Stall setting starts from Malatang

Chapter 66 Chapter 66, The Night Market Established

Chapter 66 Chapter 66, The Night Market Established

"Mayor Lu, Beishan will be handed over to you starting today."

"Major Chen, don't worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations. According to the plan you left behind, we will vigorously develop the Beishan Industrial Zone and actively promote rural transformation. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, I will ask for your advice! "

"Haha, then I'm relieved. To be honest, I really don't want to leave at this time. This year is the year of transformation and take-off of Beishan Industrial Zone. This project was built by me, just like my children. Now he is about to become an adult, and he is about to face the college entrance examination, which is the most critical year. The burden on your shoulders is heavy!"

"Crack! Kick!"

Witnessed by key personnel from the County Organization Department and the town government, Beishan Town completed the handover of power and ushered in a new mayor.

"Xiao Li, tell me about your work plan for this year."

After the reception was over, the yamen returned to tranquility. Mayor Lu called the secretary left behind by the previous mayor, and asked while leaning on a chair with his eyes closed.

Before coming, Mayor Lu had already understood the relevant content, but he still wanted to listen to the local cadres repeat it to see if it was different from his understanding.

"Okay, Mayor Lu. Our primary work goal this year is to complete the No. 2 work guide issued by the county government at the beginning of the year..."

"followed by……"

Secretary Li talked a lot, all of which were following the instructions of the county government, and there was nothing outstanding about it.

After all, Beishan is just a rural area with few talents. The locals are either farming or running plastic processing workshops.That is, after the establishment of the Beishan Industrial Zone, the low cost of land attracted small and medium-sized enterprises from other towns in the county to come to buy land and start businesses.

"Is there any characteristic industry in your local area? It is best to be outside the original work plan."

Mayor Lu tapped the mahogany desk lightly with his index finger, making a small "tuk-tuk" sound, which was his habitual action when thinking about problems.After listening to Xiao Li's report, I found that it was similar to what I knew before.

"Special industry? What do you mean?"

Xiao Li was puzzled.

"Such as tourism, culture, and new agriculture. Is there any reserve plan for this?"

The new mayor of Lu took office three fires. While completing the original work plan, he planned to do something different.No matter how well developed the Beishan Industrial Zone is, others will only praise Deputy County Magistrate Chen who laid the foundation for this project, and it has nothing to do with him.

"Well, I think about it..."

"Captain Wang of the administrative law enforcement team mentioned a plan last month, saying that a night market spontaneously formed on Beishan Avenue. The scale is not small. The town government can guide it, but Deputy County Mayor Chen has not had time to give instructions."

Secretary Li immediately understood what Mayor Lu meant. He wanted to make some political achievements of his own.

"Oh? This plan is good. The Government Affairs Council just issued a document last month calling on the whole country to vigorously develop street stall night markets, invigorate the night economy, and create a new impetus for urban development. It is very suitable for us!"

"Tell me carefully about the content of this plan!"


After returning to Beishan, life is as peaceful as ever, working at sunrise and resting in the early morning, as if the hustle and bustle of the food festival is just a dream.The Pancake Boss never came to cause trouble again, as if the threat of that day had just farted and dissipated in the air.

The selection of the top ten delicacies is in full swing. Every day, there are people canvassing and complaining in the water area of ​​the campus forum. As an important figure in the whirlpool of public opinion, Lin Xiaojian cannot enter the forum because he does not have permission, so he can only learn about the progress through Liu Ting's forwarding .

Since Xiaolin Malatang came back, hot and sour noodles have never made a turnover of more than 700 yuan. The boss can only look at Lin Xiaojian's booth full of people, and hate to break the small green vegetables into two pieces and throw them away. Put it into the hot pot, as if it will release the breath.

"Captain Chengguan Wang invited you, authentic Shandong pancakes, AA001 beauty women's clothing, traps and big geese to play balloons... 18 people joined the group chat."

This morning, Lin Xiaojian had just returned home after buying groceries, and a series of WeChat messages flashed on the screen.

"/Applause/Raise hands/rose"


"/shake hands"


"What is this doing?"

Seeing that WeChat was swiped by a large number of expressions, he clicked in curiously, and found that Captain Wang had pulled all the small bosses of Beishan Night Market into a group, but everyone with WeChat was here.Lao Liu and Zhang, who were familiar with him, were excluded because they were too old to use smartphones.

"I have good news for everyone. The town leaders have approved the establishment of Beishan Night Market. You just need to register with me and send me your ID card for filing."

"In the future, there will be cleaners from the township sanitation station to clean up regularly every day. I hope that all the bosses will pay attention to keeping clean and operating legally and compliantly."

Captain Wang issued several notices in one breath, all of which were work specifications issued by the administrative law enforcement team.

Everyone supported, praised and thanked the leaders for their work.In the opinion of the little boss, no matter what the leader says, just nod and applaud.

Lin Xiaojian also posted a lot of emoticons very gregariously. When others applauded, he also applauded.When others send rose emojis, he also sends rose emojis.

"I believe that with the care of the town leaders and the efforts of all the stall owners, the Beishan Night Market will definitely develop better and better. Considering that more and more stall owners will join the night market in the future, we are usually busy with work and it is impossible to We patrol here every day, and the construction of the night market still depends on everyone's joint efforts. So we plan to set up several liaison officers, who will be responsible for informing the stall owners of any news. We hope that stall owners who are interested in serving the night market can take the initiative to sign up."

After Captain Wang finished a bunch of clichés, he finally mentioned the main purpose of pulling this group.

Government agencies and units at all levels now have their own WeChat work groups, and they are notified of any news in the group, which is much more convenient than traditional notification methods such as making phone calls and posting notices.

"If you are interested, you can chat with me privately."

After Captain Wang finished speaking, he stopped speaking.

When Lin Xiaojian saw this news, he couldn't make up his mind, so he sent the group chat record to Brother Chao and asked, "Brother Chao, do you think I should sign up for this?"

Ye Chao has several years more work experience than him, so he must have rich social experience.

According to Lin Xiaojian's nature, he is lazy and doesn't like to do trivial things other than work.One of the reasons why he resigned from New Oriental Plastics Factory back then was that the workshop director kept telling him to move goods, pick out defective products, and do things other than his job.But he instinctively felt that it would be beneficial to be this liaison officer, and he would be able to speak in front of Captain Wang in the future.

"Damn, why not!"

Ye Chao quickly replied a message, and said anxiously: "Isn't it just to help run errands, and you don't need to run far, it can be regarded as a little friendship with the official."

(End of this chapter)

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