The world is unstable

Chapter 5 The Shadow

Chapter 5 The Shadow
Meng listened, pondered for a moment and then replied: "You know, this kind of thing is not allowed, the door must be opened when the soul returns to the world.

But this time is not the Ghost Festival at all, opening the door hastily will give some little spirits a chance to take advantage of it, and go back to the world to cause trouble. " After the words stopped here, Meng looked at Wenzhou.

"I believe you have something to do. If you have any requirements, just say so." How could Wenzhou not know that there were conditions, and immediately responded to Meng proactively.

"Smart, yes, I do. Although I don't lack anything, I still have to ask for something. I don't just borrow things from others.
After a while, the person you are looking for will come here. You will go through the Huangshui Road when you take her back to the gate. There are flowers on the other side. I want you to bring back two plants for me. Kindly remind me, hurry up. "

["Ding", get information about the way to lead the woman back to the world, the woman's soul is about to come, please observe carefully and find her in time]

"Okay sister, then I'll wait here." Wenzhou replied with a smile, Meng turned his head and went to the bridge, sat there quietly, watching the black river flow slowly.
After a while, a group of black shadows came from the distance of the grassland, and when they walked in to have a look, they found a mighty number of souls slowly floating over.

It's a little different from Wenzhou, their bodies are a little more transparent.Meng moved a set of tables and chairs out of nowhere, and sat on the side of the table with a bowl of soup on it.There is an empty seat opposite Meng, waiting for every soul to sit down.

Wenzhou watched from the side, waiting for the shining soul. During this period, Meng received many people, including a lover who died in depression, and a father who died trying to save the child. smell.However, there was one person who attracted Wenzhou's special attention.

"Why did you die?" Another middle-aged man sat down in front of Meng, but Wenzhou frowned when he saw his face.

"Evil appearance", Wenzhou commented in his heart.

Looking at this person, the heavens are flat and thin, the corners of the eyes are ferocious, and the nose is like a hook. As the saying goes, "The nose is like the beak of an eagle, pecking at the heart." The middle-aged man's answer afterward really confirmed this point.

"Why do you ask so many questions? Are you Meng? Hurry up and give me that Meng soup. I'm not happy in this life. Didn't I just kill a few people? The damn thing sentenced me to death. I'll see who dares to arrest me in the next life." Me!" the man with the hooked nose said in a rough tone.

Meng's expression didn't change at all, and she even smiled a little, but if you look closely at her pair of different pupils, you can feel the biting cold, the kind of murderous cold.

"I'm Meng, but let me take care of your life first. The interval between your life and death was 34 years. You were sneaky when you were a child. When you grew up, your behavior became even more reckless. You colluded with others to defile a married woman. Later, you were afraid that things would be exposed. Killing both, and finally sentenced to your so-called death penalty, am I right?"

Meng's voice lingered into the man's ears, and of course Wenzhou heard it too. The upright young man who was slowly clenching his fists was waiting for Meng's actions. After all, this was Meng's job, otherwise Wenzhou might not be able to bear it. Give that man a slap.

"What's the matter, don't even mention it, that little lady is really juicy, tsk tsk tsk..." The middle-aged man thought about it wretchedly.

But at this moment, Wenzhou moved, and he who was standing by the table rushed forward, lifted the man's collar with both hands, loosened his fist with his right hand, and hit the wretched man on the left cheek with a heavy uppercut , "You don't deserve to live."

The man fell to the grass and ate a mouthful of dirt.

"Damn, where's the bastard?" The man was enraged by the sudden blow. Even if it was the soul, the ferocious look only increased. He picked up his body and was about to turn back and smash Wenzhou. Wenzhou's thin body He wasn't frightened by the ugly man whose left face was crooked.

Wenzhou knew this was a dream, but in real life, if there was such a person, Wenzhou wouldn't mind beating him up.

Just as he was about to rush forward to wrestle with the man, the man yelled in horror: "Who is it! Why can't I move! Let me go!",
Wen Zhou looked at Meng clearly, Meng waved his hand to clear the bowl of soup on the table, left the chair and walked towards the man and said, "No matter the wicked or the good, death is inevitable, what you do in this life will establish karma for the next life.

If you do evil, you will be punished by frying and roasting. If you do good, you will be blessed with no disease or disaster in the next life.

And you, who have done evil in this life and don't know how to repent, you will be sent out in the rivers and rivers except for the two types, and you will suffer eternal life and eternal torture! "

Perhaps because of the woman's empathy, Meng was extremely angry at this kind of person who defiled a woman, and his voice became more and more indifferent and colder, so that the grass and leaves under his feet were gradually covered with frost and spread.

The man who was terrified to the extreme shouted incoherently: "No! You are only responsible for delivering soup to us, you are not qualified to dispose of me, you are not qualified!",
Meng paused, then smiled and said: "Who said I'm going to deal with you?" The man immediately breathed a sigh of relief like a villain, and shouted: "It's good to know, then let me go."

Meng continued to smile, then turned his head and said, "That depends on whether they agree or not."

Although the man felt light in his body, as soon as he finished speaking, the black color of the river surged violently, and bursts of wailing came out of it.

If you look closely, you can see that countless black souls are entangled together, fighting and tearing apart, like living evil spirits shouting: "No! You have to come down, you have to come down too!", only this clear sentence can be heard in the noisy voice. , but that's enough.

Gathering, growing, and the shape of the unknown object with a color of fear is constantly changing. It doesn't have a definite shape, but it must be the ugly state of those souls during their lifetime.

The huge black group began to break away from the Chuanhe River, and slowly climbed up the bank, and the green grass was also crushed by it.This scene made Wenzhou step back unconsciously, "What is this?!"

That group of black shadows turned into a whole black ugliness, with a clear target, and stretched out to the hooked nose. The man sat down when he saw it, and forgot to run away.

When the black shadow touched his calf, he came back to his senses and hissed incoherently begging for mercy, but it was too late.

The speed of the black shadow was stimulated by those words, and the villain was easily pulled into the black water of the river by the black shadow, swallowed and assimilated, and his white body was gradually blackened.

It's just that the helplessness and fear in the eyes of the man who fell into the middle still affected Wenzhou's state of mind.Chuanhe slowly returned to tranquility, but we all know that there is another person in it who is not worthy of being redeemed.
(End of this chapter)

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