The world is unstable

Chapter 7 Market

Chapter 7 Market
Wenzhou turned to Zhou Wen in surprise, and found that she was also looking at the market in surprise, "Why did a market suddenly appear?" This question arose in the hearts of both of them at the same time. "Since you're here, let's adapt accordingly." The two nodded to each other, and slowly continued to watch the area.

In fact, it was quite lively:

There is no sun in the lower realm, but there is fluorescence, and the sky is intertwined with fluorescence, just like the bustling alleys in ancient times. The bluestone streets are surrounded by souls that come and go, and they have a gentle color.

On both sides of the road, the shops and small stalls all seem to be made of illusion, but if you touch it, you can feel the essence.Further forward, there are more intertwined and scattered trails, which seem to be endless at a glance.

In front of Wenzhou, there was a father and son standing in front of a booth. The little boy seemed to be begging his father for something to play with. Sure enough, after a while, the little boy had a windmill in his hand.This scene was naturally seen by Zhou Wen, and his eyes gradually blurred because of the emotion caused by the scene.

Seeing this, Wenzhou also said gently: "Sister, let's take a stroll before we leave." Zhou Wen was pulled back by Wenzhou's voice, and hummed happily.

In other words, the bustle of the Lower Realm does not really exist. Relatives and friends in the world reminisce and yearn for the deceased, and the Lower Realm naturally creates this warm place.

Various festivals every year make this place more lively. This place did not originally exist, but was born out of the thoughts of people in the world.

"Sister, this place is so big." Wenzhou couldn't help but wonder at the vastness of this area, and at the same time looked at it curiously.

Zhou Wen smiled and shook her head slowly: "Xiaozhou, no matter how big it is, it's not as big as the world." Although she was still sad, she didn't hear the meaning of sadness in this sentence, but there was a glimmer of expectation.

"Don't worry, sister, we'll be there in a moment." Wenzhou and Zhou Wen agreed with a smile as they walked to a hairpin stall and were looking at the bracelets in their hands.

Just when he was about to take a closer look, a burst of orderly solemnity slowly stepped across the intersection in front of the two of Wenzhou, which surprised the two of Wenzhou, and immediately turned around to avoid the group of guards.

【Ding!When meeting officials, try not to draw their attention! 】

He secretly thought in his heart that it was very dangerous, and he had not yet reached the gate, so don’t waste Meng’s token.Zhou Wen also whispered in surprise, but stopped her voice instantly.

Wenzhou thought about it quickly, and then whispered: "Sister, let's go after we finish watching this stall, or things will change if we are late." Zhou Wen thought the same way, so she turned around and asked the stall owner how to trade.

"The girl looks like she just came here. She must have nothing on her. I'll give this to you. I'll see you later." The stall owner was an old woman, who squinted her eyes and waved her hand with a smile.

Zhou Wen wanted to say more, but the old woman stopped talking to her, and waved them to leave quickly: "You seem to have something important, let's go." Seeing this, Wenzhou and Zhou Wen thanked her slightly and left.

It's just that they didn't know that the leader of the guards just left murmured in doubt: "Just now, was it the breath of a living person?"


tao tao…

Lowering their bodies, the two walked forward without haste.
"Damn, how can I find the way?" The two turned around, but the place was so big that people squinted their eyes.

Many people were asked in the process, but no one seemed to know where the door was closed, which made the two of them more and more depressed.

Seeing that they couldn't find a solution for the time being, the two simply found an obvious shop and sat in, found a seat by the window, and looked outside while thinking of a solution.

Wenzhou frowned and tapped the table with his fingers, da, da, da.Zhou Wen also lost the interest she had just now, and sat on the side in a depressed mood, wanting to continue asking Wenzhou. It can be seen that Wenzhou is also like this, and there is nothing she can do.

"The door is closed, the door is closed, where are you?" Wenzhou murmured, looking at the fireflies floating in the sky outside the window, thinking of the guards just now, a flash of thought came to Wenzhou's eyes, and Wenzhou suddenly raised his body Excitedly said: "Yes!"

Zhou Wen was taken aback by Wenzhou's actions, but seeing Wenzhou's excited expression, she was also infected and excited, and asked, "Xiaozhou, do you have a solution!?"

"Sister, you wait here, I'll come as soon as I go." Wenzhou made a fool of himself, and rushed out without waiting for Zhou Wen's response.

The street was still busy, Wenzhou went out and saw a table, not a few steps away from where Zhou Wen was staying.Moreover, this table is located next to a landmark building, which is quite conspicuous.

As long as someone gets on, uh, no, a soul gets on that stage, it can be seen from a long distance away.

Wenzhou walked up in a few moments, looked back at Zhou Wen, and found that Zhou Wen was also looking at him curiously, wondering what Wenzhou would do.

He smiled, coughed lightly, put his hands on his hips, and took a deep breath, only to see a loud voice coming from Wenzhou's body:



There was silence, and the surrounding souls were frightened by the sound.

Immediately afterwards, another voice from the audience broke the stalemate: "What are you shouting for! Whoever was not a human before, hurry up and scare someone." A dark and strong man under the stage also shouted even more loudly over Wenzhou.What are you shouting for if you have nothing to do? It scares you!
Wenzhou immediately apologized in embarrassment: "Brother, I'm wrong, I'm a newcomer, I'm not comfortable at the moment, forgive me, forgive me." There is no way, with his body, he can blow Wenzhou with such a roar. Get up and have to bow your head.

It was also easy to talk, the strong man muttered a few words and left, and the rest of the people also took a look at Wenzhou as if they were aliens, and then dispersed.Wenzhou was left alone on the stage to cool off.

Zhou Wen was also confused by Wenzhou's behavior, rubbing her forehead and shaking her neck helplessly.Wenzhou smiled awkwardly to relieve the embarrassment, thinking it was unreasonable, shouldn't those guards come and arrest me and send me out of this lower realm?

It turned out that Wenzhou wanted to attract the attention of the guards. A living person's soul must not be allowed to exist in the lower realm, and of course it must be sent out.Don't you know the way?Unfortunately, no guards came over, embarrassing.

Wenzhou was just about to change another way to attract the attention of the guards, and was caught by Wenzhou with a tidy rustle.

A team in the distance was slowly walking towards this side, and the eyes of a guard at the head slowly fell on Wenzhou.

Seeing this, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Wenzhou's mouth: "I just said, I will definitely come."

(End of this chapter)

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