Stall setting starts from Malatang

Chapter 19, Chapter 19, Amusement Park

Chapter 19, Chapter 19, Amusement Park
"This Beishan is so remote!"

"This road is really bad, it's all run over by big cars."

"The North Peak doesn't look very high either!"

In the parking lot of Beishan Town in the early morning, a group of young people dressed in fashionable clothes and showing off their youthful vitality jumped off the bus traveling to and from Beishan in the city. Facing this dilapidated bus station, they immediately sighed.

"Beishan couldn't do it before. In the past few years, we have vigorously developed the industrial zone and introduced high-end projects. The development is quite good. When we graduate, the style will be different. Maybe we will work here again."

A small man wearing glasses in the team said that he is an authentic Beishan native, and he has some understanding of the geographical environment, historical evolution, and policy trends of his hometown. Today he is considered a half-tour guide.

"I wouldn't go to work in a factory. Even as a temporary worker, it's better than working in a factory. At least there are five social insurances and one housing fund and weekends."

A skinny girl said casually that she is also a local, her parents have some relationship, and her future career plan is to take the civil servant exam.

"That is, if you go to university and end up going back to work in a factory, there is no need to go to high school at all. After graduating from junior high school, you will be an apprentice. Now you may be a master."

"My uncle runs a mold factory and asked me to learn from the workshop director and become the technical director in the future, but I won't go."

A tall boy with a rough voice said disdainfully.

In the eyes of migrant workers, factory jobs are incomparably precious, but in the eyes of these locals with considerable savings, they are afraid to avoid them.

Fengzhou County used to be famous for light industries such as molds and plastics. It was known as the hometown of molds and the kingdom of plastics in Huaguo. Nine out of ten people in Fengzhou were engaged in related industries.However, with the development of the economy, the previous generation has generally completed primitive accumulation, and they do not want their children to take this hard and tiring old road. After 2010, fewer and fewer locals learn these skills, and the backbone and elites in the industry are gradually being replaced by foreign workers. People are enriched.

"Beishan Park is the first batch of 4A-level scenic spots in Qianjiang Province. In the past, primary school students in Fengzhou City came to this park to play."

"There is Beishan Temple on the mountainside. It is said that the Wenquxing worshiped in it is particularly efficacious. Every time before the high school and college entrance examinations, there is an endless stream of incense. If you arrive late, you can't even squeeze through the temple door!"

"The North Peak is the highest peak in Fengzhou City. There are many stone tablets left by ancient literati on it, which is very historical and cultural..."

The little man with glasses gave an eloquent introduction. It can be seen that he is very attentive to this event and has made a solid strategy.

Some of the others listened attentively, some shared breakfast, and some took out their mobile phones to take photos and record the journey from the station.

"Liu Ting, didn't you say you have a friend coming? Where is he?"

After the little man with glasses finished his explanation, he took a sip of water. Seeing that everyone didn't pay much attention to his explanation, he shrugged his shoulders, smiled indifferently, and asked Liu Ting beside him.

"Oh, he said he was waiting for us at the foot of Beifeng Mountain. That's where he works."

Liu Ting looked at the chat history of the mobile phone, and said somewhat unnaturally.

He and Lin Xiaojian used to be good friends who talked about everything, but now one is a migrant worker and the other is a college student, and their future life trajectories will hardly overlap.Especially after hearing those two local classmates complain about the factory work just now, he felt a little embarrassed.

Lin Sisi was the goddess of the county No. [-] middle school back then, and Liu Ting had a little bit of admiration for her. After coming to Fengzhou College, because of her different majors, she hadn't had much contact with her.If they hadn't happened to join the same club, they probably wouldn't have had much contact with each other throughout the four years of college.

He vaguely knew that Lin Xiaojian's fight and dropping out of school had something to do with Lin Sisi, so he wanted to inform Lin Xiaojian to help them clear up their misunderstanding.In his heart, if it wasn't for that accident, with Lin Xiaojian's learning ability, he would never have become a migrant worker.

"Really? Which factory? I might know!"

The little man with glasses asked curiously, the locals more or less have relatives and friends who set up factories or act as managers.

"When he comes, I'll ask, are we taking the 216 bus now?"

Liu Ting changed the topic and said that he didn't really want to continue talking about Lin Xiaojian.

The young man is still not very prudent in handling things, and he hasn't thought too much about it. He contacted Lin Xiaojian the night before just on a whim, thinking that he hadn't seen his good friend for a long time, and it was a bit unreasonable not to see him on the ground.Now, after seeing his classmates making complaints about the factory, he felt that associating with such classmates might lower his grade. Someone had intentionally or unintentionally ridiculed his origin in a small eighteenth-tier city.

There are relatively few buses in the suburban towns, only two or three every hour, and everyone is chatting aimlessly.After passing Beishan and continuing to the north, there is Beiling Township. You can tell from the name that it is a more remote place, and there is only one bus every hour.

