Chapter 13 Successful recruitment
100 million!
In other words, Lin Chen is about to become a millionaire!
Lin Chen touched Wendan's little head, and said with a smile: "For others, it is worth spending 100 million yuan to be able to show their face nationwide!"

Now that the college entrance examination results have just been announced, in the next few days, it will be officially hot about the college entrance examination.

All the news about the college entrance examination will be published on major news sections, not only on TV stations, but also on newspapers and online media.

Every year at this time, there will be a lot of content about the college entrance examination.

"Think of it as a million-dollar advertisement!"

Is advertising important?

That is naturally important, but if it is not important, it seems that it is not as magical as it is boasted.

In the end, it still depends on the quality of the product. If the reputation of the same product collapses, it will be difficult to recover!

Lin Chen was very busy. He had met with the leaders of the Education Bureau, the county government, and the city government in the past few days!

Of course, he also received a bonus of 10 yuan!

Lin Chen's perfect score in the college entrance examination made the county and city famous throughout the country. This is the first time since the college entrance examination that someone has been able to obtain such a high score.

Then Lin Chen went to Heshunfa Real Estate to do a show again, and Shunfa Real Estate directly changed the advertisement of Panshan family.

"Live next to the number one scholar!"

Lin Chen finally took a set of photo advertisements for Shunfa Real Estate, and Shunfa Real Estate directly posted these advertisements on every township in Le County.

After that, Lin Chen also went to Rongcheng, because there is a real estate company in Rongcheng that also rewards the number one in the college entrance examination. Lin Chen received 10 yuan!

After adding a lot of rewards, Lin Chen actually got almost 200 million in the end!
Sure enough, no matter what, once it is done to the extreme, it will have huge economic benefits!

Learning this matter, when I was young, I thought it was nothing, but when I was sensible, I would regret it. Why didn’t I study hard?

Especially seeing those classmates who are in the same class as me, one by one, are living super well, and then looking at myself, eating cold steamed buns, the sense of loss is needless to say.

"Lin Chen really got the top score in the college entrance examination!"

Lin Chen looked at his father. Now his father still has black hair, but ten years later, his father will also be old.

After knowing Lin Chen's college entrance examination results, Lin Youqiang hurried back. His son became the number one in the college entrance examination, which is definitely a matter of glory.

Lin Chen was also very happy to see his father. He has been running outside for the past few days. To be honest, Lin Chen is also a little tired.

Most of the time, Lin Chen still likes to stay at home.

However, Lin Chen knew, not now!
During this period of time, Lin Chen also thought about what he should do, and then thought of starting a business, but Lin Chen also thought about the direction of starting a business.

Now Lin Chen has 160 million in cash, and he plans to keep 10 at home. This money is considered as pension money for the two old people. Even if all the other 150 million are lost, Lin Chen It doesn't mean that there is no way out or anything.

"I really won the first prize in the exam. Dad, Mom, there is 10 yuan on this card, and the password of the card is 123456. You can keep this money for use!"

Lin Youqiang looked at the bank card in a daze. Originally, he thought that he would have to live for a few more years until Lin Chen went to work before he could enjoy the good fortune!
Like most Chinese people, Lin Youqiang didn't have any lofty aspirations. It was Lin Youqiang's greatest wish to complete Lin Chen's graduation from college.

As for what Lin Chen wants to do after graduating from university, Lin Youqiang doesn't care. After graduating from university, no matter what Lin Chen does, there is no way to support him at home. As long as Lin Chen doesn't hang out in society, that's fine , work hard, then buy a house and marry a wife.

However, as Lin Chen became the number one student in the college entrance examination, everything seemed to be in order.

A boss gave Lin Chen a house, and even the decoration was taken care of.As for his wife, Lin Youqiang looked at Wen Dan, and the more he looked at her, the more satisfied he became.

In the past, Lin Youqiang would definitely have disagreed with Lin Chen looking for such a beautiful wife, because according to their family conditions, they are not a good match!

Marriage pays attention to a well-matched family. Many people think this is a joke and a remnant of feudal thinking. This is also a summary of Chinese people's marriage for thousands of years!

Of course, this "good match" should be explained again.

A marriage without a common language cannot last long!

A rich girl marries a poor boy. This kind of marriage looks like a fairy tale, but if the poor boy has no extraordinary talents, then the marriage must end in tragedy.If the poor boy is uplifting, then happiness can also be expected.

"You take this money yourself, you don't have to worry about it at home, your mother and I don't need any money!"

Under normal circumstances in rural areas, the consumption is not too big, just electricity, meat, as for water and vegetables, these are free of charge.

Of course, planting also costs money, after all, you have to buy fertilizer!

Now the price of fertilizers has risen sharply, and the state has canceled the agricultural tax, but the income of farmers has not increased significantly just because the agricultural tax has disappeared, because the prices of seeds and fertilizers have all increased.

"Dad, I plan to start a business in the capital and keep some money at home. Even if the business fails, the money will be lost, and it will not affect our family's future life!"

The last stand!
Lin Chen didn't have the courage, even if he had to fight with his back, Lin Chen would leave a small boat by the river, and if there was nothing he could do, he would just get away quickly.

Lin Chen didn't have that kind of character to be deadly.

"If you want to start a business, I support it! But don't say anything about compensation, it's unlucky!"

"In other words, I failed. I think the possibility of success is still quite high!"

Lin Chen had already thought up the entrepreneurial project, the Internet!

It is really very difficult to do other things. For example, if you want to do business, the investment is really too big, and Lin Chen can't do anything with more than 100 million yuan.

That is to say, it is possible to fumble on the Internet, but Lin Chen himself does not know whether he can get some results from the flick.

So what Lin Chen prepared to do was to take advantage of his own advantages.

What is Lin Chen's biggest advantage now?
The top scorer in the college entrance examination, known as the best champion in history!
Lin Chen has a high degree of attention, and attention, if used well, is of great benefit to Lin Chen's entrepreneurship.

After some things were decided, Lin Chen started to make phone calls.

"Director Liu, hello, I'm Lin Chen!"

"Lin Chen, hello, hello, how are you doing, have you considered it?"

Lin Chen looked at the field, a green scene, that is rice!

"I have already considered it. I want to study in Huaqing University. In the next four years, Director Liu will take care of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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