Chapter 134 Volume
Lin Chen was a little stunned: "It turns out that we are rich like this! Doesn't that mean I can start more projects!"

"I don't object to opening more research projects, but you have to have so many R&D personnel! Also, we owe the bank almost 200 billion!"

As for why Lightyear has money, he needs to borrow money from the bank!

This is very simple!

Lightyear Technology's money is not simply placed in the bank account, but will be used for investment.

Through Lightyear Finance, Lightyear Technology holds shares in [-] listed companies in Huaxia, of which [-] companies have shares. Now Lightyear Technology holds more than [-]%!
There are also shares in [-] listed companies, and Lightyear Technology has reached an absolute holding.

"I still owe the bank money. It's only 200 billion. That's too little. Why don't I get a loan from the bank!"

"There is no need now. Our funds are sufficient now. If the funds are not enough, we can always get a loan from the bank."

Lightyear Technology has never made loans from Lightyear Bank.

Instead, they obtained loans from other Huaxia banks. In other banks, Lightyear Technology can also obtain certain loan discounts.

This is also normal.

After all, Lightyear Technology is a high-credit enterprise that is equivalent to the existence of China's central enterprises.

Well, in fact, don’t think that state-owned enterprises will not violate regulations. In many things, state-owned enterprises will also violate regulations.

On the contrary, Lightyear Technology has done well in this regard.

Lin Chen: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. What did you do here?"

"Oh, after a while, you took Wendan to attend some business dinners!"

Lin Chen looked at Chen Yu strangely and said, "I brought Wen Dan to the business dinner, why?"

"I'm helping Wendan to accumulate some experience. Aren't actors all about experience now? In the future, if Wendan wants to play so-called successful people, he must know what kind of people these people are like!"

"Isn't it best to follow you!"

Lin Chen really had no interest in attending any business dinner.

In the capital, there are countless business dinners going on every day, most of which are relatively low-end, and Lin Chen doesn't even know about it.

If it could be an invitation to Lin Chen, it must be a very important one to be possible.

The organizer must have huge influence.

"Wait a minute, you really want to support Wen Dan!"

Wen Dan wants to be a star, Lin Chen has no objection!
In fact, Lin Chen felt that if Wen Dan became a star who was regarded as an idol by tens of millions of people, and then had sex under him, to be honest, Lin Chen would definitely feel a little different in his heart.

This is also very normal!

Why are those women who have been slightly packaged, called so-called models, actors, etc., when they come out to do it, the price will be much more expensive. Originally, it was five or six hundred, but they dared to call it thousands, or even tens of thousands.

Doesn't it just make people feel that they are famous.

Fame is something that can be realized.

The lowest-end monetization method comes through these things.

Chen Yu smiled lightly: "Of course, whoever is praised is not praised, why not praise Wendan!"

"Okay, it's up to you! Then you must have resources to support Wen Dan. What are you planning to let her play to make her famous?"

"Ode to Joy!"

"Ode to Joy?"

"Yes, the company has won the right to adapt a novel for TV. Now the script has been completed, and the crew is also preparing for it. It is expected that the film will be officially launched in June!"

The director has already been found!

What I am looking for is a director who is more down-to-earth and serious!

Of course, ability must be very important.

In fact, for a director, he definitely wants to make every drama well, but if he wants to make a good drama, it is not entirely up to the director.

Sometimes investors come in and mix things up, and things get out of control.

Have you watched this drama Lin Chen?
I really saw it!

TV dramas adapted from novels will become the mainstream of the TV drama market in the future. Most popular TV dramas on the market are adapted from novels.

Of course, when popular novels are adapted into TV dramas, it is more difficult for the market to accept them.

Because popular novels are so popular, people will have higher requirements for adaptations, and it is difficult for production companies to meet the audience's requirements.

Especially fantasy novels, which always require a lot of special effects to shoot, special effects cost money, and good special effects are completely expensive.

And most production companies don't have so much money to burn.

"Those who make urban dramas, make more science fiction dramas. There are really too few science fiction dramas in China!"

Chen Yu: "I want to film it too, but I have to have a good script!"

Chen Yu is also reading science fiction novels, but the copyright of good science fiction novels has already been taken by others. As for spending a lot of money to re-obtain it, Chen Yu really has never thought about it.

"Perhaps, we can acquire a novel website!"

"Novel website, this is a pretty good choice!"

It is very important for Lightyear Culture and Entertainment to have its own source of innovation.The Internet ecology has not been officially proposed yet, but people have already vaguely felt it in their hearts.

Every Internet company is subconsciously carrying out the layout of the Internet ecology.

For example, Penguin wants to involve more areas besides social networking, and Qiandu wants to break through the search business and develop into a comprehensive Internet company.

When one's main business has reached a certain level, and the development of the main business alone is no longer enough to satisfy the company's continued development and growth, then starting to get involved in other industries has become an inevitable choice.

This is true not only for Internet companies, but also for traditional companies.

Those cross-industry companies, why do they cross-industry!
The emergence of cross-industry enterprises is an inevitable result of social development.

This is a historical trend.

Chen Yu looked at Lin Chen. Regarding the development strategy of Light Year Technology, Lin Chen did not have a special plan. Even the current development strategy of Light Year Technology is very different from other companies.

Nowadays, many schools regard the development of lightyear technology as a research topic, but after research, everyone found that the reason for lightyear technology to develop to the present level is only a small part of the factor, and more factors are technology!
In other words, Lightyear Technology is a technology-driven development company.

This is very similar to other high technologies!
Basically, high-tech companies all have a very similar characteristic, that is, they are technology-driven. In terms of management, they are basically average.

If the management can also keep up, then the development prospects of this high-tech company are quite optimistic.

The reason why many technology companies disappear from the crowd is because their management has not kept up.

"I think we should establish a dedicated strategic business planning department within the company!"

(End of this chapter)

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