It is only a few kilometers from Beishan Town Bus Station to the foot of the North Peak, and it is only a few stops by bus.After getting out of the car, Liu Ting saw the tall and tall figure in the distance, wearing a fashionable T-shirt, with a calm look, which gradually overlapped with the image of his best friend in his memory.

"Xiaojian, you've grown taller!"

Liu Ting walked quickly to his best friend, and when he saw him, all the messy thoughts in his heart disappeared immediately, leaving only the excitement of meeting good friends.

The feelings of the student days are both complicated and pure.

"Haha, you've gained weight!"

Lin Xiaojian was happy, and patted Liu Ting's shoulders heavily. At this moment, he finally regained his youthful vivacity.Usually either with the elders or facing customers, he must show a mature and stable side, and seal the youthful nature in his heart.

In fact, Lin Sisi saw this figure that once made her toss and turn earlier than Liu Ting, but after experiencing those things, when they met again, she no longer had the ignorance of youth.When she found that Lin Xiaojian was looking at her, shame and remorse flashed across her face, she quickly turned her head, not daring to look directly, chatted with the female companion beside her, her breathing was a little short of breath.

Lin Xiaojian realized belatedly and chatted with Liu Ting for a long time before meeting this girl who had once made his heart flutter.Nowadays, she is even more dazzling. She is wearing a stylish Korean pink long-sleeved sweatshirt, exuding a delicate and elegant temperament. She is completely different from the small town girl two years ago.

In fact, Liu Ting and Lin Sisi's family conditions are at the level of petty bourgeoisie in the county town, which is far from the second-tier cities, but not too big. Only he is from a real mountain valley, and the only way to go is to work if he can't get into university.

"Is everyone here? Let's go then. Not far from here is Beishan Park."

The small, eye-catching man glanced at Lin Xiaojian, and saw that he was quite stylishly dressed. He was different from the migrant workers he imagined. It seemed that he was engaged in skilled work?
A group of more than ten people walked towards the park in a mighty manner. Going north from the North Gaofeng Station is the way to climb the mountain directly. Going east is Beishan Park. There is also a small path going up the mountain deep in the park.The plan of the little man with glasses is to visit the park first, where he can play with pirate ships, carousels, children’s roller coasters and other amusement equipment, and see small animals such as monkeys and goldfish. He will start climbing the mountain around 10 o’clock, and at noon he will climb to the Beishan Temple halfway up the mountain to eat vegetarian food. fast.

Although there are only two people in the large group who are familiar with him, and Liu Ting is the only one who is talking to him, Lin Xiaojian is still in high spirits and can feel the youthful flavor, maybe this is the feeling of being full of vigor.

Although it is fun to watch short videos and read online novels, it is difficult to gain the spiritual resonance of group activities.

Pirate ships, merry-go-rounds, and children's roller coasters are all amusement equipment for young children. Parks in county towns, no matter from the perspective of cost or safety, will not have projects that are too exciting or too large.But even so, this group of college students still had a lot of fun, smiling like eight or nine-year-old children, not adults of eighteen or nineteen.

Standing outside the fence and looking at the carousel, I feel that this project is really super childish, just sitting on a piece of iron that rotates in place, what's the point?But after a group of people sat on it happily, they seemed to have entered a space-time tunnel and came to a paradise for laughter. Obviously, the Trojan horse was just running up and down in place, but everyone made chasing movements, and some people took out their mobile phones to take videos , Record the joy of this moment.

Lin Xiaojian can't remember how long it has been since he laughed so wantonly. Living in the adult world, he has to wear mature armor all day long, while these peers can squander their youth and enjoy freedom wantonly.

Originally, he would have been one of them, if there hadn't been that accident——Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced at Lin Sisi behind him, only to find that the other party was also looking at him with complicated eyes.After meeting Lin Xiaojian's eyes for a second, Lin Sisi immediately turned her head away, revealing her beautiful snow-white neck.

Except for Liu Ting, everyone ignored Lin Xiaojian, but he still had a great time.It's been a long time since I dropped out of school and I haven't been involved in this kind of social activity.

When playing the children's version of the roller coaster, Lin Sisi took the initiative to go to Lin Xiaojian's side and motioned to sit side by side with him. This scene made the other boys look stupid.

Among the three girls traveling together, Lin Sisi was the most dazzling one. If she hadn't been there, it would have been difficult to gather a huge team of more than a dozen people.The boys present were more or less interested in her. Seeing that she took the initiative to invite a young man of unknown origin, everyone immediately whispered:
"Who is this guy?"

"Looks like Liu Ting's friend?"

"Is it from our school? I don't think I've seen it before."

"I heard he was a high school classmate."


Lin Xiaojian was also taken aback. When they were in school, they both kept the basic distance between boys and girls.Because he dropped out of school unexpectedly, his understanding of the relationship between girls is still at the level of high school students, and he feels that sitting side by side is a bit too big.

Under normal circumstances, if there is a man and a woman left in the end, shouldn't one person sit in two seats?
(End of this chapter)

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