Chapter 224 All night
It is even said that this is the idea of ​​the whole China.

The city is constantly being built bigger and bigger, and the population is also increasing.

Hou Kang opened his mouth and did not speak, he naturally knew the purpose of Yun Shang's existence.

However, if the hotel does not make money and keeps losing money, it is not a good thing for Hou Kang.

If you want to be promoted, you need grades!

"Do you know what annoys me the most?"

Hou Kang shook his head!

Wu Muxue: "This, how can we openly appear in Yunshang? This is a blow to Yunshang's entire brand. We are not those small hotels, anyone can come in!"

"Clean all of this away. If your boss sees it, be careful with your head!"

Hou Kang nodded again and again, saying that he would do it right away!

After waving Hou Kang away, Wu Muxue took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket, it was Niu Yuanhong's call!
Niu Yuanhong is the general manager of the Rongcheng Branch of Light Year Technology. In Rongcheng, he can be regarded as a high position.

"Hey, Boss Niu, is there something to call at this late hour?"

Niu Yuanhong smiled dryly and said: "Secretary Wu, it's only seven o'clock, it's not too late, has the boss eaten yet?"

"Not yet, do cows always come to eat together?"

Niu Yuanhong: "This can't work, I'm in Yuzhou now!"

Niu Yuanhong is the general manager of the Rongcheng branch, but he is in charge of the business of the three provinces and one city in the southwest, which is a huge market with a population of more than [-] million.

Although, in this market of [-] million people, there are too many people who do not have the consumption ability, but the population with consumption ability exceeds [-] million!

"The boss said, you are busy with your work, and he will talk about it after he comes back from Le County!"

Niu Yuanhong: "Has the matter of the boss building a university been confirmed?"

To be honest, Niu Yuanhong felt that it was normal after he was surprised that Light Year Technology wanted to build a university.

Niu Yuanhong also knew what kind of person his boss was after staying under him for so long.

If other young people were so rich, they would have already bought luxury cars, yachts, and airplanes to enjoy.

Live a luxurious life every day.

But what about Lin Chen!
I have never bought a luxury car, let alone yachts and planes, they are all things that have disappeared.

It's about Lin Chen's flirtatious reports, which have never happened before.

As for what Lin Chen's private life is like, it's really hard to say, but it hasn't been exposed, so it doesn't mean it's too much, right?

"It has been confirmed. It will be built in Le County. When the boss returns to Le County, he will talk to the local people in Le County. After that, you may have to suffer a lot!"

"This is fine!"

After saying a few words, Wu Muxue hung up the phone!

As Lin Chen's secretary, Wu Muxue still had to maintain her high-level relationship with the company.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wu Muxue felt the cat's eyes go dark, and then the door was opened!

Walking into the room, I saw Lin Chen sitting on the sofa playing mobile games, the TV was on, and the news broadcast was playing!

Wu Muxue walked in and looked at Lin Chen's mobile phone screen. This is a mobile game that has become popular recently, and it has the meaning of dominating the mobile game industry.

The download volume is extremely high, it has exceeded [-] million!

This download data can be said to be a bit scary, and it can be called a national game.

"Boss, are you going to the restaurant for dinner?"

Lin Chen looked up at Wu Muxue: "What time is it?"

"Waiting for 6 minutes, the news will be over!"

"Oh, let's talk about it after the news is over!"

Wu Muxue smiled lightly, sat on the sofa and stared at the TV.

The news broadcast is definitely one of Wu Muxue's must-watch programs, because there are too many major national events in it.

From the news broadcast, we can see some domestic policy changes.

The main thing is to look at what the country's leaders are doing. Everything the leaders do is not done randomly, but is full of purpose.

Well, even if it's done casually, it doesn't make sense under everyone's interpretation.

On this point, Wu Muxue feels the same way!

There were not many people in the restaurant of the hotel, so Lin Chen and the three found a seat by the window and sat down.

The glass of the hotel restaurant is bulletproof!
Yes, bulletproof!

This is definitely not the case in many hotels.

In fact, in addition to restaurants, the glass of many room prices in hotels is also bulletproof.

Wearing disposable gloves, Lin Chen slowly peeled the lobster shells. The taste is really good.

I have to say that Yunshang's chef was found well.

"Yunshang now has seven hotels, and each of them is losing money!"

Wu Muxue said in a low voice: "There is no way to do this, the hotel itself has relatively few customers!"

The location of the hotel is not good, there is no way not to lose money!
Moreover, Yunshang's own positioning is set too high, which blocks many consumer groups.

Lin Chen looked out through the glass. When the lights came on, this place had already become a new urban area. After a few years, this place would become prosperous.

Regarding this point, Lin Chen had no doubts at all.

The population of Rongcheng has always been in a state of net inflow!
Another point is that the current housing prices in Rongcheng must be relatively low!
Yes, it is on the low side!
Looking at the housing prices in other cities, and looking at the housing prices in Rongcheng, you know that the housing prices in Rongcheng are now at a low level.

Low housing prices mean low land prices!

At this time, Light Year Technology has stockpiled some lands all over the country.

Anyway, for Lightyear Technology, it is not difficult to get land or something.

Lightyear Technology doesn't need to spend too much effort in dealing with local governments. After all, most of the time, local governments ask for Lightyear Technology.

Standing not far away, Hou Kang watched Lin Chen and the others eat, wondering whether he should go there or not.

The opportunity to meet the big boss is not so easy!
This is Lin Chen's first visit to Yunshang since it opened.

Lin Chen also hasn't returned to Shuchuan for almost a year.

Naturally, many staff members had never seen Lin Chen.

Lin Chen, who is one year older, has also changed a lot from a year ago.

The beard is getting longer.

Wu Muxue noticed Hou Kang, and whispered to Lin Chen, "That's the manager of the hotel!"

Lin Chen glanced and waved to Hou Kang!

Hou Kang still had a flattering smile, and Lin Chen was used to it.

In this world, there are too many people who want to please themselves.

"Boss, our hotel has massage service, I will call the best technician to help you relieve fatigue!"

Lin Chen didn't answer, but asked, "Is there a gym in the hotel?"

"Yes, it's on the third floor!"

"Well, after I finish running, I will arrange for a technician to come over!"

Hou Kang was a little excited. Is this a pass?
"Yes, I'll arrange it right away!"

Lin Chen glanced at Hou Kang, nodded, and continued eating.

After resting for a while, I went to the gym to sweat it out!

In the gym, Lin Chen clearly felt what route Rongcheng Yunshang Hotel was taking. In the gym, the fitness trainer was a pretty girl.

(End of this chapter)

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