Chapter 110 Wendao Middle School
One of the important reasons why Lin Chen chose Guo Yingneng to be the principal of the school is that Guo Yingneng is really responsible and friendly to the students!
Guo Yingneng stood at the back of the group.

A few years ago, I was Lin Chen's teacher, but now I am Lin Chen's subordinate. This change of status has to lament the impermanence of facts.

After graduating from a technical secondary school and starting teaching, Guo Yingneng thought that she could teach promising students.

However, I never dared to think that I would teach a student like Lin Chen.

In junior high school, Lin Chen's grades were pretty good, but in the class, there were quite a few people with better grades than Lin Chen.

"Twenty teachers with a bachelor's degree or above have been recruited!"

Lin Chen glanced at Guo Yingneng, Guo Yingneng was relatively fat, weighing at least two hundred catties, with a big belly.

If people don't know, they think he is a corrupt criminal!
In fact, Guo Yingneng just tastes better.

I remember Guo Yingneng was hospitalized for appendicitis when he was in junior high school, and when he came back, he told Lin Chen and the others that when he lived in the hospital, the doctors said that he was too fat, and his belly was full of oil when he cut it open.

Well, for a doctor, operating on a fat man is quite a test.

A large amount of fat accumulation makes doctors face different situations during surgery than usual.

Lin Chen: "This is not enough!"

"When the school starts, I'm going to take someone to visit the Normal University in the province!"

Guo Yingneng wasn't worried at all that the school couldn't recruit people.

The school was built by Lin Chen, and the name was also given by Lin Chen.

Wendao middle school!

The full name is Wendao Middle School in Le County, Shuchuan Province!

Lin Chen: "Not only are we recruiting from normal universities, but we are also recruiting from key universities. I believe that with our conditions, there will be no shortage of recruits!"

When it comes to teachers' treatment, Lin Chen will naturally not be stingy!

It cannot be that teachers have to face financial constraints on the one hand and educate every student seriously on the other.

"Old Zhang, how is the repair of your house over there?"

Zhang Shunfa also came to the school construction site for an inspection today. The reason is very simple. After learning that Lin Chen donated to help the school, Zhang Shunfa also took out 500 million and invested in it.

Although the money is not much, but the mind is here!
It's not that Zhang Shunfa can't take out more, but it's not necessary, right?

The main thing is to do your best!

Even if Zhang Shunfa took out [-] million yuan, so what!
"The previous unfinished communities are now under construction, and it is estimated that they will be fully completed in October this year!"

Taking over several unfinished building projects, Zhang Shunfa received strong support from Light Year Bank.

The outlets of Light Year Bank are mainly concentrated in big cities or urban areas, such as county towns. Unless it is a county with particularly good economic development, Light Year Bank will generally not make a layout.

However, in the case of Le County, Light Year Bank had to open branches.

It is also the first time that Light Year Bank opened an outlet in Le County, allowing people to feel that Light Year Technology is by their side so closely.

Even though many people are already using Xphones, in fact, everyone feels that Lightyear Technology is still far away from everyone.

"At that time, some houses will be reserved for the teachers to live in after they get married!"

Giving the house to them directly, Lin Chen would not do this.

However, it is still possible to provide accommodation for the teachers.

In fact, teachers' apartments have been built in the school, but they are single apartments, where one person lives in one room.

There is a kitchenette, toilet, and a bedroom!
Of course, the young couple can also live in it, but after getting married, it must not work, because the child always needs a bedroom, right?

There are also people coming from home, and they always have to have a place to live.

"Lin Chen, if you act like this, I think the schools in our county really can't compete with you!"

As the main leader of Le County, consider the development of Le County as a game of chess.

After the construction of Wendao Middle School is completed, it will definitely be the No. [-] Middle School in Le County. No one can deny this.

Because of the construction alone, Wendao Middle School invested almost one billion yuan.

Why is so much money invested?
It's very simple. I heard that the area of ​​the middle school is really big!
The entire school covers an area of ​​thousands of acres.

Yes, the floor area is so large!

A large area does not mean that the entire school building is to cover the entire campus.

Not this one.

If buildings are built on thousands of acres of land, it is purely to build a city, which is completely unnecessary.

In fact, the huge area of ​​the entire school makes the distance between various buildings quite large.

The land that is being used now is only a few hundred acres. The rest of the land is now bought by Lin Chen and Le County, and the land acquisition has not even started yet.

Lin Chen doesn't just want to build a middle school, but also wants to build it into a sports training base.

Wendao Middle School will build a professional football stadium, a basketball stadium and an indoor swimming pool.

Wendao Middle School will also cooperate with the Rongcheng Athletic Team to train the echelon members of the Rongcheng Athletic Team.

Anyway, if the highway between Le County and Rongcheng is completed in the future, the distance between Le County and Rongcheng will be less than an hour.

It is also possible to put the youth training base of Rongcheng Athletic in Le County.

Cultural courses, sports, and music and art walk on three legs, which is the path that Wendao Middle School will take in the future.

It is Lin Chen's little wish to let students learn according to their own hobbies.

Of course, this is also a teaching experiment.

It is naturally impossible to reduce the burden on students. In fact, students studying in Wendao Middle School should not think that it is just for fun, that is simply impossible.

In fact, studying in Wendao Middle School is more tiring than studying in ordinary schools.

Do other schools require students to exercise for an hour every morning?

But in Wendao Middle School, students are allowed to exercise in the morning.

Strengthening the physical fitness of students will be a key thing to be grasped.

At noon, Lin Chen invited everyone to have a meal together at a restaurant, and then went away separately.

Sitting in the car, Lin Chen picked up the phone, hesitated for a while, and then dialed the number.

"Hi, are you free now?"

The person on the phone was silent for a while: "Yes, where are you?"

"Leda Road!"

"Wait for me, I'll go right away!"

Gu Ya hung up the phone, glanced at her parents who were watching TV in the living room, put on her coat and said, "Mom and Dad, I have to go out first!"

"You went out, then we will go too!"

"What are you going to do, just play here!"

Gu Ya didn't tell her parents about the house, but said that the house was rented.

In fact, Gu Ya didn't know what to say, did she mean that she was being treated like a third person?
"You can only stay at home and watch TV, you can't do anything else, don't wait!"

Gu Ya can't laugh or cry, well, Gu Ya admits that her community is a high-rise community, and now the communities in Le County are all high-rise communities, elevator apartments.

(End of this chapter)

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