Stall setting starts from Malatang

Chapter 2 2, Random Quests

Chapter 2 2, Random Quests

"Ah yo!"

Lin Xiaojian was startled by the loud voice, came back to his senses, and found that he had walked in front of Lei Huhu's stall without knowing it.

Leihuo is a well-known figure in the town vegetable market. The quality of his dishes is average, but his voice is very loud, like thunder, like a tiger roaring, so others nicknamed him Leihuo. People called him by his real name.

The quality of the vegetables he sells is uneven, with ups and downs, which is also a typical characteristic of vendors in rural vegetable markets.Because their dishes are all supplied by local farmers, there is no quality standard, some are good, and some are bad.

Hearing Lei Huo brag about the goodness of his eggplants, Lin Xiaojian couldn't help but use the identification technique just sent by the system on his eggplants to try the effect of the identification technique and see if he was telling the truth.

Leihuo sells bright purple long thin eggplants. This kind of eggplant is usually eaten in stir-fries, not the fat and dark purple ones in barbecue restaurants.Lin Xiaojian took a closer look, and the first impression was good. These eggplants looked very bright, full of flesh, full of water, and felt soft and elastic to the touch.

"Eggplant: Produced in the local Caijia Village, with a freshness of 90 (out of 100) and a pesticide residue value of 8 (low). It is recommended to soak it in water and then blanch it to completely remove it."

Eggplant is a kind of vegetable that is relatively easy to distinguish. The difference between good and bad ones is obvious to the naked eye.However, pesticide residues in this kind of melon and fruit agricultural products have always been a concern for the general public. Even experienced chefs can't tell whether the eggplant has been sprayed with pesticides.

Hearing the system's identification, Lin Xiaojian was overjoyed. He didn't expect the system to be so powerful that it even knew the pesticide residue value!The eggplant was indeed fresh, and he was shocked when he saw it, so he used this as an excuse to bargain with Leihuo: "Your eggplant is not bad, but it's just that you have used a lot of pesticides, right?"

"I passed by Caijia Village a while ago, and I saw that the farmers over there were just applying pesticides. It is exactly the same as yours, and the taste is the same. Is it the people there who sold it to you?"

Lin Xiaojian pretended to pick up the eggplant and picked it up. He even put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it. He could only smell the fresh fragrance of food, but no smell of pesticide at all.

[Damn it!How does this kid know that this eggplant was sold to me by someone from Caijia Village! ? 】

Lei Huhu's heart skipped a beat. The most taboo thing for people buying vegetables was pesticides on the vegetables.In fact, everyone knows this well. Vegetables grown in batches without pesticides will cause pests and diseases, and farmers will suffer huge losses.Unless you are growing it for fun, in a small area, and if you don't rely on it to support your family, then just leave it to fate and let the bugs eat it.

Many grocery buyers would use pesticide residues as an excuse to bargain. When Lin Xiaojian said the first sentence, Lei Huo only thought that this young man was tricking him, but when he heard him accurately name the place of Caijia Village, Lei Huo panicked a little.

"Nothing, mine was collected from Zhangjia Village."

Leihuo's eyes were wide open, and he said nonsense. Opening his eyes and telling nonsense is the basic skill of a businessman.

"Forget it, sell it to me for 6 yuan a catty. I'll take it home and soak it in water."

Lin Xiaojian finally saw that no matter what he was buying, the first step in bargaining was to criticize the product first and devalue it to nothing, so that asking the merchant to lower the price would appear grandiose.

"Brother Chao likes to eat fried eggplant, I like to eat cold eggplant, such a good eggplant is good to eat by yourself."

He thought to himself.

"You take it all here, it's 7 yuan a catty for you."

Thunder Tiger was upset.According to the usual experience, such fresh eggplants are not worried about selling, and he will never discount them.

He couldn't figure out how Lin Xiaojian knew that the eggplant came from Caijia Village. If he was a local, couldn't he just buy it in the village?Why bother to come here to buy, stimulate yourself?It can't be a random guess, right? There are hundreds of villages in Fengzhou County, how did he guess it all at once?

"Okay! Give me all these sticks!"

Seeing Lei Huo take a step back, Lin Xiaojian said briskly.According to the usual experience, such a fresh eggplant is not too much to sell for 9 yuan a catty, and it can be stored in the refrigerator for many days.

For a roadside stall like him to buy vegetables, it is not as some people think, how many vegetables are bought every day, and the procedures and menus are fixed.Instead, if you see that the dishes are fresh, cheap and good, you can buy more, and if you want to buy mediocre dishes, you can buy less or even not.

"Exactly 3 catties, 21 yuan."

Lei Huo skillfully weighed the eggplants and handed them to Lin Xiaojian.If it is a regular customer, 21 yuan, he will erase the fraction of the 1 yuan, making small profits but quick turnover.But the price of selling it to Lin Xiaojian was not cheap, and he was reluctant to wipe out the 1 yuan.

"Okay, Alipay will scan you."

Lin Xiaojian turned over the green payment code in front of Leihuo's booth, took out his mobile phone and scanned the blue QR code.


"Alipay arrives, 21 yuan."

Until Lin Xiaojian left, Lei Laohu was still wondering how the young man knew about the eggplants he imported from Caijia Village. He would have to ask the delivery person when receiving the goods tomorrow.

After buying eggplants, Lin Xiaojian wandered aimlessly in the vegetable market.The vegetables I bought yesterday are quite complete. There is nothing that must be bought today, but the meatballs are a few catties away. I need to buy some to prepare. Tomorrow is the weekend, and there may not be enough to sell at night.

It is generally difficult to tell the quality of frozen products with the naked eye. You get what you pay for in most cases. Last week, Lin Xiaojian bought egg dumplings and fish balls produced by a listed food company. The taste was incomparable to that of bulk products. It's just that the price can't be compared at all.

Even if the egg dumplings of this quality were broken, he was reluctant to throw them away, so he quickly ate them by himself before they tasted bad.

"Hey, young man, come to buy frozen products again!"

"What kind of shop do you run? Malatang? Or Oden?"

Seeing Lin Xiaojian's familiar figure appearing in front of the booth, the owner of the frozen goods shop smiled and greeted him warmly.

He has been observing this young man for several days, and the amount of purchases each time is enough for ordinary people to eat several hot pot meals. If he comes here every few days to buy, he must have opened a shop.

I just don't know why, the young man looks more energetic today than last time. Could it be that the business in the store is good and he has made a lot of money?
"Ding! You triggered a random mission: the test of the owner of the frozen store."

[The weather is getting warmer and the sales of frozen products are declining. The owner of the frozen product store wants to find a few long-term cooperative stores]

[Task Requirement: Obtain the long-term cooperation commitment from the owner of the frozen store]

[Task time limit: one hour (additional 24 hours of task time during the novice period)]

[Task Reward: Points 10 (1 additional lucky draw chance during the novice period)]

[Mission failure: the reputation of the owner of the frozen goods store is reduced by 1000 (the penalty for failure during the novice period is halved)]


Just as Lin Xiaojian lazily responded to the greeting from the owner of the frozen goods store, he was attracted by the task prompt that suddenly appeared in the system.

(End of this chapter)

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