Chapter 58, Chapter 58


Ye Chao snorted disdainfully and said: "It's okay, she can help you so actively? Why don't you find your colleagues from the factory before? They have been colleagues with you for more than a month."

He firmly believed that Xia Xiaoshuang and Lin Xiaojian had an unclear relationship.

"Brother Chao, why are you so pedantic? People in the same village must have a special relationship to do each other a favor?"

Lin Xiaojian said angrily.

"Of course, otherwise..."

Ye Chao wanted to dig deeper into the relationship between the two, but when he saw Xia Xiaoshuang approaching, he immediately shut up, looked at the prospective sister-in-law with a smile, and called enthusiastically: "Xiao Shuang~"

"Chao, Brother Chao..."

Xia Xiaoshuang came to Lin Xiaojian to complain about the problem of too little soup. Other people's spicy hotpots were very polite in adding soup, which was more than soup noodles. His spicy hotpot seemed to have a little less soup. Some customers called after taking photos. When I came back, I was almost absorbed by the staple food vegetables.She just didn't expect to meet Ye Chao here. When she heard him calling her in a sticky tone, she suddenly felt like the hairs on her head stood on end, and she shouted shyly.

Their village is relatively closed, and they have thrived for hundreds of years. Most of them are related to relatives. When they meet people who are not far or close, it is not wrong to call them directly according to the elders in terms of etiquette.Lin Xiaojian's Fourth Uncle is also called Fourth Uncle. Since Lin Xiaojian calls Ye Chao Brother Chao, she simply calls him Brother Chao. Judging from her age, there is no problem in calling him that way.

However, in the eyes of Ye Chao, who had a preconceived stand, the voice of brother Chao had clearly expressed Xia Xiaoshuang's intentions. He raised his eyebrows at Lin Xiaojian, signaled with his eyes that he had mastered everything, and then walked away, leaving the space for him to be alone. Young couple.

"This guy……"

Lin Xiaojian read his inner thoughts from Ye Chao's frivolous actions, and he was really powerless to complain about it, so he turned his head to look at Xia Xiaoshuang, and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"Did we have too little soup?"

Xia Xiaoshuang said to Lin Xiaojian responsibly.

"Have it?"

Lin Xiaojian said curiously: "I feel a lot!"

"Why not, other people's Mala Tang, soup can be completely devoid of vegetables, our vegetables are still floating on top like icebergs, if there are too many vegetables, the soup will be drained in a short time."

Xia Xiaoshuang said based on her own observations that today she was in charge of serving dishes and collecting bowls, and saw that many customers hadn't started eating, and the soup was absorbed by the dishes, leaving only a little bit, just like noodles. Taste.

Lin Xiaojian thought about it carefully, and his own soup seems to be a little less than other shops. Who said that his own soup is a priceless treasure, and other people's soup can be infinitely prepared with seasoning.

"Then I'll put more soup in the future."

He humbly accepted.Lin Xiaojian hasn't swollen like some time-honored brands to the point that he feels that his formula and ratio are the best in the world, and no one is qualified to give advice.The all-purpose broth given by the system is just to make the food more delicious. It is not a drug that can affect the nerves and make people addicted. It is normal for some people to like it and others not to feel it. What's more, he always dilutes it, otherwise one bag will not be used. The days are running out.

"You are the boss, you have the final say, I just offer a suggestion."

Seeing that Lin Xiaojian immediately accepted her opinion, Xia Xiaoshuang was happy in her heart, but she still said in a measured manner, after all, she was just a temporary helper.

With the help of two helpers, the business is busier at night, but it is not as busy as at noon, and the overall flow is relatively smooth. There is no such thing as wrong order or making a customer wait for a long time.

For most snack bars and noodle soup stalls, it is inevitable that there will be some flaws in the service, as long as there are no problems with the quality and taste.They are not star-rated hotels, so it is impossible to be equipped with too many people, and the cost must be controlled.The primary purpose of Lin Xiaojian's trip is to get good reviews, and the second is to make money. He must serve customers well, even if he wastes manpower.

"Huh, this money is really hard to earn, it's much more tiring than making molds!"

After finishing the evening rush hour, Ye Chao supported his waist with his right hand, and punched his left hand into small fists, jokingly said.

"When I get back, I invite you to eat a few skewers of roasted kidneys to make up for it."

Lin Xiaojian followed his words and said with a smile.

"Cut, I don't need to eat this, you should eat more!"

Ye Chao glanced at Xia Xiaoshuang, seeing that she hadn't noticed, he winked at Lin Xiaojian and said.

"Go, go, don't make jokes!"

Lin Xiaojian was disgusted a few times, and went to the other staple food stalls nearby, and saw that they were all starting to pack up the stalls, considering that his home was far away, and Xia Xiaoshuang had to go home, so he walked back and said, "Let's pack up our things too. "

"Aren't they all still doing it?"

Xia Xiaoshuang pointed to the kebab stall next to it and said, when the lights are on, it is the time when these fried kebabs and grilled kebabs start to play.

"They are for supper, and we are for dinner."

"You go back too late, can your mother rest assured?"

Lin Xiaojian said with concern that if he was alone, with such a good opportunity today, he would definitely have to make it later, even if it was 12 o'clock, he could at least make [-] or [-] more orders.But Brother Chao is still at work tomorrow, so he can't be too tired; Xia Xiaoshuang is a girl, it's not good to go back too late, her mother must be worried.

"It doesn't matter. Working in the factory often requires overtime, so let's treat it as a night shift."

She said nonchalantly.

"I'm the boss, I have the final say."

"Besides, there aren't many kinds of these dishes, and they won't fetch much money."

Lin Xiaojian said firmly, and even exercised his veto right as the boss.

As a person, what he is most afraid of is to trouble others. Unless there is no other way, he will carry it alone.In his opinion, calling Brother Chao and Xia Xiaoshuang to help them on their day off is already very troublesome to them. If they squeeze their sleep time again, he will feel bad. The matter of the method is predestined and cannot be forced.

This is another reason why Ye Chao thinks that his cousin is not suitable for business: he is too principled.According to some of the sayings he has heard, being a boss has to be unprincipled, and you can make money as much as you can, and there is no way to close the business early because the employee's mother is worried.

If you change to another boss, as long as there is business, you are not allowed to close the door, even if it is 12 o'clock, or even 2 o'clock in the morning. At worst, you will be given a rest and a red envelope tomorrow. There is absolutely no reason to close early.

"Okay, okay, it's up to you, who told you that you are the boss!"

"Promote a gentleman's demeanor and care about girls, it should be."

Ye Chao blinked at Lin Xiaojian, and said with a playful smile.In his opinion, the money earned from selling a few more bowls of Malatang is far less important than making Xia Xiaoshuang feel the care of his cousin, which is a long-term investment.

He said the last half of the sentence in a low voice, it's not good for girls to hear it, it seems too purposeful.

(End of this chapter)

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