Chapter 202 Liu Yan
Yes, it is Meituan.

The founder of Meituan is Wang Xing, who already has a successful entrepreneurial experience. This kind of experience naturally makes investors very optimistic.

Lin Chen: "Qiandu has lost the search market very quickly, and is currently undergoing transformation! Do you think they can succeed?"

Lightyear Technology is also involved in the search.

In other words, Lightyear Technology is unconsciously involved, and this business is not a major business point for Lightyear Technology.

However, the growth of this business is quite fast.

Lightyear Technology has already occupied 40.00% of China's search market without knowing it.

In the eyes of many people, it is normal to have such a result, because the search service of Lightyear Technology is based on artificial intelligence. In terms of search accuracy, it is not as good as Qiandu and other search software. The method is comparable.

Chen Yu slowly put away the garbage: "It depends on whether we give them time or not!"

Lightyear's search business, which is simply not developed independently.

It is Xiao Ai, users directly find the content they want through Xiao Ai; Xiao Ai is a rudimentary artificial intelligence, even if it is a rudimentary, but Xiao Ai's ability is too good compared to Qiandu.

At such a primary level, that is also artificial intelligence!

It's not in one dimension at all.


Xiao Ai can search for content based on the user's long description, just like chatting with a person.

Qiandu's life is not easy right now. In fact, it's not just Qiandu. Because of the emergence of Lightyear Technology, some Internet companies are not having an easy time now.

For example, Penguin is gradually being suppressed by Lianxin in the mobile communication software market.

And Google!

This multinational Internet empire is now investing heavily in the research of artificial intelligence.

He stretched out his hand to take the trash Chen Yu handed over. Lin Chen looked at Chen Yu and then at his own hand, but he had no choice but to throw the trash into the trash can in the kitchen.

"To be honest, I don't like Qiandu very much!"

There are too many things in Qiandu that make people feel disgusted, and people know that you are disgusted, but they just don't change that!

Chen Yu sneered: "This is not the attitude you should have. Whether you like it or not is not important to us, interests are the most important!"

As she said that, Chen Yu looked at Zhao Yuan!
Chen Yu knew why this girl got close to Lin Chen. In this world, there are too many girls who want to be close to Lin Chen, for various reasons such as money, fame, and status.

Zhao Yuan lowered her head and looked at the magazine cover on the desktop. This was a financial magazine. The title on the cover was about Lightyear Technology.

The influence of Lightyear Technology in China is deepening day by day, which many people have already felt.

Lightyear technology has already penetrated into the daily life of Chinese people.

For example, the current mobile payment is the first to be implemented nationwide by Lightyear Technology. In a short period of time, the entire China has accepted this cashless consumption model from south to north, from east to west .

As long as you take a mobile phone to go out, you don't need to bring your wallet. No matter where you go, you can live a good life.

Change this era!
Just like the self-promotion of Light Year Technology, it really did it.

"Okay, don't bother you, I'm going to rest!"

Lin Chen exhaled lightly, this is really a little depressing!I have already thought a lot of things in my heart, even a little excited, but now it seems that everything is useless.

"It's getting late, why don't you just rest here for the night?"

Zhao Yuan nodded. At this time, she didn't have any thoughts about having something to do with Lin Chen. Tonight was a good opportunity, and Lin Chen also got what she wanted, if Chen Yu wasn't there.

However, with Chen Yu here, the two of them had no thoughts on that aspect at all.

Back in her room, Chen Yu frowned slightly. If he hadn't come here on a whim tonight, Lin Chen still didn't know what he would do in the villa!
Thinking of this, Chen Yu was filled with displeasure!

Sure enough, men are big hooves!
Picking up the phone, Chen Yu was texting Wen Dan, so she had to give Lin Chen some eye drops.

This guy is usually lustful, but today he is a bit too much.

Lin Chen didn't know that Chen Yu was winking at him, and after making arrangements for Zhao Yuan, he went back to his room.

Sleep on what is impossible to sleep on!

I don't have much interest in playing client games, so let's play mobile games first!
The new game Honor of Kings launched by Lightyear Games became Lin Chen’s choice.

After the release of X3, Honor of Kings quickly became the choice of many players. Even judging from the development trend, it is possible to become a nationally popular mobile game.

Compared with the PC game market, the audience in the mobile game market is really much larger.

The mobile game market often has tens of millions of downloads. There may be repeated downloads, but the number of players is still in the millions.

This is scary!
Mobile games make money, and they make a lot of money!

It has become the consensus of many game companies!

The end game market has gradually begun to become saturated, and many end game companies are actively trying to find ways to transform.

Especially now, in China's end game market, League of Legends is in a dominant position.

This game is so suppressed that other end games are a little out of breath.

Many companies that developed and operated end-games that were prosperous in the past two years have already become a bit of a sunset.

Yes, that's it.

The PC game market is becoming saturated, but the mobile game market is in a period of pioneering and development. For smart people, there is no need to hesitate on how to make this choice.

A large number of game practitioners have begun to work hard in the mobile game market.

However, with the emergence of Honor of Kings, the nascent mobile game market is really not a good thing for other mobile games.

Because, everyone is going to face a strong enemy again!

Well, for Lin Chen, he really doesn't care if other companies have strong enemies or not.

If I can't do it myself, what can I do?

After opening the game, Lin Chen thought about the future mobile chicken game.

When the chicken game was just beginning to become popular, it was the only game that could challenge League of Legends. Unfortunately, a game was completely ruined due to cheating.

It should be said that cheating has always been a big difficulty in battle games like gunfights.

Lin Chen remembered that when Crossing Wool first came out, in the entire game, nine out of ten people were hanged.

Plug-ins or something, you can find them with a search on the Internet.

Safe and convenient!
But after the Penguin's unremitting attacks, it gradually began to decrease a lot.

In addition, the players also participated in it, and the cheating in the crossing wool was controlled to an acceptable level.

(End of this chapter)

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