is required, and the county is trying to find a way to raise funds!
Then, the bank is naturally the choice.

Light Year Bank has extended a loan amount of one billion to Le County.

Of course, this one billion quota can only be used to build university-related projects.

As for other things, that's not okay.

At the end of August, Liu Ying went to the capital to go to school, Lin Chen did not go to the capital, but continued to stay in Le County.

After Niu Yuanhong returned to Rongcheng, he also rushed to Le County.

Lin Chen and Niu Yuanhong talked for a while, and expressed satisfaction with Niu Yuanhong's work in the past year, and encouraged Niu Yuanhong to continue to work hard in the days to come.

Lin Chen didn't promise to be promoted or something.

Because there is no need for it!

In terms of system construction, Light Year Technology is already quite perfect, and Chen Yu has spent a lot of energy on system construction.

Lin Chen sat on the balcony, his heart was in a mess, his eyes were on the baby in the crib, is this his own child?
The feeling of being connected by blood?

Well, Lin Chen really didn't feel it. This kind of fantasy feeling really didn't exist.

However, Lin Chen felt his heart beating faster, and he had a child.

Lin Chen, who had never thought about such a thing before, was really shocked today.

Gu Ya put one hand on the crib, looked at the dazed Lin Chen from time to time, but was worried in her heart, how Lin Chen would treat the child!

If Lin Chen does not recognize the child, Gu Ya has secretly made up her mind that she will definitely raise the child healthy.

"Why didn't you tell me all this time?"

Gu Ya looked up at Lin Chen, then lowered her head, Nuonuo said: "I'm afraid you don't want it!"

Do not want?
Lin Chen laughed and shook his head: "How could I not want it? After all, it is my own child!"

Count the time, it was when I came back last year!
It's just that some things still need to be confirmed, but Lin Chen didn't show it.

It's hard to say trust. Absolute trust may be an absolute mistake.

Looking at the child softly, Lin Chen stretched out his finger to tease her, and his little hand grabbed Lin Chen's finger, smiling happily.

(End of this chapter)

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