Chapter 99, Chapter 99

"Am I incompatible with Food Festival?"

Thinking about the last food festival, he was temporarily let go by Brother Chao. Fortunately, Xiaoshuang asked for leave to help him at the critical moment. Otherwise, he would be too busy alone. I don’t know how many bad reviews he would receive. The honor of being ranked the best is definitely a no-brainer.

Lin Xiaojian, who has always believed in materialism, couldn't help but have a metaphysical thought in his mind.

He just made a deal with Xiaohu yesterday, making sure that interns like him will have a three-day holiday for Labor Day, so they can devote themselves to the food festival. 2 and a half people should barely be able to take care of them.

In the end, less than 24 hours after planning, this incident happened.Lin Xiaojian tried his best to control his emotions, not to yell at Xiaohu, it's too rude.

Since he became the boss, he realized that this career is not as glamorous as he imagined, and there are too many uncontrollable things.It's no wonder that older people like stable jobs, which have their life experiences.

Xiaohu worked very hard at night. He knew that Boss Lin attached great importance to the Food Festival the day after tomorrow, but he couldn't do anything about it. This kind of thing cannot be controlled by personal will.Birth, old age, sickness and death are the hurdles that everyone will eventually face in life.

"When is your ticket tomorrow? I'll transfer the money for the past few days to you."

After finishing the evening rush hour, Lin Xiaojian said to Xiaohu calmly.He knew it wasn't Xiaohu's fault, but there seemed to be a thorn stuck in his throat and he couldn't swallow it.

"No, no, my mother bought the ticket for me. I contacted a fellow villager to ride back. I'd better leave the money with you. I'll come back when the old man is buried!"

Xiaohu hastily expressed his feelings, for fear that Boss Lin would drive him away.

Although he has not been helping at the Malatang stall for a long time, he likes the working environment here. It is free and unconstrained, unlike being an apprentice in a factory, where every step has strict requirements.The key point is that the food is delicious. You can earn 2 yuan per two hours for one meal, which is equivalent to 20-30 yuan based on the market price. For an intern, this income is not bad.

"Haha, where are you thinking? I wish you would come back soon! I don't have much money, so I thought you would have something to spend money on after you go back, so I'll transfer it to you first."

Lin Xiaojian said thoughtfully that he doesn't like to owe others things.In the factory, wages are usually settled at the end of the year, and hundreds of dollars are drawn every month as living expenses.He understands that the factory has a relatively large demand for capital turnover due to the billing period, but all he accepts is cash. As long as there is business, he will not worry about running out of money, and all grocery purchases are settled on the same day.

"no, I'm fine!"

Xiaohu resolutely refused to accept it, for fear that after accepting the money, the little remaining affection with Boss Lin would be broken.Seeing that he didn't want to live or die, Lin Xiaojian gave up and thought about the arrangements for the day after tomorrow.

"Brother Chao said that he is busy during the day, and he can sneak out to help during mealtime, so as not to delay his work in the factory, so who can I turn to..."

"Otherwise, I'd better ask...Xiao Shuang? I don't know if she has a holiday in the factory. It's so late, is it bad to call?"

After thinking about it, it seemed that this fellow was the only one who could help him.

When Lin Xiaojian took out his mobile phone to call Xia Xiaoshuang, she was surrounded by the crowd, and a group of workers were clamoring around the office.

"We have to work overtime!"

"We want wages!"

"Don't take a vacation! Don't take a vacation!"

While other factory workers were eager to have a holiday, the factory workers where Xia Xiaoshuang worked strongly protested against the decision of the factory to have a holiday and demanded to start work.

At first, she couldn't understand the logic of it. Isn't it good to have a holiday?Later, I found out from an aunt: It turns out that the wages of this factory are not calculated on a monthly basis, but on an hourly basis.5 yuan per hour + 0.1 yuan per group, skilled workers can get nearly 20 yuan an hour, 12 yuan for 240 hours a day.If you move slowly, it costs about 15 yuan, 180 a day, which is not bad among migrant workers.

There are also double wages during holidays. For example, during May Day, the hourly wage is 10 yuan per hour, and you can earn an extra 60 yuan a day.After three days, the gross estimate is 200 yuan, which is not a small income for workers who live frugally.

However, considering the recent bad business, the factory owner decided to give the workers a holiday on May Day. The usual production cannot be sold out, so why pay more for overtime work?
In this way, a dramatic scene appeared that subverted the concept of ordinary people: the workers strongly demanded to go to work, and the boss insisted on taking a holiday.

This is the difference between monthly wages and hourly wages. Hourly wage workers often look down on monthly wage workers, thinking that they only earn so little a day, and their own day is worth two of them, which is simply wasting their lives.But when the market is not good, the hourly salary will not be as stable as a monthly subscription.Even for factory workers, there is a struggle between stability and instability.

Xia Xiaoshuang still doesn't know whether she counts as a machinist or a quality inspector. When she came, she applied for the job with the leader as a quality inspector, but basically she was doing machinist work.I went to ask the leader, and the leader explained that there are not enough workers at the moment, so you can temporarily serve as a guest worker, and when there are people, you still have to go back to the quality inspection.Seeing that you are quiet and quiet, you must be careful in your work, and you are a good seed for quality inspection.

For the quality inspection, the salary is monthly, and the wages of the workers are hourly. She didn't know which side she should stand for for a while, but was forcibly pulled by the aunts to gain momentum.

Feeling the phone vibrating in his pocket, Xia Xiaoshuang finally found an excuse to get out, squeezed out of the crowd, ran outside the office building, took a breath of fresh air outside, saw the caller number displayed on the screen, and felt a little bit in his heart. "one time.

"What is he?"


She tucked the hair that stuck to her face behind her ears, answered the phone, and asked softly.

"Hello, is this Xiao Shuang? Are you at work? Is it convenient to answer the phone now?"

"Hey, do you have a holiday on May Day? I want to ask you for help~"

Lin Xiaojian on the other end of the phone scratched his head in embarrassment and asked, "I don't usually see you being courteous, but I always find other girls to put out fires at critical moments. Even this elm lump like him feels inappropriate and has no grace."

"Oh, are we short of manpower? It should be fine."

Xia Xiaoshuang stood downstairs, looking at the battered workshop director leaning against the window on the second floor, and said uncertainly.

She passed by the Beishan Night Market recently, and knowing that Lin Xiaojian had hired a helper, she felt a little strange that the two of them were still too busy?But nothing on the phone.Since he asked himself for help, he must have encountered difficulties. Could it be that he was looking for someone to chat with when he was idle?

"Okay, okay, you're the best."

"With you here, I feel relieved."

Hearing the affirmative answer from the other end, Lin Xiaojian finally let go of his heart, and said with a long sigh of relief.


For some reason, Xia Xiaoshuang's ears felt a little weird when hearing these two sentences, and her healthy breathing became short of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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